Friday, June 11, 2010

BLog Term3 Day102

Okay, the very last blog of Synergy nine. Today was the last day of school. And it was pretty cool. Most people were telling me how boring it was, but my day was pretty good. Not boring at all. Except maybe last block. So science- we got this review package which really helped me. Because personally, I find those REALLY help me out, especially for finals. English, the last whole class as Synergy, we finished the movie and fussed about the time capsule. P.E. we played a huge game of dodgeball between 3 classes. Got totally owned in the first game (I think at the end, there were only 4 people standing on our side.) Won the rest of the them. Not that I was paying attention or anything. And drama, was the party. It wasn't really a party, so it was kinda boring, but I got to chat with friends, so hey. It wasn't bad at all.

Now, after this blog, I'm gonna eat oranges and then work on my rudiments. I was supposed to practice piano tonight, but didn't! And I have a lesson tomorrow! Not good... Anyways, I guess I'm just gonna have to do it all tomorrow morning. Which really is last minute, but hey, I'll probably get it done. Just barely.

Anyways, as my very last blog of Synergy and Middle Years, this is kinda sad. Cuz I have blogged quite a bit, so I am gonna miss it. Well, I know I really miss the rest of the MYs slash SYs already. At least today was not the last time I will see them. Theres still finals and then some times after that.

(This was how I used to end my blogs back in grade 8)

My random thought/statement of the day: the oranges are yum.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Blog Term3 Day100/101

Yeah, so these are the pictures of my toques before I went out to donate them on Wednesday. I made 5 toques in total, and I put my love into all of them. And they are all really nice. I would actually wear them.
In my care package that went inside my toques I put in:
  • a pack of Ritz crackers
  • juice! (which I later took out, so I guess it isn't really a member of this list. I really wanted to keep it in, but 6 juices is surpisingly heavy to carry around)
  • a pack of tissues
  • Champion socks (I got these with the homeless people in mind because I know that Vancouver = rainy and wet socks are not fun. Info courtesy of playing soccer in the rain in P.E.)

Originally, I was just gonna put everything in the toque and give them away. But then it looked like it was going to rain, so I put everything into bags. And then when we actually went, IT DIDN'T RAIN! Which is both good and bad. Good: Didn't get wet. Bad: All that prep for nothing!

Anyways, it was pretty fun. At first, Shania, Rachel and I were pretty freaked out because there were big mobs of homeless people hanging around chinatown/east hastings/downtown. We went with Rachel's aunt who was super duper awesome. Because without her, we all would have been even more freaked out. So a thousand hugs to her.

Some people were really nice, others were quite scary and mean. We found out that for some reason, the homeless people were usually the ones refusing. Well, I guess I can't really say that. Let's just put it this way, some homeless people like them and others didn't.

It was the Chinese grandmas that were the grateful ones. Pretty cool stuff. The first one that we came across was soooooo nice. And that's how it all started. Up till then, we were targeting the homeless people. But this old lady was really sweet.

So yeah, that was how our little adventure went. We went to Chinatown and walked around a bit. Rachel's aunt took the pics, and I don't know if someone's already posted them up on their blog, so I won't put them up on mine. Just in case there's repeats. But yeah, overall it was a fun and inspirational trip.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Blog Term3 Day99

Yes, I know it's super duper late. I just finished making the thank you cards for all the people who helped out with the Buskerfest. It took me 3 and a half hours to finish them all, but now, I'm mostly done. Now all I need to do is hand it to the rest of the Synergies to sign and then voila, I'm done. All the cards look really nice. Super duper pretty. And they're pretty big too. I'm planning on handing them in to my appskills teacher tomorrow so he can give it to the grade 8s to sign. They look soo pretty.

Originally, I was planning on uploading the pictures of my toques tonight. But as you can see, it's pretty late right now and I still have to do my prelab for science. So I guess I'm just gonna have to do it tomorrow.

Tomorrow right after school, my friends and I are gonna go and donate our toques. It's gonna be quite fun, so I hope it doesn't rain. That would be a major bummer. But if it does rain, I'll be prepared.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Blog Term3 Day98

Wow, today has been... interesting. Nothing special came up, but it just seemed special. Science was normal. English was normal. P.E. was normal. And Drama was normal. Even lunch was normal. Nothing special came up at all. Maybe it's the weather. Maybe it's the fact that after I came back from school I got a nice nap. Either way, today seems different.

Actually, tomorrow I have my French oral. Pretty scared. At the same time, I think I should do okay because I kinda know my stuff. Wither way, I need lots more practice. Just because I haven't read through all the questions yet.

