Saturday, January 30, 2010

Blog Term2 Day63 Superblog18 Sunshine Coast

I was browsing the pictures on this laptop, and guess what I found? Pics of me and my family's trip to Sunshine Coast! It's not all the pictures, but here are some of my favourites. We went to Sunshine Coast during summer break. The first week in August, I believe. It was soooo much fun! Not too hot, not too cold. It was one of the awesomest road trips ever. We went on ferry for a while. And if you know me, you know I LOVE FERRIES! That's why if a road trip ever required going on a ferry, then count me in! I love going from deck to caf to gift shop. I love how everything at the gift shop is overpriced. I love the extreme winds on the deck when you stand at the very front of the ferry. I love going around the caf and looking like I'm gonna buy something, but at the last second not. I just love trips. Just thinking about it makes me so excited! I miss Sunshine Coast so much!

My favourite things about Sunshine Coast:
  • peaceful and beautiful
  • less people, no shopping malls
  • beautiful beaches
  • really great fish and chips
  • the sun!!!!!!!!!!
  • getting bit by mosquitoes (jk)
  • exploring the beach with my brother

I was just looking at my previous blogs during the time I was actually at Sunshine Coast. I can't believe I didn't most pics! Well, here are my favourites! :)

Friday, January 29, 2010

Blog Term2 Day62

I have a very busy weekend ahead of me. All my Saturdays are always pretty busy, and now I won't be home all of Sunday. From morning till probably late at night. However, I am determined to get that eggplant I wanted. What eggplant? The eggplant. And no, I'm not talking about the vegetable. Hmm, I hope Mountain Equipment Co-op has stock of left-sling pod eggplants. Yeah, their bags! The colour of an eggplant. Actually, it's a combo of eggplant purple and olive green. Two of my favourite colours. My favourite colours are royal blue, eggplant purple and olive green. And the olive green I'm talking about is a dark olive green. Not that not-that-great light olive green. The shade makes all the difference. Last time I went to Mountain Equipment Co-op, they only had eggplant purple in right sling. And I want left sling. So now, I'm in the process of waiting for the left sling to come out.

Eggplants to the max!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Blog Term2 Day61

Sometimes, I find myself singing Christmas carols in the shower. I mean, I sing in the shower on a regular basis, but usually the songs I sing are by Taylor Swift, Everlife, the Veronicas or Hannah Montana. Actually, come to think of it, I am well known for singing I want a hippopotamus for Christmas all year round. Because as you might have caught from my username, I love hippos.

I am really glad that I got the chance to watch 2001: A Space Odyssey, because seriously, I wouldn`t have had the chance otherwise. And after viewing that online vid explaining the movie, I totally got it. And now, I totally think the director is a genious. I mean, I got that from my appskills teacher, but after seeing that, I totally got it. Everything just clicked into place. And oh my gosh, I totally agree. I think that was one of the bestest movies I have ever seen.
Hugs to Stanley Kubrick.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Blog Term2 Day60

Was at a friend's house up till now. Working on sci fair. Really tired right now. Then again, I slept really late last night, so that's not a surprise. I think after taking a shower, I'm gonna take a short nap before dinner. Then after dinner, I'll practice piano and then do math and french homework. Followed by science. If I'm finished all my homework before 10. After 10, I will not start any more homework. Reason being- I need to make up for my late night sleep last night.

Block rotation today, no mix ups though. Had P.E first. That's my least favourite, P.E first. It's just that P.E is one of my favourite courses, and I kinda like to look forward to it in the afternoon, can't do that if P.E's my first block though. Gymnastics was fun. Tested on parallel bars- got 7/10. Not bad. Not bad at all.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Blog Term2 Day59

Went to gymnastics during lunch today. It was fun. Tested rings, got 10/10. That made me happy. And while I was doing my testing, my friends were watching and I heard them complement my control while doing the rings. That made my day. Sometimes, the smallest things like a complement really make me happy. And I'm sure that applies to everyone.

