Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Blog Term1 Day26

After school today, we battled Little Flower Academy in Field Hockey. It was really fun and the end score was 0-0. We might not have scored, but at least we didn't lose. I didn't really have as much fun though..... for the whole day, I felt really sick. My throat hurts, my nose feels runny, my body feels hot on th outside, but cold in the inside. I also have a little headache. I really feel sick, now that I think about it.

The worst part is: tomorrow, I have to run Langara. Usually people breath through their mouth to run, but if I do that, my throat will hurt even more. I am feeling really miserable now...

My random thought/statement of the day: I feel really really sad.

(Notice how I didn't use the exclimation mark for my "Toddlez")

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