I can't believe it's Monday. Monday's are always slow. I think the highlight of my day was square dancing in P.E. Dancing is always fun for me. Once I get the moves, everything just works. And I have fun. Learning the moves is fun too. But not as. Feeling sad at the moment. Guess today just wasn't that great. And homework doesn't help either. And I got lotsa science.
My random thought/statement of the day: Out of this dimension.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Blog Term2 Day3 Superblog12
My random thought/statement of the day: I love kayaking. In my opinion, it's a lot better that canoeing.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Blog Term2 Day2
Eh. I was planning on superblogging today, but I'm just gonna do that tomorrow. Right now it's movie night and we're watching G-Force. I have loads of science homework to do. But I guess I'll just have to do that all tomorrow. I completed a lot of socials homework last night, so that was pretty awesome. Anyways, movie!!!!!!!!
My random thought/statement of the day: 'Night!
My random thought/statement of the day: 'Night!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Blog Term2 Day1?
Do you know what I've noticed? Because I type blogs every day, I've been getting very good at typing in general. Before, I was pretty slow, and I looked down at the keys a lot, but now I'm a lot better. Well, I can type a lot faster. I still make a lot of mistakes though. I find myself clicking the backspace button a lot. (At least once per sentence.) So I'm trying to lower that. But it's hard. If I really try to, I can type really fast, but those mistakes always slow me down. Oh well. Usually, I do my superblogs on either Friday or Saturday, but I think I'm gonna do my superblog tomorrow. Because right now, I've got to do science. And my appskills term 1 evaluation.
My random thought/statement of the day: Science!!!!!!!
My random thought/statement of the day: Science!!!!!!!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Blog Term1 Day79
Darn... last night, I slept at 12 for no reason. I was planning on sleeping at 10, but then I didn't understand science, so I went online to ask people for help. And at the same time, my English project group started emailing me about the presentation that was supposed to take place today. And it took us about half an hour organizing who did what and when. Then, I tried to do some more science. When I really couldn't understand it, I stopped working on it and decided to do it the next day. By then, it was already 11. After I washed up, my brother needed some help with homework, so I helped him on that too. And by the time I was done packing my backpack and stuff for the next day, it was already 12. That's pretty sad since I was planning on sleeping really early while the homework level is considerably low at the moment. Unfortunately, now, the homework level is a lot higher due to around 9 new worksheets from science. I think we were only supposed to get around 5, but because everyone was talking and some people actually got up in the middle of class to talk, our teacher gave us punishment worksheets that are due next class. I wasn't really one of the talkers. I mean, I did talk (saying I didn't would be a lie), but I was also aware of the fact the teacher was pretty unhappy with the class, so I didn't talk after I noticed something was wrong. But still, I'm glad the teacher gave us those worksheets. That might help the class be a little bit more conservative when it came to the talking...
My random thought/statement of the day: My goal is to sleep at 10 tonight.
My random thought/statement of the day: My goal is to sleep at 10 tonight.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Blog Term1 Day78
Last night, I slept at 11pm!!!!!! I'm so proud of myself. Usually, I sleep at around 12-1am, so I'm really really happy I got to slept at 11. Tonight, I also want to sleep at latest 11pm, because a good night's sleep really makes all the difference. Tonight, I have math and science homework, but I know for a fact science is gonna take a while to complete, so I'm probably only going to be able to do science, which is due tomorrow. Math is due Fri. Plus, I haven't practiced piano in a while, so I have to practice more while homework isn't coming down in bucketloads. The good thing is, usually right after term ends, teachers are a little nicer about homework. And that's very good for us because that means we get to rest a bit before the climb begins again.
My random thought/statement of the day: I love Christmas!
My random thought/statement of the day: I love Christmas!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Blog Term1 Day77
Urg. Blogger's finally working. I tried to access it about an hour ago, but the internet was down, so I had to come back to it. Oh well, I needed to shower anyways. Today, my topic is about sleeping. I don't think I've ever felt as tired and worn out as right now. Sure, I've slept later than last night, when I slept at 1am, but I feel drained right now. No, I feel worse than drained. I feel like part of me has shut down. So tonight, I'm gonna try to sleep at 10pm. Well, I was supposed to, but because I stayed a bit later than planned at my friend's house to work on the English project, I think I'm gonna have to slept at 10:30pm. Anyhow, my goal is to sleep earlier. Unfortunately, I also have a major French skit tomorrow, and I'm supposed to memorize all my lines. I'm really really tired, but I also have this skit. What should I do?
