Saturday, October 31, 2009

Blog Term1 Day53

IT'S HALLOWEEN! AND I CAN'T WAIT TILL TONIGHT! I'm also excited because we get to move our clocks back an hour. I know that it's a weird thing to be happy about... in a way... but for some reason, I love moving my clock back. It's just so awesome! To me, it's like gaining a special hour in life. Anything that "messes" up time is kinda weird, bad an awesome to me. Like when you take a flight to ex) Russia and throughout those 12+ hours, you gained more than 12+ hours. Kinda weird and cool huh? That's why time is bizarre. And to me, that's like time traveling. I'm also super duper excited about Halloween. I'm not going trick-or-treating because instead, I'm helping out to at Funfest which is like trick-or-treating except you play games to win prizes and candy and there's hot dogs and yummy drinks and it's safer than walking around at night collecting candy... You could say it's like a party. So I'm really happy about that. Unfortunately, that means that I won't have time to work on any homework this afternoon or tonight, which kinda bugs me because I have a really large load of homework to do this weekend. In other words, the only time I have to do my large mound of homework is Sunday. Afternoon. Which is clearly not enough time to do enough of anything. Oh well, I'll make it happen. I always do.

My random thought/statement of the day: J'adore l'art dramatique! (I hope my grammar is right in this sentence de francais.)


Friday, October 30, 2009

Blog Term1 Day52

Friday. Yay. Actually, I'm usually happy about the weekend, but not this week. I'm not too sure why, but I just feel tired, and this weekend, I have a lot to do. I was contemplating whether or not type out that long list, but I think I'll not. First of all, it would be too long and plus, I'm gonna talk about the Olympic journey. My mom is watching CTV news at the moment, and since I'm in the living room too, I'm gonna talk about that. Apparently, the Olympic flame came from Greece all the way to Victoria and it arrived this afternoon, I believe. And then, they had a huge ceremony for it and the flame relay started. It's so awesome! And the torches look really pretty. I also love the Vancouver Olympic colours. I believe they are blue, green and white, and I just love that combo, because not only do the colours look good together, but it's totally Vancouver!

My random thought/statement of the day: I can't believe the 2010 Winter Olympics are taking place in Vancouver! Too bad we don't have any days off class. I'm still kinda unhappy about the fact we don't get any school off during the Olympics. Because the Olympics are never going to take place in Vancouver ever again so why can't we go and watch? :(


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Blog Term1 Day51

Hey, isn't that ironic? I'm typing up this blog at 5:51pm, and it happens to be my 51st blog of this year! While I'm typing up my greetings, I'm thinking of what to say. And I think I'm gonna talk about drama. Personally, one of my favourite classes is drama. But then again, I like all my classes. I'm happy because I have 4 synergy classes with all my friends. I also love P.E because... I love P.E. And in both French and math, I learn loads. So all in all, I'm pretty enthusiastic about school. I'm not the type to go around saying I hate school or anything, because I know and understand that school is a privilege, but at the same time, I'm not totally crazy about school, because school provides a lot of pressure and makes me lose sleep, but school is pretty awesome. Plus, without school, I probably wouldn't know 85% of the people I do know now. So, anyways, about drama. On Monday and Tuesday, after school, I heard from the announcements that there are auditions for the winter school play. I really want to audition because I love acting and drama, plus actually taking drama classes has really strengthened my abilities and even though first term is not even over, I feel like I've learned a lot. But my decision is still 50/50.

My random thought/statement of the day: Sleepy!


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Blog Term1 Day50

We won the championships! YES! I am so super duper happy! After a fun and learning season of field hockey, I am glad that we won. Because personally, I think we have the best team in the league and I'm glad that we came through. Throughout the whole season, we never lost a game, we either won or tied so I'm very happy with the results. And I'm really glad we have such an awesome team with amazing team work. I am also very grateful for the other team. They were fun to play and even though they got second place, they were genuinely happy for us, at least that's what I could read from the faces. Sure, they won't be super duper happy, but at least they weren't sulking or anything. So I was just want to thank them for having amazing sportsmanship. The game was so intense! We only scored one goal in the last 5 minutes of the game, so all throughout the game, everyone was on the guard, and the people from the sidelines were screaming and cheering all the way. In the end, the score was 1-0. And I can't believe we just scored a goal! Talk about craziness!

So after the game, for championships, we always have a small ceremony. In that ceremony, everyone gathers around and gets their metals, we get our trophy for the second year in a row and we also get a lovely blue banner that we get to put up in the large gym at the school. We also get certificates, but because it was raining, our coach is gonna give it to us when we return the jerseys.

