Friday, June 11, 2010

BLog Term3 Day102

Okay, the very last blog of Synergy nine. Today was the last day of school. And it was pretty cool. Most people were telling me how boring it was, but my day was pretty good. Not boring at all. Except maybe last block. So science- we got this review package which really helped me. Because personally, I find those REALLY help me out, especially for finals. English, the last whole class as Synergy, we finished the movie and fussed about the time capsule. P.E. we played a huge game of dodgeball between 3 classes. Got totally owned in the first game (I think at the end, there were only 4 people standing on our side.) Won the rest of the them. Not that I was paying attention or anything. And drama, was the party. It wasn't really a party, so it was kinda boring, but I got to chat with friends, so hey. It wasn't bad at all.

Now, after this blog, I'm gonna eat oranges and then work on my rudiments. I was supposed to practice piano tonight, but didn't! And I have a lesson tomorrow! Not good... Anyways, I guess I'm just gonna have to do it all tomorrow morning. Which really is last minute, but hey, I'll probably get it done. Just barely.

Anyways, as my very last blog of Synergy and Middle Years, this is kinda sad. Cuz I have blogged quite a bit, so I am gonna miss it. Well, I know I really miss the rest of the MYs slash SYs already. At least today was not the last time I will see them. Theres still finals and then some times after that.

(This was how I used to end my blogs back in grade 8)

My random thought/statement of the day: the oranges are yum.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Blog Term3 Day100/101

Yeah, so these are the pictures of my toques before I went out to donate them on Wednesday. I made 5 toques in total, and I put my love into all of them. And they are all really nice. I would actually wear them.
In my care package that went inside my toques I put in:
  • a pack of Ritz crackers
  • juice! (which I later took out, so I guess it isn't really a member of this list. I really wanted to keep it in, but 6 juices is surpisingly heavy to carry around)
  • a pack of tissues
  • Champion socks (I got these with the homeless people in mind because I know that Vancouver = rainy and wet socks are not fun. Info courtesy of playing soccer in the rain in P.E.)

Originally, I was just gonna put everything in the toque and give them away. But then it looked like it was going to rain, so I put everything into bags. And then when we actually went, IT DIDN'T RAIN! Which is both good and bad. Good: Didn't get wet. Bad: All that prep for nothing!

Anyways, it was pretty fun. At first, Shania, Rachel and I were pretty freaked out because there were big mobs of homeless people hanging around chinatown/east hastings/downtown. We went with Rachel's aunt who was super duper awesome. Because without her, we all would have been even more freaked out. So a thousand hugs to her.

Some people were really nice, others were quite scary and mean. We found out that for some reason, the homeless people were usually the ones refusing. Well, I guess I can't really say that. Let's just put it this way, some homeless people like them and others didn't.

It was the Chinese grandmas that were the grateful ones. Pretty cool stuff. The first one that we came across was soooooo nice. And that's how it all started. Up till then, we were targeting the homeless people. But this old lady was really sweet.

So yeah, that was how our little adventure went. We went to Chinatown and walked around a bit. Rachel's aunt took the pics, and I don't know if someone's already posted them up on their blog, so I won't put them up on mine. Just in case there's repeats. But yeah, overall it was a fun and inspirational trip.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Blog Term3 Day99

Yes, I know it's super duper late. I just finished making the thank you cards for all the people who helped out with the Buskerfest. It took me 3 and a half hours to finish them all, but now, I'm mostly done. Now all I need to do is hand it to the rest of the Synergies to sign and then voila, I'm done. All the cards look really nice. Super duper pretty. And they're pretty big too. I'm planning on handing them in to my appskills teacher tomorrow so he can give it to the grade 8s to sign. They look soo pretty.

Originally, I was planning on uploading the pictures of my toques tonight. But as you can see, it's pretty late right now and I still have to do my prelab for science. So I guess I'm just gonna have to do it tomorrow.

Tomorrow right after school, my friends and I are gonna go and donate our toques. It's gonna be quite fun, so I hope it doesn't rain. That would be a major bummer. But if it does rain, I'll be prepared.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Blog Term3 Day98

Wow, today has been... interesting. Nothing special came up, but it just seemed special. Science was normal. English was normal. P.E. was normal. And Drama was normal. Even lunch was normal. Nothing special came up at all. Maybe it's the weather. Maybe it's the fact that after I came back from school I got a nice nap. Either way, today seems different.

Actually, tomorrow I have my French oral. Pretty scared. At the same time, I think I should do okay because I kinda know my stuff. Wither way, I need lots more practice. Just because I haven't read through all the questions yet.

I also have to finish a science lab. It was supposed to be due in class, but because my partner and I came across some problems with the slides/microscopes, it's due first thing in the morning tomorrow.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Blog Term3 Day97

Ah! The dossier is due tomorrow and I still haven't actually started. Reason: I have been so busy. I mean, the project sounds like fun. Only problem is it was assigned in the last 3 weeks of school. And there is already A LOT going on. I mean what the heck! Don't give us a project this last minute. It's giving me a headache, I didn't get enough sleep last night because I was working on science. And overall, this is just a really hectic time. I swear, if I get another project I will be sad.

