Friday, January 16, 2009

Blog Term2 Day56

I am in the middle of reading Harry Potter book 2, but I really should stop and focus on studying for my Chinese exam tomorrow. And the worst part is, I also have to practice loads of piano because I didn't practice at all this week. I was busy all week, and I think I will be extra-super busy this weekend. Even after I'm done my Chinese exam. I kept on delaying all my school work in hopes of buying more time to study Chinese. Lets just say the outcome was not so good. I got to study more Chinese, but now, I am faced with about ten assigments to do. And just 2 days. I never do any school work on Friday, because that is my study Chinese and practice piano day. Then, on Saturday, I only have the evening to do my work, because of all my lessons, but I really shouldn't because Saturday night is supposed to be my fun night. Then, we wind down to Sunday, and that is only about 24 hours to do my work. So, as you can see, my life isn't all that grand. But it's better than a LOT of other people's lives. So maybe I should just STOP complaining over this kinda stuff...

My random thought/statement of the day: Oakridge mall is having a sidewalk sale that I HAVE to at least look over, and it ends this Sunday, so I better get going... The only problem is they closed down my favourite place to shop.... Grrrrrrrrr.


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