My random thought/statement of the day: I can't believe the school season is already over! But don't worry, I'm still gonna play. Next year and maybe, if I can sign up, I'll do Hawks too.


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Blog Term1 Day49

Oh. My. Gosh. The moment I have been anticipating is almost here. Tomorrow, it's field hockey championships and I'm planning on ending the season with a bang. The team we are playing is pretty tough. I like to keep information anonymous unless you want to waste your time doing tons and tons of research. But like I was saying, the team we are versing is pretty intense, so we're gonna have give it all we got to win with flying colours. Which is what we want to do. In a time like this, I like to put myself in the other team's shoes. What would they be thinking right about now? Would they be worried? Confident? Over-confident? Scared? I'm not too sure, but the other team seems pretty tough so I doubt they are scared, but hey, you never know. They might think that we are scared. But don't worry, we're not. Cuz you know what we're gonna do? We're gonna win that championship and smile and high five the other team sincerely at the end of the game. We're tough, well rounded and make a good team. Of course, one should never be too overconfident because that could be our failure. But we have practiced hard, and I'm sure no matter what happens tomorrow, we're gonna have a fun time and had a fun season.

My random thought/statement of the day: I can't believe the field hockey season ended so quickly, but then again, it's gonna get rainy soon, so I guess it's reasonable. Oh yeah, and I really hope it doesn't rain during the game tomorrow. Well, fingers crossed!


Monday, October 26, 2009

Blog Term1 Day48

I really love field hockey. It's one of the best and funnest sports to play. Ever. There's running involved. You get a stick. And a ball. And for safety, you must always wear shin guards, runners or cleats and a mouth guard. And that's it. After that, you can do whatever. There are a few techniques to learn. And after you learn them, the ideal situation would be to practice, practice and practice. There are dribbles, passes, hits and just really awesome cool tricks that I can never do but attempt to do. Daily. Then, there's the whole teamwork factor which I love. When you're on the field and the ball rolls your way, you can hear your team members cheering you on. And it feels so darn good. I think that's the thrill of playing in a team. Sure, sports are fun to play by yourself (if you can actually do something) but when it comes to teamwork and good sportsmanship, nothing can beat that good feeling you get inside. From the moment we arrive on the field and practice, it's all fun. Up until the very last part where we say our, "Hip hip horrays! (times three)". And high five the other team. Then, theres always the thrill of winning, the slightly upset feeling of losing. And after each game, we all run to our goalie and either tackle her, or hit her real hard on those large shin pads she has with our field hockey sticks. And I realized something very very important. The stick we have truly affects the play. Earlier, before the game started, I lent my stick out to one of my team members and then, I borrowed a stick from somebody else. And the stick felt so different from my own. And now, I've come to realize how very different each stick is and how important a stick is to everything.

My random thought/statement of the day: Just as an FYI fact, GRAYS sticks are very good and I love the quality and how the sticks can handle the ball.


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Blog Term1 Day47 Superblog7

Forgot to add this pic on. It's one of my mom's flowers. She likes the garden and taking care of all the plants. Me, not so much. But I guess in the end, the result is quite rewarding.

Blog Term1 Day47 Superblog7

My Ultimate Schedule

I usually superblog on Saturdays, but it was movie night, and the movie was gonna start really soon, so I'm superblogging now. This morning, I was planning on finishing a lot of homework, but I only finished my English. My main problem is that I work too slowly, but I'm fixing that up by making a lot of goals, making schedules and sticking to the schedules which is usually the hardest part. So my goals for this morning are blogging, French (which with a bit more practice, I'm done!), English (I'm done!), and notes on the English Civil War. Actually, I was also planning on doing my math, but lets me serious here. Plus, I'm taking this one step at a time. And another thing, I'm feeling very fidgety at the moment, and I can't get any work done with this kinda mood. If I stick to the plan, that should leave me with only math, studying for science and socials and this bit of socials homework. I'm used to doing my studying a night, so it's pretty hard for me to study in the afternoon. Plus, if I study at night, that knowledge will be fresh in the morning. Math is more of an evening thing, so I'll try and do that before dinner. As for the other socials homework, I'll do that at night too. I would have done more homework during the afternoon like math and socials, but I'm volunteering at Church. Plus, this is good for my time management practicing.

My random thought/statement of the day: I like to eat unripe bananas over ripe ones.


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Blog Term1 Day46

It's movie night again, and tonight, we're watching Paul Blart Mall Cop. My brother and I have already watched it during the summer, but this time, we're watching it with our parents. The good thing is, this movie is super duper funny, so I don't mind watching it a second time. Unfortnately, after maybe a third time of watching this, I would get kinda bored. And by the fourth time, I don't think I would be able to stand it. But at the moment, it's still pretty awesome. Gotta go!