My random thought/statement of the day: Zzzzzzzzzzz. I wish.
My random thought/statement of the day: Zzzzzzzzzzz. I wish.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Blog Term1 Day76
Whenever I'm in my room, my hands always gradually freeze and I lost my gloves- the ones that cut off at the fingers, so your fingers are free... I've gotta find that. But I love my room. It's awesomely awesome. At the moment, my desk is pretty messy, but I've cleared some space for my mom's laptop and I'm using that. Actually, I was just doing math a few seconds ago. Then, after about half an hour, I gave up. I know I should probably finish that in a few moments, but I'm stuck on a question, and I find that if I come back to it later, it helps. Hmmm, I also had some kettle korn just a few seconds ago. Just the other day, when I was shopping around at Zellers with my brother and mom, I found Hevvy's Kettle Korn!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been looking for Hevvy's for the longest time, and when I actually found it, I begged my mom to get a bag. And today, we opened it and I just had a few handfulls. And boy, is it yummy! Actually, the kettle korn at the PNE is also really really awesome. When I went during the summer, we bought a big bag and we finished it all in about 2 hours. Thats how good it was. Ahhhh hands still really cold. And the whole putting-your-hands-under-your-armpits-theory always makes my armpits really really cold. So thats not good. Listening to Taylor Swift's first album at the moment.
My random thought/statement of the day: Science homework!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My random thought/statement of the day: Science homework!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Blog Term1 Day75
Right now is technically my only break for the day, so I'm gonna take some time to blog. Then I'm gonna nap. Yep, nap. Last night, I slept late finishing my appskills ppt and then I woke up semi-early to go to church. So right now, I'm pretty drained. Not fully, but tonight I know I'm gonna be a zombie, so I'm gonna nap right now. Then at 3, I have to go to Vanessa's to work on an English project. And then, by the time I come back, it's probably gonna be dinner time. After dinner, I have to play piano, shower and so on. So when I finally get time to actually work on homework, it's probably gonna be at least 9pm. Then, I'm gonna practice for my appskills presentation, study for the socials quiz, finish a French dialogue, and if I still have some time after that, I'm gonna do science. But the chances of that are pretty slim.
My random thought/statement of the day: I love naps.
My random thought/statement of the day: I love naps.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Blog Term1 Day74
Movie night. I've gotta finish off my appskills presentation afterwards, because tomorrow is also gonna be a busy day for me. Tomorrow, I don't think I'll even have any time to relax because from morning to night, I'm gonna be busy! I'm probably gonna blog about my day tomorrow. So no need to blog about it right now. Today was pretty awesome too. I went to Central Library today!!!!!!!!!!!! I love libraries, and I rarely go to Central, so that was a treat. It's always so exciting and fun and big and glassy! Plus, there are soooooooooo many books in there. Compared to Oakridge (the library I usually go to) it's super duper duper large. I love Central Library.
My random thought/statement of the day: I love libraries!
My random thought/statement of the day: I love libraries!
Blog Term1 Day73 Superblog11
My random thought/statement of the day: I love camp!!!!!!!!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Blog Term1 Day72
My hands feel frozen. Well, not exactly frozen, but they're really uncomfortably cold. And I can't type as fast as usual, so this blog is gonna take longer to type out. Actually, I think the reason for my cold hands is the fact I'm in my room. And apparently, the heat doesn't reach my room. So at night, I have to use extra covers. Hahahaha I just got a pair of gloves, and now I'm typing with them on. Which is actually quite hard because they make my fingers extra large, and I have to be careful about which keys I type. But now, I think I'm getting the hang of it. Yay. But actually, gloves don't really make my hands warm if my hands are already cold.... The only way for gloves to work is if your hands are already warm and the gloves just keep your hands continuously warm. Or, they protect your hand from the cold. Darn, I just learned that you can't operate the keypad-mouse with glovey-fingers. So I had to take my gloves off to actually click something. Oh well. English speeches tomorrow. And I'm not nervous yet. But don't worry, I will be.
