Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Blog Term2 Day95

Do you want to hear good news? I made it to the science fair regional. The only problem is the registration, which is a real bugger. I am sooooooooooo happy that I got into the regional! There were only 3 people picked out of 30, so I am super-duper happy! But enough with the bragging! ;) Yes, like I was saying before, the registration is sort of annoying, because there is a whole bunch of information I need to insert, and some of them is like: What is your science teacher's email. And stuff like that. I just don't know the answer to some of them! Then, there are questions about chemicals and... for my science fair project, I did use a chemical, that is what makes it tricky...

My random thought/statement of the day: Ahhhh! I am still not done the hydraulic lift, and it's due tomorrow!


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