My random thought/statement of the day: Movie night!


Friday, October 23, 2009

Blog Term1 Day45

Another lovely Pro-D Day. I just love long weekends because it's surprisingly a lot more time than just the normal 2 day weekend. Plus, it gives me an extra day to sleep early and just get a lot of sleep. This morning, we went the Ocean View. Then, we made our way to Richmond. And there, we had Korean BBQ with family. It was all you can eat, so like always, whenever you go to an all you can eat, you always eat a lot. In fact, I ate so much I'm gonna skip dinner tonight. But then again, my brother and mom are both extremely full, and they aren't having dinner either, so I'm not the only one. Unfortunately, the down side to Korean BBQs' is that afterwards, the smell always clings to your clothes. My clothes are in the wash right now, so that problem is taken care of. Anyways, after having a massage lunch with family, half of us came home and the other half went shopping. (I was part of the shopping party.) We went to a jewelry place where my graduating cousin got a lovely white gold necklace. Then, we went up to the mall's food court and got some yummy cream puffs! Have you ever tried one of those? Well, if you haven't, you've gotta try it. It's quite fattening though... But they are really good.

My random thought/statement of the day: I'm planning on finishing a lot of homework tonight!


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Blog Term1 Day44

Yay, it's finally long weekend. At school, it seemed as if the minutes were ticking by at the speed of a snail. Seriously. Like the clock hands were trudging through syrup. Hahaha, I guess I feel like typing lame similes. Oh well, that happens. Today, was a not-that-great-day. In math, I was bored. In French, I was trying to get my brain to work, but I felt like I was under a sleeping spell and I could concentrate on the work I was doing. I mean, I was doing the work, but it just didn't fully enter into my brain. In applied skills, we were watching a movie and I was at the edge of my seat with wonder, suspense, horror and mystery. And in socials, I was bored, sleepy and sad because apparently, we have a lot of tests, quizzes and essays due in the next 3 weeks. Now that is what I call an under-average day. Then, after the bell rang, I had to rush to hand in my Take Your Kid To Work Day Form. Then, I had to rush back upstairs to go to a field hockey meeting. And finally, I walked home. Mostly by myself. That was the highlight of my day. Not that applied skills was boring, because the movie we watched, The Prestige, was truly brilliant. I loved it so much! But like I was saying, I love walking home by myself. It gives me a chance to reflect on life, get good exercise and take in the nature and air. Although in towns with side walks, construction for making new houses, there isn't much to go crazy about.

My random thought/statement of the day: I'm gonna sleep at 10 tonight. Yep, that's right. And nobody's gonna stop me. Well, except me.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Blog Term1 Day43

I feel really drained. But then again, I have been feeling drained for quite some time now. There was another field hockey practice today, so I haven't been able to start my homework yet. I know that field hockey means starting homework later, but in my opinion, it's soooo worth it. Even if I get less time to do homework, that means I'm balancing my life. In my opinion, I do reasonably well in academics and also in sports. I'm really glad that I have the privilege to go to school because school provides me with education, physical education and school teams and also a chance to hang out with friends and make new friends. Then, when I get back home, I have time for family, but also time to do homework and practice piano. So in other words, my life feels pretty good at the moment. But even if everything is going reasonably well, that doesn't mean life is easy. Life is probably the hardest thing in this universe. Even further than that! Imagine a place with many universes! Now that is something to wrap your head around! You know Dr. Seuss's Horton Hears A Who? Well, this universe could be exactly like that. A universe we think is extremely large could be totally small to others. Amazing isn't it?

My random thought/statement of the day: This long weekend, I'm going to sleep A LOT. In fact, I'm gonna sleep so much, I won't want to sleep anymore. But then again, I think that would be impossible for me because I can never get too much sleep. That's just the kind of person I am. I can sleep and sleep and sleep. Actually... maybe not, because in the summer time, after a while, I start to wake up and after waking up, I can never deeply sleep again. Oh well. This blog is random.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Blog Term1 Day42

So tired! Had a field hockey game today. At Livingstone. We tied the game, 1-1. However, in the shootouts after the game -to see which team would be in first place because we were tied in rank- we lost. By one point. I wish I could have done a shootout because I think I'm actually okay at them. But I wasn't chosen. Oh well. I played defence today, because the other team had very fast forwards. I sucked at defence. Prefer mid-fielder a lot more. Like wayyyy more. Forward's not my drift either. I like mid-field best. Hurt my ankle. Badly-ish. Twisted it. Was running after the ball, someone ran in front of me. I accidentally stepped on their shoe, foot landed in a very funny position. Pain. Still hurting. Had to finish the rest of first half semi-limping. Sat rest of second half out. A little more pain. Home- showered, felt better. Then pain again. I need to wrap it up. Forgot what the material to wrap it up was called.

