We had our 3rd field hockey game today, and we played at Hamber. Now, when I said we played at Hamber, that doesn't we played against Hamber. I'm not too fond of giving out too much info over the computer because once it's out... it's out for good and there is no way of getting it back. That is also why I don't like mentioning the school we played. Location is okay, but when it comes to information, never share too much. All you need are the basics. So W played a pretty intense game. In the end, the score was 2-1 and we won, so we were all pretty happy. This was the first team we played that actually scored, so I'm glad it served as a wake-up call for us. Sometimes, I get kinda scared the team will slack off because we keep on winning. So this was a very learning game. I didn't get to play as much as I wanted either. If I calculated the length of time I played, the sum would probably be only about a quarter of the game. And in that time, I was a mid-fielder. Personally, I like both forward and mid-field positions, so I was glad to play mid-fielder.
My random thought/statement of the day: This has been a very slow week full of sleepiness. The only highlight of the day was when one of my friends told me I was a good actor.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Blog Term1 Day21
Today we had our 2nd field hockey game of the season. It took place in Livingstone like last time, and we played the same school. And I am really happy to say we won the game. I really don't want to be a sore winner, but just for your information, we won 4-0. It was a really good game and our opposing team has really really great defence. I think our team is very well-rounded, but we have especially good forwards, so our defence get bored quite often. Trust me, I've been there. I'm usually not defence, but during practice, when we do a scrimmage and I'm defence, there isn't much to do. This game, I was forward for the first half and mid-fielder for the 2nd half. I'm almost always a forward. Although I originally wanted to be a mid-fielder when I first joined the school team in grade 8, I was put into forward. I'm not saying I don't like being a forward because I love being a forward, but I just find mid-field to be even better. In a game, when you are a forward, you always have to be on top of your game and very alert. Mid-fielder is the same, but you aren't really expected to score, so it's often not as intense. When you are a mid-fielder, you do a lot of running because if defence needs your help, you have to run there but if the ball is in the forwards possession, you have to be the back-up clan.
Now if you were to ask me which position I would like to play, I would say both. They each have their own special thrill to them. Last year, I played forward the whole season, so I guess I just want to play a different position to see which one I am better at. Anyways, I love both positions because they are just really awesome!
My random thought/statement of the day: J'adore jouer au hockey de terrain.
Now if you were to ask me which position I would like to play, I would say both. They each have their own special thrill to them. Last year, I played forward the whole season, so I guess I just want to play a different position to see which one I am better at. Anyways, I love both positions because they are just really awesome!
My random thought/statement of the day: J'adore jouer au hockey de terrain.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Blog Term1 Day20
Oops, I almost forgot to do my blog. I thought I did it right after I came out of the shower but I guess I was wrong. Hmmm, there isn't much to talk about today. Oh wait! Oh yeah, I did my 6 lap run today. And although I thought lap 3 and 4 were torture, I felt really really great after doing it. The first 2 laps are pretty easy, but one lap 3 and 4 roll in, you begin to feel the pain. And unfortunately, I also acquired a cramp but it was just a minor one and I jogged it off. Lap 5 and 6 were okay because those last 2 laps were really close to the end and I kept telling myself I was almost there. But in lap 6, I was mentally talking to myself, pushing myself to go faster. And in the last 100 meters, I just let my legs go wild and I sprinted the last bit. I'm not too sure why, but at the end of every long distance run, I always sprint my way to the end. It's good, but the weird par is, my brain doesn't seem to have control over my legs. My legs just go and go and go. And I get this freaky sensation where I hope I don't trip over my legs. Weird huh? Oh well, I have never tripped before and that last little sprinting segment always helps me get a good time when it comes to runs.
My random thought/statement of the night: I have a game tomorrow!
My random thought/statement of the night: I have a game tomorrow!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Blog Term1 Day19
Darn, I had this really great plan worked out about what I would do today. But I kinda blew it because I slept in. Technically, I was supposed to be finished all my science by now, but science is just so darn boring, so I didn't really finish it yet. I did some, but not all. Plus, when you have to read, take notes and answer questions out of a textbook, it makes science gross all over again. I like science when you actually do stuff. Answering questions out of a textbook is just so... math. And I'm not too fond of math. But I guess you gotta do what you gotta do, so I shouldn't really complain. Right now, my brother and mom are out buying a cake, my dad is vacuuming and I believe my grandpa is sleeping. And (obviously) I am blogging. But seriously, after blogging I have to finish all my science notes. And then, my math and French. Then, that will leave tonight for my map of Europe and practicing piano. For my map, I still need to draw my legend, draw my rivers and finally, colour. Oh yeah, and draw in my scale. But I'm not even sure if the scale is mandatory, so I have to refer to the criteria sheet for that one.
