Sunday, April 19, 2009

Blog Term3 Day45

The Sun Run rules! I had an awesome time and I am pretty sure everyone else there did. The marathon was 10 km. I thought it was a lot, but apparently it isn't because when I told my dad, he said that most of them are over 10 km. This was the first time I did it, so it's good to say that the experience was a good one, and I really hope to go next year too. The weather was awesome too. Before it started, the weather forecast said that it would be 60% rain, so I brought my light rain jacket and a light sweater. It kept me warm before the race, but after about 2 km, I got really hot and I needed to take it off. So next time, I am not going to bring so many jackets because I had to run 8 km holding my jackets. (I tried tying them around my waist, but they kept slipping off.) The overall run was quite nice and comfortably tyring. After the the run, we went inside BC Place and stuffed our faces with bagels, bananas, oranges, yogurt, juice, power bars and lots of water. My favourite were the bagels and the yogurt. And to tell you the truth, the best part was dipping the bagel into the yogurt. Yum! Next time I have bagels and yogurt, I'm gonna combine them to make the ultimate yummy snack. Also, I liked how the people didn't mind if we took a lot of them. I was so hungry at the time, I took 2 bagels and 2 juices, but they didn't mind at all. In fact, they encouraged us taking more. Later, I took 2 yogurts too! I found the whole run really fun and the best part is, there are so many people, there is no way you can get lost. And everyone there is really nice and supportive of each other.

My random thought/statement of the day: There were so many people, I didn't even see my best friend throughout the whole time! :'(


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