I also have to finish a science lab. It was supposed to be due in class, but because my partner and I came across some problems with the slides/microscopes, it's due first thing in the morning tomorrow.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Blog Term3 Day97

Ah! The dossier is due tomorrow and I still haven't actually started. Reason: I have been so busy. I mean, the project sounds like fun. Only problem is it was assigned in the last 3 weeks of school. And there is already A LOT going on. I mean what the heck! Don't give us a project this last minute. It's giving me a headache, I didn't get enough sleep last night because I was working on science. And overall, this is just a really hectic time. I swear, if I get another project I will be sad.

On the bright side, this morning has been really fun. Usual sunday school then teens worship. And then there was the servanthood luncheon for all the people who helped out at church. Pretty fun. There was a lunch of salad, pasta salad, mashed potatoes and roast beef with gravy. Then for dessert, there were small strawberry tarts, chocolate cake and eclairs. Pretty good stuff. Especially the garlic mashed potatoes with gravy. Talk about yum. And that was from this morning to now. I just came back from church. And tonight I have a family dinner. And this dossier to complete! I think I might have to skip the dinner.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

BLog Term3 Day96

Last night I stayed up late reading a biography about Henry VIII. It was really detailed and thick. So I only read some parts. Pretty good stuff though. Lotsa detail and there was info I never really knew about. Usually, the books I read about Henry VIII are ones from the ex-Queens' POV. Or his daughters. The thing is, this book isn't a story, it's a biography which makes a huge difference in the narration. The author isn't portraying Henry. It's just a detailed and precise count of events. It must have taken ages and a lot of work and effort to make this book. Props to the author, Alison Weir.

Anyways, loads of homework this weekend. And because it's the last or second last weekend of this school year (depends on how you see it) I'm scrambling to finish everything.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Blog Term3 Day95

I can't believe it's Friday all over again. And it's the second last one too. Finals are just around the corner. OH. MY. GOSH. I just remembered my dossier is due on monday. And I haven't even started. I am sooooooo busted. This weekend is going to be crazy. And the worst part is, my whole Sunday might be occupied. And my Saturdays are pretty much full too. Except the morning. When I'm practicing piano. Not good. I really have lots to do this weekend. Ah! Not too happy about this English project.

Other than that, really nice weather right now. Kinda. I just hope this weekend looks good too. Wait... maybe I want it to look gross. Then I won't feel bad that I can't go out. Then again, I've had enough of blah weekends. The past few weekends have been pretty grey and rainy. So I wouldn't mind a beautiful weekend.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Blog Term3 Day94

Today was pretty fun. I slept pretty early last night (according to my standards) so I woke up refreshed. I think I really have to start sleeping earlier. It feels a lot better when I wake up. Anyways, science was normal. Did a lab. Didn't finish. English was... I don't think I rememb... wait never mind, we did a mock test. I totally failed the spelling section. Dang. But I'm glad we did that English test. There were some things I didn't know, plus it gets me into the exam mode.

P.E. was cool. Ran the usual 3 warm-up laps. We're doing badminton, I think I might have failed the written test... We got into co-ed partners and started tournament. Lost 1 game, won the rest. (Darn, I still can't believe we lost that first game!) Drama was fun. Nice day today. So overall, pretty neutral.

I just can't wait to watch the Shining in appskills tomorrow! But I also happen to have a math test AND a French composition test tomorrow. OH MY GOSH! I actually forgot about the math test till now. Ah! I have soooo much studying to do tonight!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Blog Term3 Day93

Ugh, I actually feel asleep in math today. That can only mean 2 things. One, I was really tired and I just didn't get enough sleep. Two, class was just plain boring. And frankly, it was both today. Not fun. Good thing I knew what was going on, it was review.

Sleepy right now.

Oooohh, guess what I made this afternoon? For a snack, I made mashed potatoes and heated up some French onion soup. I know, not really snack-type. But the thing is, it's split between a few people so each of us get a portion. And together, they taste super yum. I should have taken a picture. I made some mashed potatoes and then poured the hot French onion soup on top of it. It was super good. Creamy mashed potatoes and hearty soup.

Watched the Shining in appskills today. Soooo freaky! And I absolutely LOVE it! Too bad we had to stop in the middle. That kinda broke the mood. But oh my gosh that was so good! I get chills just thinking bout it. Lovelovelove that movie! It's one of my top 10, even though I haven't seen the rest of it. Another one of my top 10 would be 2001: A Space Odyssey. OOOOOHHH! And the Prestige! You know what I noticed, all the movies we watch in appskills is super good! Good movie choices!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Blog Term3 Day92

Ugh... I feel sick. Gross. And I really can't afford to feel sick right now because there is A LOT going on right now. It's almost the end of the year and teachers are giving loads of homework. You have no idea. French is just crazy right now. My composition test is tomorrow (ah!) and then the oral is next week. Really nerve racking.