My random thought/statement of the day: Had a math test today, panicked at first because I thought I wouldn't finish in time. Finished in time with about 5 minutes to spare. Think I did well.


Monday, October 19, 2009

Blog Term1 Day41

I am sooooo happy! You know why? Because the school field hockey team did so well today! Yep, that's right, we did really well. I had to leave class early again, and that part is a real bummer... especially because I had to leave at 2:30pm, meaning I missed about 45 minutes of class. But our game was very far away, so we had to leave extra time to get there. Not only that, but we had to take public transit, and we had to transfer once. Plus, the bus was really crowded and with our backpacks, gym bags and sticks, we took up a lot of space. Another factor was, there were about 13 of us taking the bus together, so as you can guess, the bus driver wasn't too pleased. Then, partway through the ride, the bus driver stopped the bus, got out and got a coffee. Yep, that's right. Weird huh? I didn't even know it until afterwards. I knew the bus had stopped for no apparent reason but it wasn't until later, when my friend said he had gone out to get a coffee I had actually known what had gone on. I thought something happened to the bus or something. Anyways, by the time we got to our destination, we only had less than 5 minutes to practice before the game was due to begin. So in other words, the bus ride (plus waiting for the bus) took us about 40 minutes. Pretty crazy huh? Oh well, I guess that's what happens around that time of day. But when we actually got started, we were on fire! We did so well, and I believe the final score was 6-0. (Not 100% sure though...) I don't want to go around boasting, but still, I'm so proud of the team effort.

My random thought/statement of the day: Not to brag or anything.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Blog Term1 Day40

While I'm typing this blog, I'm listening to All Time Low. They are this band my friend introduced me to. I think the genre is rock/punk and it's surprisingly my style. I'm usually more into pop, but this band is awesome, so I really like it. Like I was telling her, the songs All Time Low has are the kinda songs I would sing along to. Yesterday, I was supposed to finish my lab report for science, but when I came back at night, I was really tired and it was getting pretty late. So instead of doing my rudiments, I had an early night's sleep. And it feels so great! I'm really happy that I got to sleep early because it really affects how I am for the rest of the day. So this afternoon, I'm determined to finish all my school homework. So from now until dinner, I'm gonna work on that lab report and a socials essay and anything else I have. After dinner, it's all about my rudiments and practicing piano. And tonight, I'm gonna sleep at 10pm. That way, I can get the recommended 9 hours of sleep since I usually have to wake up at around 7am... I love blogging about my schedule because it always makes it easier for me when I actually do my homework.

My random thought/statement of the day: FIELD HOCKEY RULES!


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Blog Term1 Day39 Superblog6

The Rain

inside, shelter and warm glowing lights
outside, nature and no seen kites

when the rain falls, i frown
when the rain falls like this, i feel serene
to wake up in the morning- no bright lights through the curtains
what a rainy day!

the sound is not pitter-patter
like most books claim

but a smooth consistent harmony of lows, highs and just rain
Vancouver, you beautiful polluted temperate rainforest,
i love you!

weather affects my mood
sun is my happy
rain is my sad
wind is my hyper
snow is my love

but today, with yams cooking in the oven,
rain is different,
it's my serene and my happy and my love

this rain is different, i feel the nature suck it up with love
... same here

My random thought/statement of the day: My feelings in a free style poem.


Friday, October 16, 2009

Blog Term1 Day38

Yay, it's Friday! Finally! This week seemed to crawl by. But now that it's Friday, it actually feels like time flew by. Weird how time works, don't you think? At the moment, I'm listening to Paramore. Never really knew about Paramore, but my friend introduced me to the band, and I really like them. They are totally my kinda music. I feel like I have a lot to talk about today, so here goes. In socials, we are doing a series of presentations in groups. 3 people per group. And each group researches a different country or state that has had some social problems or wars. In my group, we researched East Timor. This project was actually given to us about a month ago, and ever since then, every weekend, my buddies and I have met up to work on it. And starting early really made a difference. I'm usually pretty last-minute, but with group members, especially from Synergy, it helps me stay on task and work once I get the assignment. We performed today, and I think (and know) we did an amazing job. We had all rehearsed a lot and did a lot of research and I'm super duper happy we did that, because we got an amazing mark in the end. Actually, I'm not too sure about what mark we got because I had to leave class early, but one of my group members told me we did a really great job. And I'm really proud of myself.

