Monday, May 4, 2009

Blog Term3 Day59

For P.E today, we started on a new unit- softball. I have never actually played softball, but it seems a lot like baseball. Since a lot of people have never played before (like me) after doing the warm-up run, we paired up and just practiced throwing and catching with the mitts on. The gloves feel really hard, so I found the flexibility to be very hard. (It's a good thing I chose an old glove because if I chose a new one, it would have been even harder to move my hand.) At first, my partner and I both were not too good (we both have never played before) but after a while, we got the hang of it, and we were catching most of them. I am also super grateful that we didn't use the actual ones because the official ones are super hard and could take out several teeth. Instead, we just used these soft-ish ones that were bright yellow and therefor, easy to see. I was hit several times by the soft-ish balls due to my inexperienced catching, and I noticed that it just stings a lot when it hits you. Imagine if I was hit by one of those white ones! Ouch! It was also super windy today, so sometimes I would throw the ball into the air only to find it being carried along with the wind. In the end, after we finished tossing and catching the ball, we played a game of California kickball.

My random thought/statement of the day: Yay, there are so many field trips to look forward to.


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