My random thought/statement of the day: I think the reason I can't do any science is because I don't feel concentrated enough, making it hard to actually enjoy science (which I can usually do).
My random thought/statement of the day: I think the reason I can't do any science is because I don't feel concentrated enough, making it hard to actually enjoy science (which I can usually do).
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Blog Term1 Day18 Superblog3
The Stars.
Yep, that is what my blog is about. When I got back from Church this night, the stars were out. I think it has been several years since I looked up into the sky and saw all those stars. I think the reason all the stars are out is because for the past few days, the sky has been very clear with no clouds. And when I looked up and saw the stars, I felt like crying. No, it's not because it's pretty, even though it is. It's because when I look back into the beautiful midnight sky, it brings back memories I have not felt for several years. I remembered when I was young, and it was snowing, I had looked up into the sky and saw those same stars. And I had hoped to see them again. It was just so beautiful and since I haven't been out late at night for a very long time, it just seemed so touching and serene.
My random thought/statement of the day: So glad Canada has such beautiful clean air. That way, I can continue reliving my memories when I look into the stars.
Yep, that is what my blog is about. When I got back from Church this night, the stars were out. I think it has been several years since I looked up into the sky and saw all those stars. I think the reason all the stars are out is because for the past few days, the sky has been very clear with no clouds. And when I looked up and saw the stars, I felt like crying. No, it's not because it's pretty, even though it is. It's because when I look back into the beautiful midnight sky, it brings back memories I have not felt for several years. I remembered when I was young, and it was snowing, I had looked up into the sky and saw those same stars. And I had hoped to see them again. It was just so beautiful and since I haven't been out late at night for a very long time, it just seemed so touching and serene.
My random thought/statement of the day: So glad Canada has such beautiful clean air. That way, I can continue reliving my memories when I look into the stars.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Blog Term1 Day17
Today is a Pro-D Day, and that makes me a very happy person. I just love Pro-D Days because that makes this weekend a long weekend. Also, Pro-D Days are awesome because that gives me a chance to sleep in finish more homework. Before noon today, my goal is to finish all my math and some of my science. I happen to have a lot of science homework, so I really should get going.
Yesterday, I went biking with my friends and I really really really hope that I can go again. Today is just another one of those really awesome biking days. The sky is cloudless yet again (it's been like this for the whole week!), and there seems to be a slight breeze which is good because otherwise, it could get really hot. I also find that biking is really good for your legs. Especially when you go uphill. Sure, it's slightly torture for the thighs, but it's good for the muscles. I also love biking because it's fun, entertaining and you get a lot of vitamin D which (apparently) has a lot of uses. I just love biking so much, and although I have a very old bike, I still really love it because it works wonderfully!
My random thought/statement of the day: I really wanna watch Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.
Yesterday, I went biking with my friends and I really really really hope that I can go again. Today is just another one of those really awesome biking days. The sky is cloudless yet again (it's been like this for the whole week!), and there seems to be a slight breeze which is good because otherwise, it could get really hot. I also find that biking is really good for your legs. Especially when you go uphill. Sure, it's slightly torture for the thighs, but it's good for the muscles. I also love biking because it's fun, entertaining and you get a lot of vitamin D which (apparently) has a lot of uses. I just love biking so much, and although I have a very old bike, I still really love it because it works wonderfully!
My random thought/statement of the day: I really wanna watch Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Blog Term1 Day16
I am so glad today is a short day! When I say short, I mean Friday schedule-like. Which is awesome, because that means class gets off at 2pm, instead of 3pm. Yes! Awesome isn't it? And you know what is even better? There's no school tomorrow because it's a Pro-D Day. Now isn't that the week you have always dreamed about? 3 days of full school, 1 day of short school, and 3 days of weekend! Now that is what I call a weekend! Gosh, for this blog, I have so much to say, so if your eyes get tired, just take a break for a while. Tomorrow, my friends and I have made plans to see a movie. I really really really wanna watch Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, but some of my friends wanna see Fame. I like both of them, but if I were to chose, I would still stick with my original fav. I have seen so many previews for Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, and it seems totally awesome. Over the summer, I watched a lot of movies with my friends, but mostly my family, so for a while there, I was very well acquainted with all the upcoming movies. I would like to go, but at the same time, I rather just hang out with my mom and brother. So as you can see, I have a dilemma here. I was kinda thinking of spending the morning with friends and afternoon with family, but I don't even know when the movie is, so I can't really do any planning.