However, I had a math quiz today, and I totally messed up on it. It's pretty sad, really because most of my mistakes are really stupid ones that could have been prevented. And even though I got 12/18 (which is pretty bad), I'm determined not to make me sad. Of course, it made me sad for about 5 minutes, but bad marks are good in a way, because that way, we can learn to accept what we got and let it pass. Not only that, but now I know to work harder and be more careful. I also happen to have a math test next class, so I'm gonna study my notes. I didn't bring my textbook home, but I think I'll be fine without it... I hope.

We also had another field hockey game today, we we won again! Yay! I know that winning isn't everything, but it sure is fun! To tell you the truth though, I don't think our team did very well. We were really slow the whole game and all of us were tired. I'm not too sure why. But I think it has something to do with not getting enough sleep. Plus, whenever there were Friday games (like today), all everyone wanted to do was go home and sleep and get the weekend started! But I guess we did pretty well in the end, since the score was 4-0. Not to brag or anything. ;)

My random thought/statement of the day: I wanna sleep!


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Blog Term1 Day37

These are one of those days there isn't anything to talk about. Actually, I could talk about anything, but right at the moment, I have nothing on my mind that is interesting. I'm just sleepy! Plus, I just finished a pretty good book.

My random thought/statement of the day: My school year's goal is to sleep earlier and hopefully get at least 8 hours of sleep. (9 hours of sleep is a little hard...)


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Blog Term1 Day36

I am so super duper happy I don't have any homework due tomorrow, but that doesn't mean I'm just gonna slack off and not do anything tonight. Even though that is exactly what I want to do! Unfortunately, I just got a fresh pile of homework to do from today's classes. So I'm planning on getting an early start and hopefully, by the end of tonight, I can get an early night's sleep and finish a lot of work. But then again, sleep is my number one priority at the moment, and I'm planning on sleeping at 10:30pm latest. So that means I have to start washing up by 10, otherwise I won't be able to sleep on time. Ahhh, I just love it when I don't get any homework. It makes my life so much better. Not only that, but that also means I get a good night's sleep. I know I should probably do my homework the night I get it, but these days I have been really drained due to lack of sleep. So I need SLEEP!

We also happened to get immunizations today. And my left arm is still semi-sore. I had to get 2 shots. I'm not gonna specify because that information could be confidential, but lets just say one shot was painful right when I got it, and the other one is still causing my arm weird sore-ness. But I guess getting pricked by a needle several times is much better than not getting vaccinated and taking the risks of getting sick.

My random thought/statement of the day: Actually, shots are not that bad. Sure it's painful, but the real pain only lasts for about 10 minutes. After that, the rest of the pain is just minor sore-ness.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Blog Term1 Day35

Another turkey dinner tonight! There were so many leftovers from this weekend, there is still a lot of pumpkin pie and even more turkey. And apparently turkey makes you sleepy. I'm not too sure if that's just an urban legend or reality, but I like to say turkey makes you tired anyways. Today, I didn't actually get any new homework, but that doesn't mean I don't have any homework. Because I happen to have a lot of homework due tomorrow. I have a lot of math and quite the amount of socials homework to hand in too. For math, I have some pages from the textbook to complete. And for socials, I have an essay to write, a speech to refine and some textbook work to finish too. So although I might not have gotten any more homework, that doesn't mean I have no homework to finish. But still, getting no more new homework is amazing! Because ever since the first day of school, I had at least some homework...

My random thought/statement of the day: For the field hockey game today, we got a 2-2 tie! That's the first tie we got all season!


Monday, October 12, 2009

Blog Term1 Day34

Pumpkin pie time in 10 minutes!!!!!! I really like pumpkin pie, the filling is pretty awesome but if the crust is not made yummy-ily, the whole pie just doesn't taste the way is should... :) I can't believe the long weekend is almost over! I love long weekends because that extra day just adds so much time to the whole weekend. And that makes me a happy person! Unfortunately, long weekends always have to end, and this night is the last night of the long weekend! And I still have lots of science to complete. On tues, I also happen to have 3 tests. One for science, another for P.E and the last one is for English. Pretty extreme right? But then again, that always happens in high school. Some days have no tests and other days have so many tests, I have one practically every block. Fortunately, I don't have a test in drama. Or else I seriously would have had one every single block.

My random thought/statement of the day: Pumpkin pie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Blog Term1 Day33

Awww, I can't believe it's Sunday already! I haven't even had major time to start homework yet. On Fridays, I'm always scrambling to finish my rudiments and practice piano so that means I don't have time for school homework. Then, on Saturdays, I have piano lessons, volunteering at Church and movie night! I do have around 3 hours between piano lessons and dinner to do my work, but I like to dedicate that time to reading, which to me is one of best ways of learning. So now that it's Sunday, I really gotta get working on science, socials, math and English. I am so super duper happy I didn't get any homework from French, and for applied skills, I only have some deciding to do (which topic I want to present on) so that shouldn't take too long.

