Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Blog Term3 Day84/85

Stayed up late finishing my socials essay last night. But good news: I'm done! And there's no homework! Actually, we had to finish the map. I didn't finish it all in class, but I went back to the classroom at lunch and finished the rest of it then. So now, I'm done. Now all I've gotta do is hand it in tomorrow. I was actually done before the end of school, so technically I could have handed it in, but whatever. We're allowed to hand it in tomorrow so tomorrow it is.

Anyways, this blog wasn't supposed to be about the socials essay. It's supposed to be about muffins! Okay, I was never a major fan of muffins, but I just LOVE THE BLUEBERRY MUFFINS FROM MMMMMMMMUFFINS! Sooooooooooooooo good! Their so soft and the not overly sweet. But I just love the texture. But at the same time, that means theres loads of butter. Which makes it yummy but fatty. Still, I love blueberry muffins, especially from MMMuffins! So gooooooood!

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