Also, I loved today because guess where I went after school? I am super excited to tell you about the next part, but I better start from the beginning. So, right after school, I packed up my bags asap and then walked home with my friends. But when we were 2/3 of the way there, my friends decided we should probably go biking. And I must say, today is the best day to bike. And in the end, we did. It was supposed to be the 4 of us, but in the end, there were just 3 people that went. At first, I was kinda skeptical because first of all, I didn't have my parents permission yet, and second of all, I just wanted to sleep. So I got home, called my parents and they said I could go! Now that was one of the best moments of my life! Yes! After I washed my thermos (for my lunch) I went down to the park and met them there. So from there on, we went biking for about an hour. And it was one of the best biking experiences I ever had! The weather was amazingly perfect; a cloudless sky that isn't too hot with a perfect amount to wind... Now that is what I call lovely weather. So anyways, I got back at around 4pm, put my bike away, showered and went on the computer. And yeah, now I'm finishing up my blog.
So the moral of this blog is: I am super duper happy I was able to go biking with friends. It's fun, good exercise and it's a great way to build good friendships.
My random thought/statement of the day: I'm having pizza for dinner. I love vegetarian pizza, how bout you?
Also, I loved today because guess where I went after school? I am super excited to tell you about the next part, but I better start from the beginning. So, right after school, I packed up my bags asap and then walked home with my friends. But when we were 2/3 of the way there, my friends decided we should probably go biking. And I must say, today is the best day to bike. And in the end, we did. It was supposed to be the 4 of us, but in the end, there were just 3 people that went. At first, I was kinda skeptical because first of all, I didn't have my parents permission yet, and second of all, I just wanted to sleep. So I got home, called my parents and they said I could go! Now that was one of the best moments of my life! Yes! After I washed my thermos (for my lunch) I went down to the park and met them there. So from there on, we went biking for about an hour. And it was one of the best biking experiences I ever had! The weather was amazingly perfect; a cloudless sky that isn't too hot with a perfect amount to wind... Now that is what I call lovely weather. So anyways, I got back at around 4pm, put my bike away, showered and went on the computer. And yeah, now I'm finishing up my blog.
So the moral of this blog is: I am super duper happy I was able to go biking with friends. It's fun, good exercise and it's a great way to build good friendships.
My random thought/statement of the day: I'm having pizza for dinner. I love vegetarian pizza, how bout you?
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Blog Term1 Day15
I know my last few blogs have been about field hockey, but today is different. I'm gonna talk about drama. Now, drama is officially my favourite class in the whole entire universe. I just really love how it's a very laid back environment where we get to learn. (Much like Synergy AppSkills, but different.) I have always liked acting, and I am super duper glad I got into the drama class because apparently, a lot of people want to get into drama and there is a waiting list. In drama, we do a lot of exercises, skits and other acting activities. I love the exercises because they really warm me up for whatever we are going to do for the remainder of class. I also love all my classmates in drama because we all love acting, and that really helps the class run smoothly. Same with all my Synergy classes. Everyone is really tight, friendly and we all want to do well in school and that really helps. I just love how everyone in drama seems to share the same kind of enthusiasm I have. Yay!
My random thought/statement of the day: I love the movie CONTACT. It truly is an awesome sci-fi meets reality and romance movie.
My random thought/statement of the day: I love the movie CONTACT. It truly is an awesome sci-fi meets reality and romance movie.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Blog Term1 Day14
Guess what? My jersey is number 14, so it's kinda ironic. My favourite number is actually 24, but there were no field hockey jerseys with 24, so I chose 14. It was either 14 or 12. But in the end, I chose 14 because it reminds me more of 24. 12 is half of 24, but it just isn't the same. Anyways, we had our first game today after school at Livingstone, and in my opinion, we did an amazing job. We won 2-0, but I'm not going to be a sore winner or anything like that. (Is there such thing as a sore winner? Or is it called something else?) So like I was saying, it was an amazing game with amazing teamwork. We didn't even have a strategy. We might have, but it was just stuff we remembered from last year. I was mid-left forward, and I think I did a fairly good job. I used my new stick today too, and I think I played a lot better than when I was using the school's old ones, so I'm pretty happy with the results. I also love the turf Livingstone has. It's not really turf, it's more of that fake grass with crushed car tire material. But I like that material a lot more than grass or turf. Turf is just too flat, so the ball would just keep rolling forever. Grass isn't too great either because if it gets too long, you end up hitting the grass and not the ball. Not only that, but the ball won't go too far, or not as far as you hoped. So this material is my favourite. It's also fun to play with when you get sub-ed out.
My random thought/statement of the day: I love my hockey stick so so so so so so so so much!