My random thought/statement of the day: :)
My random thought/statement of the day: :)
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Blog Term1 Day71
Today was actually a pretty awesome day and surprising night too. Tonight was the field hockey dinner. Actually, I knew the dinner was tonight a while ago, but I didn't get further info about it, so I didn't think it was still gonna happen. But during school, I ran into some field hockey teammates, and they confirmed that it was going to take place. At first I didn't really want to go because I have a lot of homework, but in the end, I decided to go. We went to the Red Robin on Broadway and Oak, and it was soooo much fun. I was actually kinda scared that nobody would show up because it was so last minute, but when we got there, most of the team was already there. So that was awesome. It was a pretty fun night. First, we talked a bit, then we ordered. I got the mushroom burger and iced tea. I was gonna choose the salmon and chips, but 2 of my friends already ordered it, so I chose the burger. Plus, I think Red Robin is famous for burgers, so I got a burger. :) And I always get iced tea. Thats kinda like a tradition for me. Whenever I go out for lunch or dinner, I always get iced tea. Unless it's for breakfast, then I either get milk or a milkshake. Anyways, the night was pretty awesome. I'm soooooo glad I went!!!!!!
My random thought/statement of the day: I love tabby cats, hippos and meerkats. (Of course, I love a whole bunch of other animals too, but those are my favs.)
My random thought/statement of the day: I love tabby cats, hippos and meerkats. (Of course, I love a whole bunch of other animals too, but those are my favs.)
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Blog Term1 Day70
I am so glad that I have already finished all my science. Unfortunately, I still have to write and practice my oratorical speech. My topic is, Why field hockey should be more publicized. I love field hockey, and I've realized that I've never actually seen or heard about field hockey on T.V. In fact, if it wasn't for a friend I knew who played field hockey, and the fact the school has a field hockey team, I probably wouldn't have known it existed. I mean, how many people can look at a field hockey stick and actually know what it is? People might look at a basketball and know at once- that's a basketball, but I'm pretty sure not that many people would recognize a field hockey stick when they saw one.
My random thought/statement of the day: At this moment, I'm really really tired. I didn't get enough sleep last night, resulting in a very sleepy me.
My random thought/statement of the day: At this moment, I'm really really tired. I didn't get enough sleep last night, resulting in a very sleepy me.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Blog Term1 Day69
For today's blog, I'm gonna talk about what I did for today's pro-d day, because today was just that awesome. I slept extremely late last night, because I was cleaning out my room, and I had a whole bunch of hoodies and shirts to put away. But whenever I clean my room, I always listen and sing along to CDs I have. So that makes the time go faster and it also makes cleaning my room actually semi-fun. So cleaning my room isn't that bad. Now about today. When I woke up at 9:20am this morning, I still felt kinda tired, but once I had a very yummy breakfast of a cheezy English muffin and a large glass of milk, I felt a lot better. To me, breakfast gets rid of almost all my morning-sleepiness. Then, I washed up and did the science notes I was dreading to finish. After that, my mom and I went out to Metrotown and each had an extremely large bowl of ramen for lunch. And it was very very very yummy. :) After that, we went to HMV, American Eagle, and T&T Supermarket. Then, I went over to a friend's house to work on the English novel project. And after working on that, I came back home and finished some more homework and then it was dinner. Yep, that's pretty much how my day went. Pretty awesome in my opinion, because I had fun and also did a lot of homework.
My random thought/statement of the day: I wish all weekends were 3 days long instead of 2, but I know that would cause a lot of inconvenience. But still, it's still a cool idea.