Then, I have homework from every other class. I even have a written test for P.E. Intense much? I feel that I really need a break, and getting sick does NOT help the situation. :( I better get better soon.

Just came back from the athletic banquet. Got an award, clapped for other people getting awards, ate a burger with chips, veggies and a brownie. Drank lots of water. Got pictures taken, both at my table with friends and with my field hockey team. It was pretty fun!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Blog Term3 Day91

Oh my gosh! I am so happy I got those 2 tees yesterday! I lovelovelove them! I don't have too many purple shirts, so I'm glad I got a couple. So cutie! Love them. Anyways, today was pretty bland. Socials, normal. AppSkills, finished my rocket (YES!). French, normal- the room was pretty stuffy though. Math, the room smelled dusty. Got a load of homework.

Right now, there is SO MUCH STUFF GOING ON!

French- composition exam next class, oral exam next week
English- journals, finish reading I am the Cheese, dossier project (UGH!)
Socials- homework
Math- test on friday, homework!
AppSkills- essay
Science- oh my gosh, don't even GET me started! soooooo much stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So as you can see, an extremely busy last 2 weeks of school.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Blog Term3 Day90 Version II

Yeah, so if you've read my previous blog aka Version I, then you might (or might not) have aced my course. But that was just me being random and then deciding to publish it as a blog. This is my actual blog. Also the one that I was planning on writing.

So for lunch today I went out with family to the Boston Pizza at Queensborough in New Westminister. We were originally going for this Greek taverna my dad said had really great food. I believe the name is Thea's Taverna. But it was closed, prob cuz it's a Sunday and all. So instead we went to BP. Anyways, I ordered the chicken cannelloni, my brother the spaghetti and meatballs, my mom ordered chicken and mushroom fettichini, my dad, their small Hawaiian pizza and my grandpa had their sun dried tomato, spinach and cheese Stromboli. I have to say, my fav was either my brother's spaghetti and meatballs or my dad's Hawaiian pizza. Talk about YUM! Next time I go to BP, I'm ordering one of their pizzas.

After lunch we went walking around that area. I think all the shops there are outlets because everything was on sale. I didn't know that before... My brother went to the DC outlet shop and got 2 shirts. Then we went over to Payless, Spring, Reebok and other shoe shops. Oh yeah, forgot to mention we went to Starbucks. My brother got the strawberries and creme frap and I got the iced latte. Iced latte wasn't that great. Next time I'm getting it hot. There was more ice than latte.

Okay, then we went to Below the Belt. And YES! Finally stuff I wanna get! I got this adorable purple shirt by Roxy and then a purple Billabong tee. Love them both! Originally, I also tried on this beautiful creme coloured Hurley knit vest. But they only had it in medium. So, dang. And then there's the other main reason I didn't get it: Because I'm broke. I only got the previous 2 items because I loaned money from The Bank of Mom.

So anyways, that was my day so far. Of course, before I set out, I finished all my science flashcards, so that was pretty awesome. But I still have oodles of work to do. So see ya next time.

Blog Term3 Day90 Version I

I've been wanting to go to Pacific Centre for a while now. And guess what? Today I went! Not. Yeah, you're probably like, "Huh?" And that's good. Actually no, it really isn't. Being confused means your brain doesn't have the capacity to understand. No, I'm just kidding. Confused is okay. Hahahaha, now I'm just rambling on and on. And now, I bet you're like, "What the heck, what kinda blog is this." And I'll be like,"Uh... duh, my blog, only I would do something as pointless as this." And then you'd be like,"WTF" (if you were that kinda person. I'm not. But other people that aren't me are...)

So anyways, what did you learn today? You learned that I could blog about nothing in particular. You also learned that I wanted to go to Pacific Centre. If you thought of those 2 things, then I believe you get an A for this course. Congrats.... and (wait for it) a Round of Applause for You!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Blog Term3 Day89