My random thought/statement of the day: I love my hockey stick so so so so so so so so much!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Blog Term1 Day13
We had practice today and I had to leave early because I had a dentist appointment. That is my blog for tonight. Thank you very much, have a good night. Just kidding! I never blog so little cuz that wouldn't really be a blog (in my opinion). Okay, now on with the actual "meat" to the blog... or veggie if you prefer! ;) So yeah, we had practice today because tomorrow, we have a game at Livingston. But I had to leave early because I had a dentist appointment. And like most people, I'm not too fond of dentist appointments. So that was really sad. I was really really excited to try out my new stick, and I'm glad to say I really love my new stick. My friends also really liked my stick, so I am really happy. Not because I only care about other people's opinions, but often times, it's good to have other people's say about things like this. That way you know the investment is worth it. I also found that my stick is very powerful. It's really good for hits, and although it's not as strong as composite, it seems very strong and powerful, which is good when it comes to field hockey sticks. I just realized that the last few blogs have been about field hockey, but then again, that's the sport I'm doing right now, and it also happens to be one of my favourite sports and I am super duper grateful that we have a field hockey team.
My random thought/statement of the day: We got our jerseys today, and this time we didn't use the same ones we had last year. Instead, we got the seniors old ones because they got new ones! That's good for us because our shirts were not that great but the skirts were okay. A little plain, but still pretty good. The socks were still the same, and now I have my own stick and ball! Yay me!
My random thought/statement of the day: We got our jerseys today, and this time we didn't use the same ones we had last year. Instead, we got the seniors old ones because they got new ones! That's good for us because our shirts were not that great but the skirts were okay. A little plain, but still pretty good. The socks were still the same, and now I have my own stick and ball! Yay me!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Blog Term1 Day12
I just got my field hockey stick! I played on the school team last year too, but I didn't know if I liked it or not, so I didn't get a stick then. But now that it's my second year playing, I was able to convince my parents to get me a stick. And I'm glad too. Now, I can play at home, and other teams. At AK Pro, the store I got my field hockey stick, the employee there showed me a couple sticks, but in the end I chose a wooden stick. I know that composite is probably better, but it's much more expensive. There were some cheaper ones, but I'm 100% if I want to take field hockey for the rest of my life, so I just got a good quality one that I know will last me all through high school (or at least almost all through high school). I also got a blue field hockey ball, so I can practice at home and other places. Blue is my favourite colour, so I'm glad they had that. There weren't any actually good colours, so the only ones there I liked were blue and white. I might have gotten the white one, but it'll stain too easily, so I chose the blue one.
As for the sticks, there were 2 sticks I liked a lot. One was a superlight pink stick and the other was a metallic blue light one. I had some troubles choosing because they were both practically the same, just a different colour, handle and weight. They were both Grays 400i wood (the model). In the end, I chose the metallic dark blue one. I liked the handle the pink one had, but the blue one seemed more practical, and it seemed like the kind of stick I would love to have until I was much older.
My random thought/statement of the day: Blogging has really helped my typing skills, now, I am much faster and more accurate!
As for the sticks, there were 2 sticks I liked a lot. One was a superlight pink stick and the other was a metallic blue light one. I had some troubles choosing because they were both practically the same, just a different colour, handle and weight. They were both Grays 400i wood (the model). In the end, I chose the metallic dark blue one. I liked the handle the pink one had, but the blue one seemed more practical, and it seemed like the kind of stick I would love to have until I was much older.
My random thought/statement of the day: Blogging has really helped my typing skills, now, I am much faster and more accurate!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Blog Term1 Day11 Superblog2
Today's Superblog is about sweets! I'm not that into sweets, but some of them are okay, including these ones, so yeah. 2 of these pics are cake, which are the kinds I like. One is a fruit cake (my personal fav) and the second is Dairy Queen's ice cream cakes (delish!). My birthday is late-autumn to winter, so I don't usually get ice cream cake, but that doesn't mean I don't love it! I find that ice cream cake is awesome! The cookie-fudge-crumble part is a little over-sweet, but it's good if you eat it all together. I just love the ice cream part about it! The reason I like fruit cake is because a) I love fruit and b) no matter how much you eat, it's like eating (yummy) air because the cake itself is really fluffy and light. So every birthday, I try to get fruit cake. But if I can't, I don't mind tiramisu or ice cream. My brother on the other hand, is totally opposite of me. He loves black forest cake or a really rich chocolate cake, which to me is not appealing. Last time we went on a buffet, he went to the chocolate fountain to get doubles on chocolate. But then again, I love to eat fruits dipped in chocolate fountain chocolate. For some reason, I love either really dark chocolate or liquid chocolate. Weird huh? But if chocolate were offered to me, I usually would say no. My friends think I'm weird, but I just don't like sweet stuff all that much, so yeah...