My random thought/statement of the day: I wish all weekends were 3 days long instead of 2, but I know that would cause a lot of inconvenience. But still, it's still a cool idea.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Blog Term1 Day68
Listening to One Fine Wire by Colbie Caillat. I love that song so much! Actually, I love Colbie Caillat, she's just so talented, and her songs are amazing. Especially from her first CD, but I also have her second, and it's good, but not as great as her first. But then again, that's how it usually is. Same with movies and books. The first ones are always the best. Last night was movie night, and we watched G.I Joe, Rise of the Cobra. I was actually extremely skeptical about that movie, but the more I watched it, the more I loved it. It's not what I call original but at least it wasn't exactly the same as every other action movie. The story reminded me a lot of Iron Man (the one with Robert Downey Jr.). And I loved the order the sequence of the movie. I really liked how they would go back in time to give the audience a clear understanding of what was happening in the future. Not only that, but there were so many funny parts that I just kept repeating because it was just so darn funny. And the funny parts weren't cheezy either. And sometimes, that's hard to do. There was also romance, and those parts made me smile. So although the movie wasn't perfect, it was totally my kind of music. Action with hilarious and romantic parts. The perfect combo, in my opinion.
My random thought/statement of the day: I love pumpkin soup.
My random thought/statement of the day: I love pumpkin soup.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Blog Term1 Day67
I think it's become a tradition for me to blog on Saturday mornings. Usually, I blog on Saturday nights, during movie night, but now that my mornings are freed up, I can do whatever I want within the 3 hours I have. Actually, I can't do whatever I want because I usually have to last minute-rudiments. I know I should do that on Friday night, but I like to sleep early on Friday nights. Plus, last night, I finished all my French homework and started on some science. I wanted to do more science, but the homework is taking notes from the textbook which is very very dull and un-interactive. So after a while, I can't take any more notes and I just stop. Oh yeah, I gotta clean my room today. Urg, I've been avoiding that chore. It's not that messy, but it's messy enough. I mean, there's nothing on the floor... yet, but there is a lot of clothes I have to put away on my bed, and my desk has a whole bunch of stuff on it. Well, that should only take me an hour, and whenever I clean my room, I always listen to CDs. And right now, I'm totally into Taylor Swift, and for a birthday present, my mom got me both of her CDs! So that is totally awesome!
My random thought/statement of the day: MOVIE NIGHT! And I really wanna watch Dark
Au revior!
My random thought/statement of the day: MOVIE NIGHT! And I really wanna watch Dark
Au revior!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Blog Term1 Day66 Superblog10
Ta-da!!! I wanted to post these pics up earlier, but it always takes fooorever to load the pics. So here they are. As you might remember from my previous blog on Wednesday, my family, best friend and I went to the Old Spaghetti Factory. It's kind of like a tradition for us. For the last 2 years, my best friend and I have always gone to the Old Spaghetti Factory for a birthday meal. The first pic is one of their very very very very yummy zucchini sticks. And trust me, those sticks might just be the best zucchini sticks in the world! And the second pic is one of my favourite pastas there. It's the pot-pourri, and even though it's not that well known, it's been my favourite ever since I've gone there. It's just the best!
Now about today- for socials, we had the huge English Civil War essay-test. And to tell you the truth, I know I could have done a lot better. The main problem was not that I didn't know my stuff- I think the problem for me was that there was a lot of pressure and in the last 20 minutes, I was hurrying to finish it up. But on the other hand, at least next time, I'll know what to expect. And to hurry up from the start.
My random thought/statement of the day: Again, I'm pulling a blank for this...
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Blog Term1 Day65
You know what an extremely yummy snack is? Melted cheese. It doesn't even have to be on bread or anything. Just get a plate, put a bit of cheese on it and then heat it in the microwave. That way, it's very yummy and it's also quite healthy. Although cheese does have a lot of oils and I believe the cholesterol is very high (I'm not 100% sure about that), it's still very good to get the recommended amount of dairy products to keep bones strong and teeth healthy. I just did a written P.E test about the 4 food groups and fitness, so I have the food groups, bones and healthy stuff on the mind. For snack today, I had a crumpet! And I love crumpets, they're just so darn good. Especially if you heat them in the toaster and then add a little bit of butter and maple syrup. Yum! That's how I like them anyways.
