Thursday, January 7, 2010

Blog Term2 Day40

Just came back from the Pre-IB and IB info night presentation. Now, I'm feeling intimidated, scared, determined and sleepy. Intimidated because a lot of people showed up for the presentation and the fact IB seems very prestigious. Scared for the tests and stuff we have to do. Determined because I want to get into Pre-IB which seems right for me. And sleepy because I slept late last night. I was going to say more about the presentation and stuff like that, but instead, I'm going to talk about... bowls. Whoever invented the bowl is really amazing. I mean, sure plates are good, but can you put soup in them? Not really. But in bowls, you can put almost anything. It might be weird to eat cake in a bowl, but it's still usable right? Bowls are versatile, plates are too, but not as much. Yay for bowls! Now the word 'bowl' looks weird to spell...

My random thought/statement of the day: Today was the Bulldog Classic.


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