On the bright side, this morning has been really fun. Usual sunday school then teens worship. And then there was the servanthood luncheon for all the people who helped out at church. Pretty fun. There was a lunch of salad, pasta salad, mashed potatoes and roast beef with gravy. Then for dessert, there were small strawberry tarts, chocolate cake and eclairs. Pretty good stuff. Especially the garlic mashed potatoes with gravy. Talk about yum. And that was from this morning to now. I just came back from church. And tonight I have a family dinner. And this dossier to complete! I think I might have to skip the dinner.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

BLog Term3 Day96

Last night I stayed up late reading a biography about Henry VIII. It was really detailed and thick. So I only read some parts. Pretty good stuff though. Lotsa detail and there was info I never really knew about. Usually, the books I read about Henry VIII are ones from the ex-Queens' POV. Or his daughters. The thing is, this book isn't a story, it's a biography which makes a huge difference in the narration. The author isn't portraying Henry. It's just a detailed and precise count of events. It must have taken ages and a lot of work and effort to make this book. Props to the author, Alison Weir.

Anyways, loads of homework this weekend. And because it's the last or second last weekend of this school year (depends on how you see it) I'm scrambling to finish everything.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Blog Term3 Day95

I can't believe it's Friday all over again. And it's the second last one too. Finals are just around the corner. OH. MY. GOSH. I just remembered my dossier is due on monday. And I haven't even started. I am sooooooo busted. This weekend is going to be crazy. And the worst part is, my whole Sunday might be occupied. And my Saturdays are pretty much full too. Except the morning. When I'm practicing piano. Not good. I really have lots to do this weekend. Ah! Not too happy about this English project.

Other than that, really nice weather right now. Kinda. I just hope this weekend looks good too. Wait... maybe I want it to look gross. Then I won't feel bad that I can't go out. Then again, I've had enough of blah weekends. The past few weekends have been pretty grey and rainy. So I wouldn't mind a beautiful weekend.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Blog Term3 Day94

Today was pretty fun. I slept pretty early last night (according to my standards) so I woke up refreshed. I think I really have to start sleeping earlier. It feels a lot better when I wake up. Anyways, science was normal. Did a lab. Didn't finish. English was... I don't think I rememb... wait never mind, we did a mock test. I totally failed the spelling section. Dang. But I'm glad we did that English test. There were some things I didn't know, plus it gets me into the exam mode.

P.E. was cool. Ran the usual 3 warm-up laps. We're doing badminton, I think I might have failed the written test... We got into co-ed partners and started tournament. Lost 1 game, won the rest. (Darn, I still can't believe we lost that first game!) Drama was fun. Nice day today. So overall, pretty neutral.

I just can't wait to watch the Shining in appskills tomorrow! But I also happen to have a math test AND a French composition test tomorrow. OH MY GOSH! I actually forgot about the math test till now. Ah! I have soooo much studying to do tonight!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Blog Term3 Day93

Ugh, I actually feel asleep in math today. That can only mean 2 things. One, I was really tired and I just didn't get enough sleep. Two, class was just plain boring. And frankly, it was both today. Not fun. Good thing I knew what was going on, it was review.

Sleepy right now.

Oooohh, guess what I made this afternoon? For a snack, I made mashed potatoes and heated up some French onion soup. I know, not really snack-type. But the thing is, it's split between a few people so each of us get a portion. And together, they taste super yum. I should have taken a picture. I made some mashed potatoes and then poured the hot French onion soup on top of it. It was super good. Creamy mashed potatoes and hearty soup.

Watched the Shining in appskills today. Soooo freaky! And I absolutely LOVE it! Too bad we had to stop in the middle. That kinda broke the mood. But oh my gosh that was so good! I get chills just thinking bout it. Lovelovelove that movie! It's one of my top 10, even though I haven't seen the rest of it. Another one of my top 10 would be 2001: A Space Odyssey. OOOOOHHH! And the Prestige! You know what I noticed, all the movies we watch in appskills is super good! Good movie choices!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Blog Term3 Day92

Ugh... I feel sick. Gross. And I really can't afford to feel sick right now because there is A LOT going on right now. It's almost the end of the year and teachers are giving loads of homework. You have no idea. French is just crazy right now. My composition test is tomorrow (ah!) and then the oral is next week. Really nerve racking.

Then, I have homework from every other class. I even have a written test for P.E. Intense much? I feel that I really need a break, and getting sick does NOT help the situation. :( I better get better soon.

Just came back from the athletic banquet. Got an award, clapped for other people getting awards, ate a burger with chips, veggies and a brownie. Drank lots of water. Got pictures taken, both at my table with friends and with my field hockey team. It was pretty fun!