Today was the 2nd rotation at school. And personally I think the new block system is messed up. Last year, we used Block A-H, but this year, we're using a different system. Now, it's 1-1 to 1-4 and then 2-1 to 2-4. The first number being the day and the second, the block in the day. But now that the rotations have taken place, the second number just... doesn't make sense. So I think for the next while, I'm gonna be confused. But oh well, I'll catch on soon enough. Tomorrow is gonna be a crazy day. For applied skills, we're gonna start the ppts. For socials, we have a MAJOR essay-test on the English Civil War and I'm totally freaking out over it because I'm not too sure what to expect. And then for French, apparently tomorrow, there's gonna be this major exam that's gonna knock the socks off everyone. So you can tell, tomorrow, is just gonna be an amazing day. Yay.
My random thought/statement of the day: I've got nothing to say.
Today was the 2nd rotation at school. And personally I think the new block system is messed up. Last year, we used Block A-H, but this year, we're using a different system. Now, it's 1-1 to 1-4 and then 2-1 to 2-4. The first number being the day and the second, the block in the day. But now that the rotations have taken place, the second number just... doesn't make sense. So I think for the next while, I'm gonna be confused. But oh well, I'll catch on soon enough. Tomorrow is gonna be a crazy day. For applied skills, we're gonna start the ppts. For socials, we have a MAJOR essay-test on the English Civil War and I'm totally freaking out over it because I'm not too sure what to expect. And then for French, apparently tomorrow, there's gonna be this major exam that's gonna knock the socks off everyone. So you can tell, tomorrow, is just gonna be an amazing day. Yay.
My random thought/statement of the day: I've got nothing to say.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Blog Term1 Day64
Today was such a busy day. I slept pretty late last night finishing homework, so I slept in this morning. I slept until 9:30. Then, I woke up, washed up and then had some breakfast. After breakfast, my family and I watched the Remembrance Day ceremony on channel 3, I believe. Then, there was the minute of silence. After watching a bit more of the ceremony, I finished some science homework. By that time, it was getting close to lunch time. For lunch, we went to Richmond's Old Spaghetti Factory with my best friend as a birthday ceremony. (And just because I love food) My dad ordered the seafood linguine, my mom, brother and friend ordered the pot-pourri and I ordered the penne with chicken. I usually order the pot-pourri, but I wanted to try something new and different. And my mom said the chicken penne was really good too. And it was very good. So after we finished eating and dropped my best friend off at her home, my parents drove me over to another friend's house to work on a group project. (I try not to include any names of the people I am blogging about for privacy.) So then, for the next 4 hours, my 2 friends and partners and I worked on a mystery novel for English. Then, I got back, showered and now, I'm blogging. Dinner's ready soon.
My random thought/statement of the day: I'm feeling quite tired at the moment.
My random thought/statement of the day: I'm feeling quite tired at the moment.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Blog Term1 Day63
Today went by pretty quickly. Usually, my classes crawl by, but today, they went by at a jogging speed. Not bad. Not bad at all. In math, apparently, a lot of people failed a certain test (and I'm pretty sure I was part of the "failed" group because I had troubles understanding the questions), so the teacher went over the concepts and examples, and then gave us that test again. I'm really grateful for my math teacher's understanding and teaching skills. And that truly shows how much my math teacher really cares about teaching us. I'm pretty sure he could have just let all those bad marks pass him by, but he taught us the lesson again (not too in depth, because we didn't have all the time in the world), but that really made my day because I was worrying about the test earlier. Then in French, time seemed to go by faster than usual, and that was weird, because usually French seems pretty slow, and I usually ask my friend what the time at an average of 2 times per class. But this time, I didn't even ask once! Now that is weird... Even for me. Then, it was lunch where I relaxed and ate with friends. In applied skills, for the first 20 minutes, there was the school's Remembrance Day assembly. Then, during applied skills, we had the "lottery" for presentation orders. And finally, the last class of the day was lovely. I had socials, and time seemed to waltz by. We have a major essay test on Friday (the first one in my lifetime for socials!!!) so we were going over homework and other study tools etc.