Tonight is Thanksgiving Dinner Night. I know Thanksgiving is technically tomorrow (Monday), but Sunday night seems a lot better for big dinners. That way, on Monday night, I can do some last-minute homework. Hahahaha. So I'm really looking forward to dinner tonight. I love how Thanksgiving Dinners are always so elaborate. I love Thanksgiving Dinners because that means I get to get together with family. We also have a huge Christmas Dinner annually, and that is always something I look forward to. It's fun because I love helping out in the kitchen, but it's also fun mingling with family and friends. My brother, older cousins and I like to goof off too, making our parents laugh and sometimes get annoyed. But that's the fun of it!

My random thought/statement of the day: I really love family get-togethers!


Saturday, October 10, 2009

Blog Term1 Day32 Superblog5

Movie night is back on! We are gonna watch Battle of the Smithsonians. At least that's what I think it's called. Do you know that movie? Well, for those who don't, it's the sequel to Night at the Museum. I know that this movie came out a long time ago, but it wasn't until tonight that we were able to rent it. Not only that, but it's the first night since summer that I actually have time to sacrifice for movie night! So after blogging, I'm probably gonna get the popcorn running and then we're gonna start the movie. Yay! Last year, I used to spend all my Saturday nights with my family watching movies. I really wanted to carry on with this tradition this year, but my homework loads have proved that hard to do. I also know that I'm supposed to spend one night per week relaxing and doing nothing. And from now on, Saturday nights will be that time of week. You might ask why this is a superblog. Well, I'll tell you why. It's because I'm feeling superblogish. Yep, that's my reason. Plus, this blog is about relaxing. Something I haven't truly had time to do since school started.

My random thought/statement of the day: I'm craving low-fat popcorn!


Friday, October 9, 2009

Blog Term1 Day31

Well, today was the first day in this week where I didn't have field hockey. It's not that I don't like field hockey, but after a while, I get really sore all over because there is a lot of running for the position of mid-fielder. Not only that, but when you play field hockey, you have to bend over to use the stick, making it pretty hard on your back. But then again, practically every physical sport makes you sore... in a good way. That means your muscles are being exercised. And that is really great. But field hockey always takes up a lot of time. For practices, it takes up 2 hours and a half, and for games, it takes up at least 3 hours and a half. So as you can see, being involved in sports is a big commitment that involves a lot of time. But sports (to me) is rewarding, fun and a really great way to hang out with friends while keeping fit. Field hockey is one of my favourite sports, so I'm really happy to be on the school's field hockey team.

My random thought/statement of the day: Currently, I'm reading the book Crank by Ellen Hopkins and it's a very powerful book. In fact, I'm getting kinda scared of reading it.


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Blog Term1 Day30

Alright, this blog is about the LANGARA RUN. To tell you the truth, I love the Langara Run, and I really wouldn't mind running Langara every month. But if I ever suggested that, people would think I'm crazy. But then again, it's not a secret I love to run Langara. Practically all my friends know it, and if they don't know, it's because they never asked. I just love running Langara because it's like running in the woods (which is technically what it is). I don't need to bring music to listen to (unlike the 6 lap run) because the nature and surroundings always capture my attention. So I just run. And run. And run. And I never ever stop to walk or anything like that. I don't even let myself slow down unless I am on the verge of getting really sick or something. But that's never happened to me, so I'm good for now. Although I love Langara, that doesn't mean things can go wrong when I run it. Like today. We had our annual term 1 run. And all had seemed to be going pretty well. Until I was rounding that last corner. Suddenly, my left foot kinda fell into a hole (or tripped on a root, I'm not too sure) and my whole foot landed on a funny angle, and I put pressure on by stepping down. I didn't mean to step down or anything, but it happened all so fast, I wasn't sure what to do. Thankfully, I'm really into exercising before doing any sports, so I was saved from a major twisted ankle or anything bad. But still, it really really really really hurt. But I still had about 400 meters to go. So I did the first thing that came to my mind, and I limped as fast as I could to the finishing line. Usually, in the last 200 meters or so, I run. Not just run... I sprint like there's not tomorrow. But I couldn't do that, so that made me very very unhappy. And I ended up with a very suckish time. I know I tried my best and all, but it makes me very unhappy that I got a suckish time because I sprained my ankle on the last bit. But I guess I can't do anything about. So in term 3, I am sooooooooo determined to get a really awesome time.

My random thought/statement of the day: We had another field hockey game today, and we won big time! The score? 5-0. Awesome huh? (I'm usually pretty modest about it, but today's different!)