My random thought/statement of the day: I just finished watching Scoobie-Doo with my brother.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Blog Term1 Day10
Today, for a field trip, we went to Bard on the Beach to watch All's Well that Ends Well. I have been to Bard on the Beach once before, which was last year. That was when we watched Twelfth Night. And it was amazing! I thing about Twelfth Night and All's Well that Ends Well is that they are both comedy, but so different in a way. Shakespeare does have the same kind of pattern when it comes to his plays, but the genre is the same and different all at the same time. It's really quite fascinating. I was really amazed at how professional and good the actors were. I mean, every single one of them were just truly amazing! For example, there was one part where somebody accidentally nudged the clothes clip down, but one of the actors just picked it up as if it was part of the script. And for a moment there, I was debating whether or not it was actually on the script or not. It's just amazing how fluidly everything went. I know Shakespeare's plays are no walk in the park, being a student-actress. So I can fully appreciate how much effort these actors have gone through. Not just the actors, but also the people who manage the music, lighting and other special effects. Those people are usually grossly under appreciated, but they are the ones who truly put the while play together. So my congratulations go to the whole cast of Shakespeare's All's Well that Ends Well. Which includes everyone! I always get a thrill from going to Bard on the Beach. I don't really understand the Bard part about the Beach, but I always look forward to going and seeing their plays. Some day, I want to be as good an actor as all those people!
To get there and back, we also took public transit. I want to talk about that because we went on the Canada Line, which was extremely exciting for me. I also learned how to navigate myself around on the Canada Line and the bus. I'm not totally comfortable with going on the Canada Line by myself, but I probably could if I had to. I realized that the more I go on public transit, the better I feel about myself taking the bus independently, which is very good. So in the future, if we ever go on a field trip, I really hope we take public transit, that way I can learn more street names and stations. Now, I know where the Waterfront Station is! And a whole bunch of other ones! Yay me!
My random thought/statement of the day: Go Canada Line!
To get there and back, we also took public transit. I want to talk about that because we went on the Canada Line, which was extremely exciting for me. I also learned how to navigate myself around on the Canada Line and the bus. I'm not totally comfortable with going on the Canada Line by myself, but I probably could if I had to. I realized that the more I go on public transit, the better I feel about myself taking the bus independently, which is very good. So in the future, if we ever go on a field trip, I really hope we take public transit, that way I can learn more street names and stations. Now, I know where the Waterfront Station is! And a whole bunch of other ones! Yay me!
My random thought/statement of the day: Go Canada Line!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Blog Term1 Day9
Tomorrow is so exciting! I'm pretty excited about going to Bard on the Beach and watching All's Well That Ends Well. Last year, we went to a couple plays, and we also got to go to Bard on the Beach and watch Twelfth Night. And I enjoyed it a lot, so now I am really excited again. Unfortunately, I am really really really really tired right now. The reason being, after I came home, I showered, did some google docs-ing and then went out to have dinner with family. Now, I'm back and really really tired. But for tonight, I should probably finish all my math. I also have socials, science and French, so I really better get going. Usually, I just do all my homework over the weekend, but this week is different. This weekend is gonna be very very busy. Ahhhh, I have the urge to sleep really really badly. But I know I really have to work. Plus I also have theory and forms to fill out.
My random thought/statement of the day: Picture day is on Monday.
My random thought/statement of the day: Picture day is on Monday.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Blog Term1 Day8
Tonight, I'm probably not going to get too much homework done because I am pooped. Yep, pooped. I slept early last night, but I am really tired after practice and after that, I also had to take an exam, so I'm tired right now. But practice wasn't too tiring because it was cut short. The first reason being, more than half of the team was away, and secondly, it was raining. I am really glad I did most of my homework last night, so tonight, a only have a little bit of researching to do for socials, and then I am done. Technically, I also have some science, but it's not due yet, so I'll just do it tomorrow, when I am mostly free.
I was just on the AK Pro website, and I think they are one of the very rare retailers that specialize in field hockey equipment, so yay for them. I want to go there this Friday to get a stick, new mouth guard and a ball to practice with. That way, I can even practice in the back yard and improve my skills. My brother also happens to like ice hockey, so maybe we can play field/ice hockey in the backyard. So in other words, I will be using my field hockey stick and ball, and he will be using his ice hockey stick. What a lovely win-win factor! We all do what we love and can play against each other. I'm just so excited about getting a stick!