Great- have a headache. And I don't even know why. You know what the worst part is? I have loads of homework I have to complete. Blah. Oh well, I'm not complaining. Yet. And guess what! I have P.E and drama tomorrow! Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would be happy about science because I love learning science, but the homework is NOT a thrill. I repeat NOT a thrill. English is pretty cool too, only thing is we're doing this project at the mo, and thats giving me a headache all to itself. But that headache is just figurative. I think as the due date looms closer, I might actually get a headache though. Then I might need an Advil. Those always help.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Blog Term2 Day58

Gymnastics was AWESOME today!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, it's always fun, but today I did a lotta stuff. Practicing really helps too because now, I can do most of the things. It's amazing, when I first started, I was scared of the rings. But then, when I actually tried doing the different moves, I did some. And I was so proud of myself. Most of the time, it's just the notation of doing that first move, or overcoming your fears on that first bit. After that, it's easier because you know you did it before, and it was successful and not as hard as it seemed. That's exactly what happened between me and the rings. When I first saw the rings, I was freaked out. But now, it's my favourite apparatus. I just love the rings. I love the parallel bars, uneven bars and balance beam too, but the rings are more of an adventure. Besides the uneven bars. I love the uneven bars! :)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Blog Term2 Day57 Superblog17

Aren't these 2 the cutest things you've ever seen? Okay, maybe not, but I really like them. The green dino is Yoshi and the yellow and red mushroom is Toad. Both these plushies are from Mario, the Nintendo game series. Personally, I adore both Yoshi and Toad. Whenever I play Mario Kart DS, I always try to be either one of these characters. It's kinda like a tradition. These plushies aren't actually mine, they're my brother's. But I still get to play with them.

Random thought/statement of the day: Have you ever tried HevyD's kettle korn? It's amazing, once you eat one kernel, you can't stop. Even my dad loves it, and he's pretty picky about stuff like this. Plus it's healthy. I think. Oh yeah, and did I mention the people that make that awesome kettle korn are British Columbians? Awesome right?

Saturday, January 23, 2010

blog term2 day56

M to the O to the V IE! it's movie night!!!!!!!!!!!!! okay, technically that's later, but because i usually get back at around 9, i'm just gonna blog now. i woke up at 9 today. i was gonna wake up at around 9:30, but breakfast was ready so i decided to eat it while it was hot.

after piano lessons, my brother, mom and i went to the library at Oakridge. there, i got Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters, the sequel to Pride, Prejudice and Zombies. I heard that both were pretty good, and since it was there, i decided to take it out. only thing is- it's a fast read. meaning that i have to finish the whole book in a week, no renews or anything either. i guess it's just a really popular book!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Blog Term2 Day55

I keep on thinking today is Saturday because I thought that yesterday was Friday. Hmmm. I just came back from dinner with family and in my mind, I kept on thinking about movie night. But it isn't. Friday nights for me are always not that great because thats the time I rush to finish all my rudiments and practice piano. Then the next morning, it's the second homework rush. After that, it's lunch, then piano lessons. Anyways, this blog isn't about whats gonna happen tomorrow, it's about what happened today.

Woke up late since I slept late, but at least I got the 9 hours of sleep I needed. Still, I would rather sleep earlier and then wake up earlier. That's the best thing to do. Much better than sleeping late and waking up late. When I finally woke up, it was 10am. Pretty late in my opinion. Then, I had some breakfast while reading the newspaper. I'm really glad that Haiti is getting a lot of support right now.

After showering and prepping, my mum and I went to the Earls at Richmond for lunch. My mum ordered the cedar plank salmon and I ordered the shrimp and scallop linguine. Both dishes were really really great although mine could have been a little less salty. I also ordered iced tea, my signature drink every meal and my mom, coffee.

Lunch was awesome, and after that we went to Richmond Centre. I think the economic downturn has just really started here in Canada because even on a Friday, there weren't too many people shopping. And there was a side-walk sale going on too. Then again, even my favourite shops didn't have anything good. Once we finished looking around, we went back home. After a bit we had to go pick up my brother to go to the dentist. After dentisting we had dinner with family and now back to now.

Watching the Hope for Haiti Now Programme on channel 9, CTV.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Blog Term2 Day54

Oh my gosh! I just watched "The Mysterious Ticking Noise" on YouTube. It's so funnnnny! Hahahaha, usually those kinda videos are either really lame or just down right bad. but this one had good rhythm, the finger puppets actually looked like the characters from Harry P. and it was funny! I have a feeling I'm gonna be singing it for a very long time. It's just so catchy!