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Blog Term1 Day29

Yum, everywhere I look, there are golden-brown Thanksgiving turkeys staring at me. Don't get me wrong, I love turkey and everything... but do you know how many turkeys are slaughtered every Thanksgiving? I don't actually have the statistics, but let me tell you, the numbers aren't low. In fact, that might just be worst understatement in the world. One of my friends did a ppt presentation on animals being slaughtered, and when it came to Thanksgiving, a lot of turkeys were killed. In fact, the numbers were so high, I think everyone was surprised. I feel sorry for turkeys and and other meats we eat, but not quite sorry enough to become a vegan or vegetarian. The thing is, even if people become vegetarians, the number of slaughtered animals will not drop anymore. That is the sad part about life... But oh well, a lot of things happen in this world... If there are people that agree with something, there are always people who appose them.

My random thought, statement of the day: Practice went very well today, I got quite aggressive and hyper in the last half hour though... Good thing I did not hurt anybody except my toe. (Accidentally shot a ball at my best friend though, good thing her shin guards protected her.)


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Blog Term1 Day28

I am an extremely tired human... Fortunately, we have collaborative planning tomorrow, so I'm planning to sleep until 9am. Nobody wake me up, or you will pay! I haven't had the recommended 9 hours of sleep since some night over the weekend, and I'm dying to get a lot of sleep. I have loads of science and socials to do, so again, I don't have too much time to waste. I also have English, but there isn't too much of that, so those 2 subjects are the main ones. How ironic, I just realized those are the 2 classes I always miss at least half an hour of due to field hockey games. So that is why tonight is mostly dedicated to science and socials. But I better finish socials first because I have socials tomorrow. However, I think socials is gonna take a lot of time and effort. That is why I am hoping science is no-brainer work. But it seems as if those days are over, so I better get my brain plugged in for homework.

Okay, now on to the happier stuff! We had another field hockey game, and we won this one (again). The final score was 4-0, so we were very happy. Unfortunately, I think our team is getting a little too over-confident, so that is our weakness. But then again, we have a very good team, so I'm not too worried. But like I said, leaving class early is a pain in the bum because that means I miss valuable class time.

My random thought/statement of the day: I actually ate an apple (whole) today! With braces! I didn't have the apple cut into slices, and I just bit into it, and that is why I am so excited.


Monday, October 5, 2009

Blog Term1 Day27

Darn, I'm tired already, and I still have quite the package of homework to do. Like I said last blog, I had another field hockey game today, and I had to leave my last block early. I know how some people might think leaving class early is good, but in my opinion, that's bad. First of all, you miss part of the lesson and the instructions. Secondly, you miss class time to work on things. Thirdly, you have to catch up on work you missed in class. And lastly, you have to track down your classmates and ask them what you missed. Pretty annoying huh? But I guess EDs are important for getting to a game on time. Especially if you have to take public transit.

These days, I'm feeling really drained due to little sleep at night. That is why I am working really hard on getting a good night's worth of sleep. It's amazing how much help sleep is! Not only do my work habits improve, but my personality is also much better. If I get enough sleep, I wouldn't get grumpy as easily as these days. But then again, practically everyone I know has been deprived of sleep lately, so I'm not the only one.

My random thought/statement of the day: Can't wait until camping!


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Blog Term1 Day26

Another weekend gone by in a flash... It seems as if weekends are always so busy, and the only time I actually have available for homework is Sunday night (aka now). Weird how that all works out huh? Unfortunately, I have loads of science to do, so I really gotta step on the gas pedal and work hard tonight. Hopefully, I can sleep by 11:00pm, but that is very unlikely, so I will probably sleep at 12... Oh well, you do what you gotta do. I was busy all of today because in the morning, I went to Church, and after lunch, I went to my friend's house to work on a project until around 6:30 when I came home for dinner. I haven't even showered yet, so after blogging, I will probably go and shower. I'm glad that I have a lot of things to do over the weekend, but at the same time, it gets quite hard to do homework. I'm still learning how to manage my time better, so this is going to take a while. But I reckon that if I work hard and get a lot of practice with time management, I should be doing very well in school and all aspects of life.

I am so excited about going camping! I know that all my happy dreams can go down in a crash, but wouldn't it be just awesome if we got to go camping? Some of my classmates were talking about going to The Hills which sounds awesome, but I kinda want to go camping camping. Like in tents. For my grade 7 grad camp, we went to Elphinstone and slept in cabins. That was an awesome experience, especially because I got to sleep on the top bunk, but I would rather try camping in tents. Mainly because I have never done that before, and it sounds amazing. Plus, I'm the kinda person who loves to try everything at least once. Yes, even escargots. Okay, maybe not fried spiders because I have a major fear of arachnids, but escargots are okay... as long as they aren't alive or anything. Now that would be gross.