My random thought/statement of the day: I'm not trying to sound like a suck-up, but it's true, the GO Program has really helped me.
I was just on the AK Pro website, and I think they are one of the very rare retailers that specialize in field hockey equipment, so yay for them. I want to go there this Friday to get a stick, new mouth guard and a ball to practice with. That way, I can even practice in the back yard and improve my skills. My brother also happens to like ice hockey, so maybe we can play field/ice hockey in the backyard. So in other words, I will be using my field hockey stick and ball, and he will be using his ice hockey stick. What a lovely win-win factor! We all do what we love and can play against each other. I'm just so excited about getting a stick!
My random thought/statement of the day: I'm not trying to sound like a suck-up, but it's true, the GO Program has really helped me.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Blog Term1 Day7
Yesterday, I was just so darn tired after my field hockey practice after school I couldn't really do any homework. So instead, I just go an early night of sleep. Now today, I have a ton of homework to do, so I better get cracking. Tomorrow is also gonna be an extremely busy day because I have field hockey practice, and after that, I still have to take a French exam. So probably by the time I get back and settled in, it would be around 8pm or so. And even after that, I would still have to shower and play piano making it maybe 9:30pm? So if I were to do any work, I would have to hurry, because I've made it a goal to sleep at 10:30pm latest. And if I keep up with that plan, I would have had a nice long sleep of the recommended 9 hours a night. I know that sleep is very important to my health, my height and my smartness. I noticed that when I sleep longer, I am much brighter and I tend to pay attention to school and class more.
My random thought/statement of the day: I love sleep!
My random thought/statement of the day: I love sleep!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Blog Term1 Day6
Today was quite an interesting day. First of all, it started off really cloudy and it even rained a bit in the morning. Then, as the day progressed, it seemed to get warmer and warmer. At the end of the day, it was sunny, a little windy and in other words, my favourite kind of weather. You know, the kind that has a few clouds in the sky, but is sunny with a touch of wind. I'm not too much of an extreme sun person. Don't get me wrong, I love the sun, but not when it's smoking hot. Anyways, about my day. I tend to like my day 2's more than my day 1's. I like my day 2's because I have drama and P.E, but I'm not too fond of math or French, so I have a tendency to like day 2's more. I like all my M.Y classes (oops, I mean Synergy, I can never wrap my head around that one) equally, so I tend to always love my afternoons. So in other words, I really like all my classes. I'm not the type of person to not like any classes. I might not love them, but I would never dislike anything like that. Just because I love learning.
Field hockey practice today seemed to go by really quickly. It was a really awesome practice though, because there was awesome weather, and I made a new friend. Yay! I really love field hockey, and I really really really wish I could get a stick and ball so I could practice in my backyard, even when the season is over. Field hockey is one of my favourite sports, so I'm really happy to be on the team.
My random thought/statement of the day: I don't know how to work a scientific calculator.
Field hockey practice today seemed to go by really quickly. It was a really awesome practice though, because there was awesome weather, and I made a new friend. Yay! I really love field hockey, and I really really really wish I could get a stick and ball so I could practice in my backyard, even when the season is over. Field hockey is one of my favourite sports, so I'm really happy to be on the team.
My random thought/statement of the day: I don't know how to work a scientific calculator.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Blog Term1 Day5
I am officially pooped. (I'm not sure if that's a word...) But what I mean is, I am so tired. Even though I slept for slightly more than 9 hours last night, I feel sleepy. Maybe because during the summer time, I would sleep until 11am. Hahahaha. Anyways, I still have some school work to do, so today is going to be a busy day. Mostly because from 1:30-3:30pm today, I'm going somewhere. Usually, that's my homework time, so I had to wake up a little bit earlier so that I could do all my homework in the morning. But that's probably not possible, so I'll do a little bit after dinner. And then I should be done! Am I typing coherently? Cuz my brain seems a little fuzzy. Hahahaha, fuzzy brains! Now that would be a sight to see! A slightly gross sight, but nonetheless, a interesting sight to see. Right now, everyone is going out for dim sum. But I stayed behind. I'm not really a dim sum person. Especially because I had dim sum quite frequently this summer. I used to love dim sum, but now, I'm not too fond of it. Weird huh? Yesterday was the first day of Chinese school. And I stayed at home. Why? Because I graduated from it! Yay me! So I guess that was the very first Saturday morning where I didn't have to wake up early to lug my bum to Chinese school. What an important milestone! But then again, even if I don't enroll in Chinese school anymore, doesn't mean I'm just going to waste all that time! I'm probably going to take another class or take up another sport. As you probably know, I'm on the school field hockey team, so I have that to look forward to. But other than that, nothing else. Well, I'm also going to help volunteer at my Church Saturday nights, so that time is going to be taken up too. So in other words, the only free time I have during Saturday would be the morning. Which I will probably use to do other extracurricular thing. Yay! Okay, I will stop talking (typing) nonstop now. Hmmm, I think it's because I'm hyper. Usually, when this happens it means I'm hyper. Can honey make you hyper? Cuz I just had some honey. Yum!