My random thought/statement of the day: I love singing! And acting. And field hockey. And food! :)
My random thought/statement of the day: I love singing! And acting. And field hockey. And food! :)
Monday, November 9, 2009
Blog Term1 Day62
I really dislike Mondays. I don't hate them or anything, but I just wish the weekend was a little longer. For the longest time, I disliked Fridays the most because Chinese school was the next day and I always had to cram for dictations and tests. But now that I graduated, my Fridays are much happier and easy going. And I usually choose that night to sleep very very early. During the weekdays, I sleep as early as I can, but that depends a lot on my homework load. But on Fridays, I try to sleep at 9:30, on Saturdays, I usually sleep pretty late because that's movie night and then on Sundays, I also usually sleep late because thats kinda like my last minute homework finishing session. But I'm trying to fix that and sleep early on Sunday nights too. So tonight, I'm really gonna work hard on sleeping at latest 11:30. Sleep really really helps me get on with the day, and it's amazing how much of a difference it is.
My random thought/statement of the day: Yum, for some reason, right now, I really wanna have a big bowl of strawberry Jell-o. With whipped cream.
My random thought/statement of the day: Yum, for some reason, right now, I really wanna have a big bowl of strawberry Jell-o. With whipped cream.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Blog Term1 Day61
Urg, I just came back from dim sum. And I'm not even a dim sum fan. Seriously, if I had the choice, I wouldn't have gone because to me, dim sum isn't even yummy. But because it's with family, it's okay. I'm not too sure why I don't like dim sum. I know that when I was a lot younger, I used to love dim sum, but now, it's just not my thing. But every time I go, I always come back full anyways because my parents are always nice about me going to dim sum and they always find something yummy for me to eat. Thats what I love about dim sum with family. Otherwise, it would be a pain. Of course, unless I go with my cousins, then it's a little better because I would have someone to talk to. My brother and I used to talk when we went out to dim sum, but now, he always plays his DS. So I'm left to do something else. But then again, sometimes, we play Mario Kart together, and that makes it really fun.
My random thought/statement of the day: I love eating persimmons! They are one of my favourite foods!
My random thought/statement of the day: I love eating persimmons! They are one of my favourite foods!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Blog Term1 Day60
I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! GUESS WHAT I DID? LAST NIGHT, I SLEPT AT 10PM! Okay, I know that that line I just typed out was kinda weird, but it was totally true! Last night, I was so tired and since it was a Friday night, I just dropped whatever I was doing and went to bed. I was supposed to practice piano and finish my rudiments, but instead, I just went to bed. I would have done it once I got back home, but I forgot I had a dentist appointment, and after coming back from the dentist's, it was already dinner time! After dinner, I blogged, researched on antimatter, showered, brushed my teeth and then slept. I was supposed to have been in bed by 9:30pm, but then a friend called me and asked for some homework help. So now, here I am in the morning, blogging. It's really amazing what a good night of sleep can offer. But now, that means in the next 2 hours, I have to practice piano and finish my rudiments. And trust me, those chores aren't really the funnest things to do in the morning. But oh well, I still got my 11 hours of sleep! (Something I haven't gotten in a very long time.)
My random thought/statement of the day: Tonight's movie night! YES! Time to bring out the non-buttery popcorn :'( and make a visit to either Blockbusters or Rogers vid.
My random thought/statement of the day: Tonight's movie night! YES! Time to bring out the non-buttery popcorn :'( and make a visit to either Blockbusters or Rogers vid.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Blog Term1 Day59 Superblog9
Slipping Away
i can feel it.
and i want to cry.
When i get up, tired and
go to sleep tired
thats never a
good thing
i'm not sick, just tired
haven't gotten enough sleep and i'm
slipping away
not dying or anything like that, heck no!
i feel like i can, should and would do so much better than i am right now
i used to be amazing in math
now i feel like i need a tutor
english used to be a breeze
now i feel like if i don't step up my game, i won't even get a B
but math! oh math! i just failed a test today
confused, upset... i studied but did i work hard? no...
i did my homework too late at night
it wouldn't sink in. i realize- i deserve it
but when i think back at it, it hurts so much
i'm gonna work harder. much harder.
the whip cracks above my head, my foggy brain put into motion
but i'm already slipping away.
too comfortable, too full and not enough sleep
makes for a person to slip away
away. away. good-bye.
my random thought or statement of the day: i need a good night's sleep. badly.
i can feel it.
and i want to cry.