I keep on thinking today is Friday because today's school schedule was a Friday one.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Blog Term2 Day53

Half asleep. That is never good. I think tonight, I might just sacrifice my science homework completionness for a good night's sleep. The IB entry tests were today, and I've gotta say, it was brain draining. Okay, it wasn't that bad, but it was still 2 hours and a half, so that was no walk in the park either. The test consisted of 3 components: math, comprehension aka English and critical thinking. But I bet you have heard a lot about the IB test, so I guess there isn't much more to add. But I did like how they gave us a 15 minute break halfway-ish through the test. That was good, because I got a chance to stretch, talk to friends and get a drink of water.

Random: Throat hurts, time to get some peach yogurt.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Blog Term2 Day52

asdfjkl; i do that whenever i feel bored, or have nothing to write about. eh. i was going to talk about my day, but my day was sad. so i'm not going to depress you with my suckish day. had some kettle korn. that was yummy. i've noticed i don't have much to say these days. at the moment, i just want to sleep, but i have a major socials essay test tomorrow about the French Revolution. and then after school, it's the pre-IB exam. and guess what? i'm feeling unwell. that's what made my day so sucky. well, part of it anyways.

my random thought/statement of the day: French Revolution!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

au revoir, mon amis.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Blog Term2 Day51

Fuji apples. Fuji apples. Fuji apples. Fuji apples. Fuji apples. Fuji apples. Fuji apples. Fuji apples. Mangoes.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Blog Term2 Day50

This weekend has been a really busy one. Tomorrow, the Pre- IB essay is due, so I have to finish everything. Not only that, but I also have a geometry quiz and a socials quiz about the French Revolution. So as you can tell, lotsa stuff to do tomorrow.

I've also gotta sleep earlier tonight. My goal is to sleep at latest 11pm. I slept pretty late last night doing homework and studying, and I know I won't be able to focus on all those quizzes tomorrow if I don't get at least 8 hours of sleep.

I really hope all the people of Haiti will be alright. I was watching CTV news a second ago, and at this moment, they really need a lot of help. Although I know many people are hurt mentally and physically, I hope they will get better through the help and support of all the countries around the world.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Blog Term2 Day49

Movie night!!!!!!! But by the looks of things, I think we're gonna have to skip it this week. I have a lot of homework to complete. I hate it when this happens. I always thought weekends were supposed to be for relaxing. Oh well, tough beans for me. The hockey game just finished. Pittsburgh Penguins vs. Vancouver Canucks. And we won!!!!!!!!! So happy! I missed most of it, I only came back home when there was 14 min left of 3rd period, but it was good. We won 6-2, but then again, it was a home game. All in all, it was an amazing game. If I got to see it, I would definitely have gone. I love the Canucks and the Penguins!

Random thought/statement of the day: Cream cheese.

Friday, January 15, 2010



btw: i MISS THE SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Blog Term2 Day47 again

Alrighty, I just remembered that I was supposed to blog about the movie we watched in AppSkills. Here's what I think:
  • very interesting, even though the movie was taken a while ago (you can tell from the quality of the screen), it was still very futuristic. btw, good job with the chairs, love them!
  • in the beginning, we had the monkeys. i think the make-up and costume people did a very good job, but you could still tell they were actors. (remember: monkeys can't fully straighten their backs)
  • the idea with the monkeys: that chapter was called Dawn of Man (right?), and i thought that part really illustrated how man came to be. especially the scene where the monkey (i don't think they are "monkeys" more like human-monkeys, but bear with me) picked up a bone and started to crush the other animal's skeleton- what we do now
  • then, the monkey went on to hitting another monkey- violence... hmm, wonder where we got that from
  • music was very befitting in a strange way, i took/take drama last year and this year, so i'm learning a bit about movie analysis, but mostly theatre at the mo.
  • black rectangular prism, very interesting...
  • very nice effects in those space ferries and space
  • just wondering- what's up with those weird round hats the ladies have to wear? uniform?

that's all my thoughts for now! btw, finished another toque! yay!

