Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Blog Term2 Day103

Yay, the field trip is tomorrow. And so is the Vow of Silence. I think I will find it quite hard to not talk... I happen to talk a lot, so that will definitely be a challenge. I think it will also be hard not to blog because blogging is part of my daily routine. I love talking! It's just me, so I am scared that I might forget and start blabbing away. The worst part will be school. There are bound to be many people talking, and since some of my friends are not doing it, they might try to make me talk... Just for fun. I really hope that I won't talk. I must say, I think that the Vow of Silence is going to be harder than the 30 hour famine. I wanted to do the 30 hour famine too, but someone said that you had to sleep over at the school and I just have too much homework and piano and Chinese to do. But I still think not talking is going to be extremely hard. With eating, if you don't have food, you can't eat, but I have my voice with me all the time.

My random thought/statement of the day: I hope that we get to dissect cow eyeballs in science!


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