Friday, March 6, 2009

Blog Term3 Day1

This is so cool! This is my first post for term 3! But guess what... it's a Friday, so it's not that awesome. But this Friday is different from all the others. For one thing, I don't have Chinese school tomorrow, actually, I do, but I don't have to go. Which leads me to my second thing. Well, tomorrow I get to go the science fair regional. It is just so cool. I am super-duper excited, but I still have a lot to prepare. I need to change my title, last minute touch-ups to my board, draw a couple graphs, print out my abstract and a few other things. That is why I am freaking out a bit. But I should finish it all by tonight... Well, I have to because it's due tomorrow! I also have to memorize all my Chinese paragraph.

Now, I am going to talk about rock climbing that I did yesterday. It was so much fun! From previous experiences, I wasn't all that fond of rock climbing. But after yesterday, I love it so much! I didn't like it too much when I did it in camp, but it was so much fun! I know I keep on repeating that, but it's just true. At first, I kept on doing the same wall until I had the guts to climb to the very top, but after I made it to the top, I felt like I could make it up every wall. So after that, I worked hard to climb to the top of as many walls as I could get. The last one I did was a really hard one. There was an overhang, so I had to work a way over it. To tell you the truth, I don't really remember how I got over, but it did take me 10 minutes. Usually, it takes me about 3 minutes to climb a wall from the bottom to the top, so it is obvious it was an extremely hard wall. But it was so cool when I finally reached the top and my fingers curled around the top ledge. At that moment, I felt a wonderful feeling of completion and accomplishment. I just loved it! Now, I can't wait to go rock climbing again. However, my arms are still extremely sore. Maybe because on that overhang wall, I had to use my arms to pull the rest of my body up over the overhang part. And the worst part was, today, I had to do the weight room for P.E. That just make my arms even more sore than they were.

But guess what? Today, I had to perform my monologue... even though it was during the Vow of Silence. And guess what I got? 48/50! YES! I am super-duper happy about my mark. I worked really hard, and I am glad that I got that mark! :)

My random thought/statement of the day: The Vow of Silence was really cool. It was super-duper hard, but I managed to pull it off.


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