Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Blog Term2 Day33

It has snowed so much! In the morning, it snowed lots and then it stopped, so my dad, brother and I went outside to clear the sidewalks. We were outside for probably about 30 minutes. Then, my mom called us to go inside for lunch. We had homemade spaghetti and pizza! (Actually, my cousin made the pizza.) Then, after lunch we were hoping to finish up where we left off, but it started to snow again, and it hasn't stopped. Seriously, there is much snow! There is probably 20 centimeters. We are definitely gonna get a white Christmas! I haven't been working this morning. Hehehehehehehehe. And to tell you the truth, I feel like slacking off, but I can't because so far, my average is a B for most of my subjects. I am so scared about school when this vacation is over! All the teachers are making term 2 sound like agony! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I actually think that term 3 is better than term 2. But I am determined to do well. I just think term 1 has worn me down. But never fear, I am determined to get A's! I just have to work harder and stop studying for tests at the last minute. Because I have noticed these days, I am always studying for my tests during the block before the actual test. Terrible right? But I am determined to fix that flaw! Yay me!

My random thought/statement of the day: Tomorrow is Christmas!


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