When i get up, tired and
go to sleep tired
thats never a
good thing
i'm not sick, just tired
haven't gotten enough sleep and i'm
slipping away
not dying or anything like that, heck no!
i feel like i can, should and would do so much better than i am right now
i used to be amazing in math
now i feel like i need a tutor
english used to be a breeze
now i feel like if i don't step up my game, i won't even get a B
but math! oh math! i just failed a test today
confused, upset... i studied but did i work hard? no...
i did my homework too late at night
it wouldn't sink in. i realize- i deserve it
but when i think back at it, it hurts so much
i'm gonna work harder. much harder.
the whip cracks above my head, my foggy brain put into motion
but i'm already slipping away.
too comfortable, too full and not enough sleep
makes for a person to slip away
away. away. good-bye.
my random thought or statement of the day: i need a good night's sleep. badly.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Blog Term1 Day58
Aww, darn, I didn't make the school play. I'm both sad and happy. I'm sad because of course, I wanted to be in the school play, and it would have been an awesome experience. I also love acting, so being in the school play would have given me time to practice and rehearse, and know what it's like to be in a play. I take drama, but I'm sure the feeling would be very different. I'm happy because several of my friends or people I know got into the production, and I'm very happy for them. And also because I'm still learning how to manage my time better and I wouldn't want to sleep too late due to rehearsals and stuff like that. If I had gotten in, I would be very happy and proud of myself, but I would also be worrying about my time management too, so in a way, it's a 50/50 thing. So maybe, I can take part of the Spring production. I hope that within that time frame, I will learn how to manage my time better, and sharpen my acting skills. I know I shouldn't take this personally, but not getting into the school play has made me not as confident about my acting skills. I know it shouldn't, but it's really hard to ignore. But I'm pretty sure I'll gain that confidence back soon.
My random thought/statement of the day: I'm really glad the school has a compost system. It was one of my 10by10 goals.
My random thought/statement of the day: I'm really glad the school has a compost system. It was one of my 10by10 goals.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Blog Term1 Day57
Hmmm, still don't know if I made the school play. Oh well, I'll find out soon enough! Anyways, I'm so happy that I got to take part of "Take Your Kid To Work Day". To tell you the truth, I was waiting for this moment since I started high school. And I must say, it wasn't the best day in the world, but it was definitely an experience I would remember always. And the day didn't even drag by! The time seemed to actually fly, no even more than that, time seemed to go at the speed of a freight train or something. It was amazing. I was tired again, due to lack of sleep, but I only really felt tired once, then, I felt awake and alive again. It was so much fun! I can't even begin to tell you how much I enjoyed every moment of it. I went with my mum, and we arrived there around 8am like we were supposed to. The traffic wasn't crazy or anything, so it all went great. For lunch, we went to this fusion restaurant, and the food was okay, not the best, the service was alright, and I guess overall, I could describe it as your typical restaurant. Not too awesome, but not bad either. I had seafood udon in soup, and my mom got rice with pork chops. Hahaha, my names for the dishes aren't as creative as the ones shown on the menu. The place was quite packed, and it had a very comfortable feeling to it. And after eating, I was very full. Not over-the-top or anything though. I think that this "Take Your Kid To Work Day" day was very successful and I'm really glad this day was invented.
My random thought/statement of the day: I wish we could have "Take Your Kid To Work Day" every year in high school!
My random thought/statement of the day: I wish we could have "Take Your Kid To Work Day" every year in high school!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Blog Term1 Day56
I just realized that if the cast list is available tomorrow for the school play, I won't know if I got in or not. But that's okay, I guess I could wait one more day. Plus, it's not confirmed whether it would be out so soon. I want to get in, because that would just be amazing and I love acting, but at the same time, I'm nervous. Plus, being part of the school play takes a lot of dedication and time. But I figured that if there is any time to be part of a school play, why not now? I love acting, and being in high school with drama classes and what not really helps. Back in elementary, we didn't have any drama clubs or anything like that, so there wasn't much to do. Sure, in classes, there was the occasional mini skit that was to be preformed in an assembly, but nothing big. Nothing like what high school has to offer! And in a way, that's good because it just makes high school that much more interesting and anticipated. But once you think about the homework, high school doesn't seem all that exciting anymore. Then again, it's all about the learning experience.
My random thought/statement of the day: I can't believe that Take Your Kid To Work Day is tomorrow. I'm quite excited... besides the fact I have to wake up earlier.