My random thought/statement of the day: Honey water tastes really good!
My random thought/statement of the day: Honey water tastes really good!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Blog Term1 Day4
I also went to the Aquarium as a field trip in elementary school several times, whenever we studied marine biology, so that was totally awesome. The picture on the top there is a Sailfin Snapper. The Sailfin Snapper is such an interesting and exotic fish, and in once upon a time, I did a ppt about it. Come to think about it, the last time I went to the Aquarium was in grade 6, also the year I did my presentation on the Sailfin Snapper. So as you can imagine, quite a long time ago. The Aquarium seemed more magical and amazing as a child, so although I still love it, it's just not the same as going as a child. On this one particular trip, we were able to go inside the Aquarium, but also outside, where the beach was. And that's what made this trip so special. It was the very first time I went to the Vancouver Aquarium's beach. And it sure was a lovely day! It was low tide then, so we got to see all sorts of life under the rocks, on top of the rocks and just everywhere around it. I really had a lot of fun that time, and I hope to go there again sometime soon.
My random thought/statement of the day: I love grapefruit juice, it's one of my favourite flavours!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Blog Term1 Day3
For this blog, I am going to talk about hippopotamuses. Yep, that's right. Since my username is hippo.luver, I thought I would dedicate my third blog about hippos. I think I first started to like hippos around 2005. That was when I went to the San Diego Zoo with my family. There, we went on a tour and saw many animals living in their natural habitats, or where they might actually live in real life. It's not exactly the same as the wild because, of course, they live in a zoo, but everything was an animal's dream. Lots of free space, lots of water and I just thought that was one of the best places animals could live, if they were not in the wild. (But then again, that was 4 years ago, and a lot could have changed.)
Anyways, when we finally came up to the hippos, I was just so amazed by them. They were so big, dangerous and interesting. And I really really loved their small ears! So finally at the end of the day, we went to the gift shop. And there, I saw the CUTEST HIPPOPOTAMUS STUFFIE IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD! Yes, that deserved all caps lock. So I asked my mom if I could buy that stuffie, and she said yes. So now, 4 years later, I still have my hippo stuffie. And she is just one of the cutest animals I own. (Also why I now love hippos so much!)
My random thought/statement of the day: Go hippos!
Anyways, when we finally came up to the hippos, I was just so amazed by them. They were so big, dangerous and interesting. And I really really loved their small ears! So finally at the end of the day, we went to the gift shop. And there, I saw the CUTEST HIPPOPOTAMUS STUFFIE IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD! Yes, that deserved all caps lock. So I asked my mom if I could buy that stuffie, and she said yes. So now, 4 years later, I still have my hippo stuffie. And she is just one of the cutest animals I own. (Also why I now love hippos so much!)
My random thought/statement of the day: Go hippos!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Blog Term1 Day2
Well, today after school, we had our first field hockey practice for this season. I was on the school field hockey team last year, so practically all of my team members are familiar. I think only about 3 people are new to the school team, and I know 2 of them, so that's pretty good. But usually by the end of the season, we are all pretty good friends. That's the good part about school teams. Unfortunately, I already had the opportunity to hurt myself. I smashed my right thumb between my teammate's and my stick. Smooth huh? It's just so typical me though... I always have a tendency to hurt myself so this is no big shock. I really really love field hockey. It's a fun and active sport, so I am really glad that the school has a field hockey team.
Also, today was the day I met all my day 2 teachers. And I must say, I really like all my subjects and all my teachers. Today, I had drama which is one of my favourite courses. I took a term of drama last year, and I really enjoyed it, so I am looking forward to drama for the rest of the year.
My random thought/statement of the day: I'm gonna go and put some ice on my thumb. Cuz it hurts every time I type with it.
Also, today was the day I met all my day 2 teachers. And I must say, I really like all my subjects and all my teachers. Today, I had drama which is one of my favourite courses. I took a term of drama last year, and I really enjoyed it, so I am looking forward to drama for the rest of the year.
