Monday, May 18, 2009

Blog Term3 Day73

Oh great, tomorrow is back to school and I still haven't finished composing my oratorical. Although I have a topic, I'm just not feeling the creative juices flowing, and that causes me to do badly in composing pieces. I don't really know why, but it seems as if these days, my writing is not as good as it used to be. I used to be a whiz at writing, but it seems as if these days, I am just not that great. Well, whatever problem it is, I have to get over soon because I still need to finish composing this and then get going on the memorization part. Last night, I studied a lot for my socials and this morning was fully dedicated to finishing all my science worksheets and studying for the big test on Wed. But I know that I am still nowhere near ready for either test, so I really have to put myself on "work super duper hard" mode. This is really bad because I can feel myself burning out. And this weekend has been very bad. From the moment school ended on Friday, all I have been working on is homework and studying for all those tests. I haven't even had time to practice piano, and the exams are looming ahead. I still have to memorize all my technical requirements and songs. I am really far behind, and I feel the pressure mounting.

My random thought/statement of the day: I am seriously overloaded with homework, but I know it's not the teachers' fault.


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