My random thought/statement of the day: Another field hockey game tomorrow!


Saturday, October 3, 2009

Blog Term1 Day25 Superblog4

Ahhh, I have a scab on my knee. The fact that there is a scab on my knee isn't the problem. The part I get annoyed at is how the skin gets really itchy around that area as it heals, so right now, my scab is super duper itchy and I just really really wannna scratch it. I hate how that always happens. Whenever something is itchy, it always bugs you... a lot. Mosquito bites are like that too, only worse. But still, I don't like feeling itchy. It's just not a pleasant feeling. Anyways, on with my superblog.

Today, I'm going to talk about stuffed animals. Actually, I have a lot of stuffed animals. There are so many, if I put them all on my bed (queen size) I wouldn't have anywhere to sleep. That's why most of them are downstairs, and I only keep around 5 (at a time) on my bed. The thing is, a lot of people, as they get older don't really care or play with their stuffies anymore, and I find that really unfortunate. There are some people who don't play with stuffies because they think stuffies are for babies or that kinda thing. And just to let those people know, it's never too late to get a stuffie or play with one. I have a younger brother, so I tend to play a lot with our stuffies and I'm glad, because I believe it's good to stay as stupidly young as long as you can. When I say stupidly young, I don't mean being immature, but I also wouldn't want to try to be mature too fast. Then, when you look back at your past, you will probably feel as if you didn't have enough time being a kid. I mean, I still act and think like a kid as much as possible even though I'm in high school. The thing is, I don't want to grow up too fast. Unfortunately, it seems as if lately, kids are trying to be adult-like too soon. And what I find most annoying is when I see kids trying to act like teens when they are clearly not ready for it. It just seems like society is "forcing" everyone to act mature and they have to do that to fit in, which to me is totally bogus. But people still believe that...

My random thought/statement of the day: It's hard to fit in or be different. The only way to be unique is to be yourself, not what others want you to be or what you think you want to be.


Friday, October 2, 2009

Blog Term1 Day24

Yay, finally it's Friday. It seemed as if this week has been very busy and long until now. Now that I look back at it, it seems as if the week zipped by. Funny how time works, don't you think? Anyways, I really look forward to sleeping early tonight. For the past few nights, I have been sleeping at approximately 1am, and it's not just me, a lot of my friends are sleeping late too. And if I don't get enough sleep, I tend to not pay as much attention in class as I should or usually do. That is why I have made it a goal to sleep at latest 11pm. Tonight, I'm planning to practicing a lot of piano and finishing all my rudiments, but I also want to do some school work. Unfortunately, I am so tried, I think I could fall asleep in the next few minutes, so after blogging and checking my email, I'm going to take a nice long nap. That way, I will have enough energy to last through the night, finish my homework and get a nice, long night of sleep.

I have noticed that sleeping is really good for you. And personally, I can feel the effects of a good night of sleep right away. Because for the past week, I have been weary all the time and that is not good. So I'm really gonna step it up a notch in terms of finishing homework asap, and getting a good night of sleep. Unfortunately, I have a lot of homework I have to complete this weekend, so I really have to get going.

My random thought/statement of the day: Have you ever tried apple chips? They are just amazingly yummy! If you haven't here's the summary of an apple chip. They are apple slices dried up (all the water removed) so that there is a really concentrated apple flavour. And it is so awesomely good. Especially with cinnamon.


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Blog Term1 Day23

Guess what I did today? Well, there could be a million possibilities as to what I did so I'm just gonna tell you. I went over to my best friend's house after school. It's not that I've never been to my best friend's house because I have there a lot of times, in fact I have pretty much familiarized myself with everything there, but come to think of it, it's the very first time I went on a school day. I hadn't really planned to stay there for so long, but I needed to drop by because I needed to use the washroom after the short field hockey practice. After I used the washroom, I phoned my parents and they said that I should probably just stay there for a while, and they would pick me up because it wasn't safe walking back home if nobody's on the streets, so that's what I did. In the end, I stayed for dinner too, and that was pretty awesome. I also finished all my math homework and I'm glad I did because if it wasn't for my best friend, I probably wouldn't have done it until the day before it was due. So this blog is mainly just about spending time with friends, no matter how much homework or how late you have to stay up finishing up the homework.

My random thought/statement of the day: I would really really really really really really really really really really really love to go camping. That would just be a lovely "Synergy 9, Grad Camp". My parents aren't big on camping, so I have to rely on school or Church to go camping. And trust me, I have only ever gone camping-camping once, and that wasn't even in a tent.