My random thought/statement of the day: I can't believe that Take Your Kid To Work Day is tomorrow. I'm quite excited... besides the fact I have to wake up earlier.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Blog Term1 Day55
Actually, at the moment, I'm listening to songs as I type this. You know which song? Well, I'm listening to All Star from Shrek 1. However, I'm pretty sure this song is borrowed from a band... Not sure which one it is, but I still really love this song. It's so awesome. One day, I'm gonna learn the lyrics and then sing it everywhere. I do that with a lot of songs. Especially Christmas songs. Whenever the Christmas season is remotely close, I'm all about Christmas songs and spirit and stuff. I just love Christmas. Even all those songs replaying over and over again. And all the repetitive decorations- I just love it all!
Anyways, this blog is gonna be about the auditions I attended after school today! Last year, I kinda wanted to join the school play, but firstly, being new to school is kinda a hard to place to start, plus I wasn't sure if I could manage my time well enough. So now, a year later, here I am auditioning. I've never actually auditioned for anything in my life. I've had maybe 1-2 interviews in my life regarding volunteering or a position for volunteering. In my opinion, I did pretty well in the interviews because I'm not uncomfortable about those things. As for the audition, I didn't know what to expect, so that was a new experience for me. But I take and took drama in school, so I was actually quite familiarized to the warm ups. Plus, it was awesome! First, there were forms to fill out, then we warmed-up, after that, we got into groups of 2-3 and rehearsed a skit for approximately 20 minutes. Then, it was time to show. My group was actually the first to go, which is good and bad. We were all new to auditioning and school plays, but I think we did pretty well. Of course, I hope I get in, but if I don't that's not a big deal either, because I tried my best and like I said, I'm new to this, so even if I don't get in this play, I can always audition for the next one. And then, I'll know what to expect.
My random thought/statement of the day: Tired. Again.
Anyways, this blog is gonna be about the auditions I attended after school today! Last year, I kinda wanted to join the school play, but firstly, being new to school is kinda a hard to place to start, plus I wasn't sure if I could manage my time well enough. So now, a year later, here I am auditioning. I've never actually auditioned for anything in my life. I've had maybe 1-2 interviews in my life regarding volunteering or a position for volunteering. In my opinion, I did pretty well in the interviews because I'm not uncomfortable about those things. As for the audition, I didn't know what to expect, so that was a new experience for me. But I take and took drama in school, so I was actually quite familiarized to the warm ups. Plus, it was awesome! First, there were forms to fill out, then we warmed-up, after that, we got into groups of 2-3 and rehearsed a skit for approximately 20 minutes. Then, it was time to show. My group was actually the first to go, which is good and bad. We were all new to auditioning and school plays, but I think we did pretty well. Of course, I hope I get in, but if I don't that's not a big deal either, because I tried my best and like I said, I'm new to this, so even if I don't get in this play, I can always audition for the next one. And then, I'll know what to expect.
My random thought/statement of the day: Tired. Again.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Blog Term1 Day54 Superblog8
I hope the picture came out right! Well, anyways, this place, I believe is called Bunzen Lake. (Sorry if the spelling is off.) We went there a while back, and I wanted to superblog it right away, but it takes time for the pictures to download off the camera memory stick onto the computer. Plus, my family isn't really all that high tech, including me, so we don't download pics onto the computer too frequently. So as I was saying, on a weekend, we decided to go for an extremely miniature "family vacation". Actually, my parents are quite fond of going to these awesome little trips where we go to different beaches or landmarks or hiking trails etc. Usually, what we do is wake up early, go out for breakfast, and then head out. The car ride is usually around 1-3 hours, depending on where we're going. This trip, took us about an hour and a half to get there. Then, we stopped by the beach, and there also happened to be a small hiking trail, but we didn't really hike because it was actually quite cold and it wasn't sunny. And as you can see from the picture, it was actually quite cloudy. So after hanging out, petting the dogs and walking along the beach, we all filed back into the car and drove home. By the time we got back, it was a bit after lunch time, so we went out, grabbed some lunch and then came back home.
My random thought/statement of the day: Actually, it's been a while since we went on one of these trips.
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