Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Blog Term1 Day21

Today we had our 2nd field hockey game of the season. It took place in Livingstone like last time, and we played the same school. And I am really happy to say we won the game. I really don't want to be a sore winner, but just for your information, we won 4-0. It was a really good game and our opposing team has really really great defence. I think our team is very well-rounded, but we have especially good forwards, so our defence get bored quite often. Trust me, I've been there. I'm usually not defence, but during practice, when we do a scrimmage and I'm defence, there isn't much to do. This game, I was forward for the first half and mid-fielder for the 2nd half. I'm almost always a forward. Although I originally wanted to be a mid-fielder when I first joined the school team in grade 8, I was put into forward. I'm not saying I don't like being a forward because I love being a forward, but I just find mid-field to be even better. In a game, when you are a forward, you always have to be on top of your game and very alert. Mid-fielder is the same, but you aren't really expected to score, so it's often not as intense. When you are a mid-fielder, you do a lot of running because if defence needs your help, you have to run there but if the ball is in the forwards possession, you have to be the back-up clan.

Now if you were to ask me which position I would like to play, I would say both. They each have their own special thrill to them. Last year, I played forward the whole season, so I guess I just want to play a different position to see which one I am better at. Anyways, I love both positions because they are just really awesome!

My random thought/statement of the day: J'adore jouer au hockey de terrain.


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