Thursday, March 26, 2009

Blog Term3 Day21

Oh great, I know that I should have studied for my Chinese exams more over Spring Break, but I didn't. Mainly because I wanted to rest and not work so hard. But now, I have to work twice as hard as ever, trying to do everything at once. My Chinese exams are always really hard and with only a week before the exam to study, it's not much time. Plus, piano examinations are in the summer, and I haven't had the time to practice too much piano. Just last night, I stayed up really late trying to finish all my homework and studying for my exams. The problem is, I have to nap because I slept really late the night before. And that nap takes time. So as you can guess, I would sleep late that night too. And then, I am trapped in that endless cycle. And for some reason, I have loads of homework from math and French. I think it's the most my French teacher has ever given. Ironic isn't it? We get loads of homework on the week of my Mandarin test. Then next week, I am in for even bigger trouble. Apparently, I have 3 major unit tests all lined up after another. On Wednesday, I have an English media test, then on Thursday, I have an algebra test for math. And on Friday, I have this major socials test on the Medieval era along with a whole bunch of other things like castles and siege weaponry. It also happens that on that week, I also have another Chinese exam.

My random thought/statement of the day: Ahhhhhh! I still have to do my theory, but I just don't have any time! :'(


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