Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Blog Term3 Day61

Tomorrow, I am going to Playland! I am so excited because I am going to go on a lot of rides. I have never been on the Hellevator or the Corkscrew, so those are the main rides I want to go on. My other favourite ride would be Crazy Beach Party and the Wooden Roller coaster is pretty cool too, but I still think Crazy Beach Party is the best. Crazy Beach Party is just like Pirate Ship except you get to spin a lot and that adds to the fun. Just thinking about all that fun is making me excited. Usually when I have a fun field trip like this, I have trouble sleeping. I really hope the weather holds up because I don't want it to be cold and rainy. That would just ruin the whole fun. I mean, who would want to go on the Hellevator when it is raining? Not me, because I wouldn't be able to see anything from the top which is one of the best parts. That is also why I love going on the Ferris Wheel, you can see all the tiny spots of people and scout out the short line up rides. It is so much fun and relaxing!

My random thought/statement of the day: Gosh, I am getting more and more excited!


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