Blog Term2 Day47

Today was a bland day. Only thing different from normal, is after school I helped out with the new Synergy testing. The test was an hour long, and between that hour, we walked around, answering people's questions if they had any, making sure none of them cheated etc. What made it fun were having friends there too. Otherwise, it might have been quite bland. I find that I'm using the word bland a lot. That's never good. That means I need more spices. So all the classes were normal, nothing spectacular about any of them. Helping out with the test was actually quite fun. But now, I am really quite tired. And I still haven't finished my Pre- IB application essay. No good juices. I think it's because I've been on shortage of sleep. For the past week, I've only been getting 7 hours of sleep per night. That 2 hours shy of what I should be getting. Must sleep early, then maybe my good writing skills will come back. I blame everything on lack of sleep, might actually be the real culprit, so I guess it's not blame.

My random thinkings of the dayings: I love kettle korn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Blog Term2 Day46

Usually, when I get home, the first thing I do after putting away my stuff and hanging up my jacket etc. is turning on the T.V. (Which is a terrible habit, duh.) Then, I venture over to the kitchen, open the fridge and look for something to eat. After that, I rush into the bathroom to take a shower before my parents get home. However, today I didn't do that. Instead of turning on the T.V, I took a shower first. Which is really good, and kinda a must since I had P.E. last block. After I came out squeaky clean, I went to the kitchen. And instead of raiding the fridge (I would have, but there's nothing in it.), I went to the pantry and got a pack of udon noodles instead. Then, I boiled them, strained under cold water, boiled again, strained again and then I pot-fried them with some meat, eggs and green onion (last night's dinner). I would have said pan-fried, but I used a pot. The whole makings of this dish took approximately 35 minutes. And when I look back at the time I spent preparing the food, I'm really happy. Usually, I spend those 35 minutes watching some stupid T.V show. But this time, I made a meal! (I don't know if you would count that as a meal, it's more like a snack since that one pack of udon noodles was shared between 4 people: mom, dad, brother and me.) In the end, the dish was really really good. Out of 5, I would have given that dish 4 stars. It actually tasted really good! Part of it was the yummy meat and eggs that my mom made, but the other part was the boiling of noodles and perfect amount of soya sauce and oyster sauce. Funny thing is- in real life, I hate oysters, they taste really gross. But oyster sauce tastes great. Weird....

Today was another amazing gymnastics day. That was the highlight of my day. Not only did I do the routine on the uneven bars, with some help from the teacher. But I also practiced some moves on the balance beam and I actually got upside down all by myself on the rings. I think gymnastics is becoming more and more fun.

My random thought/statement of the day: I LOVE GYMNASTICS!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Blog Term2 Day45

Knitting is really addictive. Once I got home, after showering and having a quick snack, I started on my toque again. And the more I do it, the more I like it. And in a way, I like making toques more than scarves. Plus toques don't take as long, so I can finish more toques in the time it might take me to make a scarf. And I love thinking of new designs for the toques. The one I'm making right now has a grey brim and the rest of the body is going to be a light blue, then for the pom pom, I've decided on a darker blue. The colours all look really nice together, so I hope it will come out the way I planned.

My random thought/statement of the night: My arm muscles are aching right now because of gymnastics, but I still love it. Gymnastics is really really fun, and tomorrow, I'm gonna have gymnastics again! Yay!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Blog Term2 Day44

I had gymnastics today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And guess what I discovered? I love gymnastics! Okay, maybe not love, but I really really like it. It's sooo much fun. Actually, I think that I like most if not all the different sports we do in P.E. Square dancing was amazing, and gymnastics is really fun too. I think what makes gymnastics really fun is all the different equipment. Not only that, but being with friends really helps too. Since two of the grade classes were combined, I got to work with more of my friends. Sure, there are some activities that I can't to yet, but that's what makes gymnastics fun. If you can't do it now, throughout all the classes in this course, if you set goals to at least try the activities you are afraid of, you never know, you could surprise yourself and actually do a really good job on it. When I first saw one of the stations, the rings, I was really scared. Not only was the task to flip upside down, but you had to do these different stunts. But when I actually got to the station, I was pleased and surprised about what I could do. Cuz I could actually flip upside down, and more.