My random thought/statement of the day: I'm gonna go and put some ice on my thumb. Cuz it hurts every time I type with it.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Blog Term1 Day1
Ta-da! My very first blog as a grade 9 student. Is that cool or what? Okay, so it's not that major, but I tend to make a big deal out of everything. That's just me! Today was the actual first day of school. I had math, French, synergy applied skills and finally synergy social studies. Actually, I'm not too crazy about the name "Synergy". I know it fits in with the whole theme of what we learn, but I still like the name Middle Years. It's not just the fact the name Middle Years sounds better, but I just don't like change. So when we had to change the name, I was kinda iffy about it. But I guess in the end, it's all good. Because if I were to pick any other name, I think that name would have suited it the best. Today, I don't have too much homework, but that doesn't mean I don't have any at all. I still have little bits of work to do, but I have made my schedule for tonight. So hopefully, if I stick to the schedule and I don't goof off, I should sleep at around 10:30pm. It's not that I have lots of homework, but I have to do some theory tonight, so that might take a while. One of my goals for grade 9 is to sleep earlier and get at least 8 hours of sleep each night. Of course 9 hours of sleep is much better, but I will try my best.
My random thought/statement of the day: I can't believe I'm in grade 9! I still feel like I'm in grade 8!
My random thought/statement of the day: I can't believe I'm in grade 9! I still feel like I'm in grade 8!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Blog Summer27
Well, the PNE was really fun. Too bad I couldn't have stayed later. In some ways, the PNE and Playland during night time is even better than during daylight. Well, especially Playland. Mostly because they have all these really cool lights radiating off the rides.
So on with what I did today. We arrived at around 11:30am, so the first thing we did was go to the Markeplace. There, we looked around for a bit and then headed over to the Family Theatre to see the Celtic Dancing. I thought that performance was really good. It was obvious the musicians were very talented and same goes for the dancers. I was so amazed at how perfectly insinc everyone was to the beat. When the dancers tap danced, their feet hit the floor in perfect rhythm! Talk about perfection!
Then, we went to the PNE lottery prize home. I just love looking at houses, so whenever I go to the PNE, the prize home is a must-go-to. After admiring the house, we went to have lunch. We had soooooo much junk food! Well, technically, all the food at the PNE is junk, but it all tastes pretty good. I think we ate so much food, you won't even want to read about it!
Okay, so after eating, we went over to the Playland section and played some of those games. We spent about $20 and didn't win one single prize. Big surprise there right? ;) But I kinda had that coming. All those games are rigged so that it is extremely hard to win. After the games, we went back to the PNE area and watched Superdogs! Yay! My favourite show of all time would be Superdogs. It is fun, cute and it really gets you going crazy over the dogs. And... I am sorry to say, but after Superdogs, we walked around for a little bit longer, and then we had to go. The PNE was really fun, and I had an amazing time! I really hope I get to go again next year!
My random thought statement of the day: This year, the PNE was celebrating the 99th year. That means next year would be the 100th year of the PNE!
So on with what I did today. We arrived at around 11:30am, so the first thing we did was go to the Markeplace. There, we looked around for a bit and then headed over to the Family Theatre to see the Celtic Dancing. I thought that performance was really good. It was obvious the musicians were very talented and same goes for the dancers. I was so amazed at how perfectly insinc everyone was to the beat. When the dancers tap danced, their feet hit the floor in perfect rhythm! Talk about perfection!
Then, we went to the PNE lottery prize home. I just love looking at houses, so whenever I go to the PNE, the prize home is a must-go-to. After admiring the house, we went to have lunch. We had soooooo much junk food! Well, technically, all the food at the PNE is junk, but it all tastes pretty good. I think we ate so much food, you won't even want to read about it!
Okay, so after eating, we went over to the Playland section and played some of those games. We spent about $20 and didn't win one single prize. Big surprise there right? ;) But I kinda had that coming. All those games are rigged so that it is extremely hard to win. After the games, we went back to the PNE area and watched Superdogs! Yay! My favourite show of all time would be Superdogs. It is fun, cute and it really gets you going crazy over the dogs. And... I am sorry to say, but after Superdogs, we walked around for a little bit longer, and then we had to go. The PNE was really fun, and I had an amazing time! I really hope I get to go again next year!
My random thought statement of the day: This year, the PNE was celebrating the 99th year. That means next year would be the 100th year of the PNE!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Blog Summer26
Guess what? Tomorrow, I'm going to the PNE with my family. Can't wait!
My random thought/statement of the day: I have a LOT of back to school shopping to do this weekend. I need to get: refill paper, white out, a calculator, a new pair of runners, a P.E bag, a CD rack and a new lamp for my desk.
My random thought/statement of the day: I have a LOT of back to school shopping to do this weekend. I need to get: refill paper, white out, a calculator, a new pair of runners, a P.E bag, a CD rack and a new lamp for my desk.
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