My random thought/statement of the day: Awesomeness!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Blog Term2 Day43

I think my time is still off. Last night, I couldn't sleep until 3, and then this morning, I woke up at 12:45pm. Just before lunch. And to me, that's really weird because up till last week, after coming back from Hong Kong, I would always wake up by latest 10. Okay, once I woke up at 11, but that was summer. But for the most part, I've adjusted to Pacific time, so that's good. This weekend has been very busy. Not crazy busy, but just a lot of homework busy.

This winter has been pretty sucky. I'm sorry to say, but usually, winter is my favourite season, but not this kinda winter. My ideal winters are filled with snow, hot chocolate with marshmallows, getting so wet from playing in the snow, making snow mounds to stand on and pretending to be the king of the world with my brother and helping my parents shovel snow. But this winter, there's only been a little bit of snow, so little, I almost forgot all about it. On the other hand, last year was amazing. Now that, was my idea winter. I don't even mind walking home in the snow, as long as there was snow, winters are beautiful. Without snow, it's only wet, cold and grey.

Oh where is the snow!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Blog Term2 Day42

Guess what? Last night, I slept really late because I had to help my brother with his Chinese homework and I had rudiments and science to do. So this morning, guess what time I woke up? 12:20pm! I think that might have been the latest I've ever woken up. Okay, besides the time I just came back from Hong Kong, then I think I slept until 2, but that was jetlag. Usually, I wake up at around latest 10am, then, I'm awake, but I want to go back to sleep so I do. That's usually what happens. But I slept until 11:36am this morning without ever waking up. I guess I must have been really exhausted because for the last week, I've been sleeping at 1am. Usually, it's because of homework and projects that slowly add up. Tonight is movie night, but I'm debating whether I should just sleep earlier or watch a movie. I want to sleep early because I haven't been getting the 9 hours I need for a while now, but I also want to watch a movie because it's movie night! Uhhh, decisions, decisions.

My random thought/statement of the day: I finished my first toque! But I'm not technically done, because I want to add a pom pom to the top of it. That would make the toque even better!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Blog Term2 Day41

Fridays are always weird for me. I'm not too sure why. They just are. I think it's because Fridays are the branch between weekdays and weekends, so I have to switch gears. Actually, that means that tomorrow is movie night! Yay! I haven't had a movie night in a while since I was in Hong Kong during winter break. But while we stayed at my aunt's and uncle's place, my brother and I watched Hellboy 2 and The Dark Knight with our uncle. And I've gotta say, both movies were really great. I missed the beginning of Hellboy though... But that's alright, the rest was really good. Actually, I really want to watch Avatar and Sherlock Holmes. Both movies are in theatres, and from what I've heard, both are really good. I want to watch Avatar because it just seems really clever. And I want to watch Sherlock Holmes because I saw the preview which seemed interesting and funny, and Robert Downey Jr. is in it! I love him! He is hilarious.

Merry weekend!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Blog Term2 Day40

Just came back from the Pre-IB and IB info night presentation. Now, I'm feeling intimidated, scared, determined and sleepy. Intimidated because a lot of people showed up for the presentation and the fact IB seems very prestigious. Scared for the tests and stuff we have to do. Determined because I want to get into Pre-IB which seems right for me. And sleepy because I slept late last night. I was going to say more about the presentation and stuff like that, but instead, I'm going to talk about... bowls. Whoever invented the bowl is really amazing. I mean, sure plates are good, but can you put soup in them? Not really. But in bowls, you can put almost anything. It might be weird to eat cake in a bowl, but it's still usable right? Bowls are versatile, plates are too, but not as much. Yay for bowls! Now the word 'bowl' looks weird to spell...

My random thought/statement of the day: Today was the Bulldog Classic.


Blog Term2 Day39 Superblog15

sometimes, i wonder if the world is ever silent
if there are no sounds to hear-
no telephones, no whir of the fan from the laptop, no talking
just silence

maybe there would be a slight breeze
the fresh smell of nature
no pollution, no smoke, no smog
pure air

when i was younger
i thought i could smell that in the
hear nothing except the eagle's wings whoosh by

that never happened

because i could always hear something
nothing like a cell phone ring, or voices
but the cry from Earth
how we could be so hostile after everything she did for us
how we are all hypocrites