Today looks like such a gross day. I mean, it's gray out there. And the weather forecast said it would be sunny today and tomorrow. You know what I realized? Because we had such an awesome last last week with the perfect weather, we get a couple weeks of gross weather. Yay. I mean, it's not even raining. It looks like the sky is constipated or something and it can't rain. That makes me sad. Anyways, sooooo much homework this weekend. I really don't like it when it's nearing the end of third term and teachers realize they haven't taught us everything we have to know so they give us a whole bunch of last minute projects and homework etc. Not fun. We just got a project from English class. And I'm thinking to myself: A project? I already have enough spunk from science and French class to drive me up the wall. And now there's English. Makes me sad.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Blog Term3 Day88

the carnival today was pretty fun. not that great compared to last year, but whatever. i had a good time. the main reason it wasn't as good as last year was because the weather was not as great. it was cloudy this time. but last year was really sunny. there was the dunk tank, those really cool blow-up thingys. but the only thing was, all the tables were bunched up right outside the caf in that little garden area. so it was pretty stuffy and squishy. plus it smelled of cow manure. oh well. there, i got lunch from the caf (there were no onigiris like last year) and my friends got bubble tea. mango and taro. the mango tasted like mango pudding with ice and tapicoa. and the taro tasted like oversweet tim horton's iced capp. w/o the caffine. i like it... but would rather get an iced capp. those things are GOOD! and they are the perfect remedy on a hot summer's day. yumyumyum. i some some slurchills for sale. they looked kinda gross... sorry to say. except maybe that green one. that looked like green tea. the chocolate one (at least i think it was chocolate) looked like gross. blah! signed up for the athletic banquet though. that was cool. stayed a bit for the talent show. looked cool. after a while went up to the lockers. packed up then went out. blah blah blah. won't bore you with the details. but i still wish the school would sell onigiris again. those were really good.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Blog Term3 Day87

Kayaking at Deep Cove was pretty fun. I thought it was going to rain, but it didn't! I was soooo happy! It was a mix of cloud and sun. Pretty awesome. Totally the best weather. It's not too hot or too cold. Only thing was, when the wind was blowing in our faces, all the excess salt water from my partner (who was in front of me)'s paddle would go in my face and in my hair. Not really ideal. Especially since it's ocean water. Pretty salty. Anyways, it was pretty fun. Only thing- I had a really wet bum for the whole ride back.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Blog Term3 Day86

Going kayaking tomorrow. Only thing is- I really hope there's no rain. I mean, kayaking in the rain? Not fun. At all. In fact, during P.E., for warm up, we had to run outside in the rain for 10 minutes. And not just outside, but on the track. Where there's no trees to cover any rain. And it was raining pretty hard too. And afterwards, I felt all gross. Ever get that feeling? I mean, I wasn't even cold. I just had that gross wet feeling though. Ewwww. Anyways, my home smells really yummy right now. Mom's making roast beef and it smells deeelish!

Ug, French is giving me a headache. We have that final coming up. It's like this freaky oral exam. And I'm really really nervous. In fact, it's making me feel all nervous just thinking about it right now. I mean, I think if we were doing a normal conversation, I could do it because I'm allowed to mess up and think. But in these oral exams, if I mess up or take too long to think, I get marks taken off! :( Not a fan of these 1 on 1 oral exams.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Blog Term3 Day84/85

Stayed up late finishing my socials essay last night. But good news: I'm done! And there's no homework! Actually, we had to finish the map. I didn't finish it all in class, but I went back to the classroom at lunch and finished the rest of it then. So now, I'm done. Now all I've gotta do is hand it in tomorrow. I was actually done before the end of school, so technically I could have handed it in, but whatever. We're allowed to hand it in tomorrow so tomorrow it is.

Anyways, this blog wasn't supposed to be about the socials essay. It's supposed to be about muffins! Okay, I was never a major fan of muffins, but I just LOVE THE BLUEBERRY MUFFINS FROM MMMMMMMMUFFINS! Sooooooooooooooo good! Their so soft and the not overly sweet. But I just love the texture. But at the same time, that means theres loads of butter. Which makes it yummy but fatty. Still, I love blueberry muffins, especially from MMMuffins! So gooooooood!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

BLog Term3 Day82/83

Yesterday was pretty fun. After piano lessons, dad drove my brother and I all the way to Burnaby where mom was getting her car checked up. Then instead of waiting at the place, dad drove us over to Brentwood Mall. Mom got some earring backings from Ardenes, my brother got a cup of sour gummies from the lottery place. And oh my gosh, are there a LOT of gummies. They're like 5 cent candies only some are bigger, so they're probably 75 cent ones. Anyways, the whole cup was $2.59 incl. tax. Pretty yummy. There's sour keys, sour gummy worms, sour watermelons, sour coke bottles, sour... gummies, fuzzy peaches and sour doughnuts. Actually, I'm not sure if they're "doughnuts" but they look like sour doughnuts to me. Then after getting the gummies, we went and got some sushi. Pretty good stuff. Had to wait a while though, mind you.

Anyways, it was an adventure just because we had to drive for 45 minutes. Thats the kinda person I am. If we're going anywhere new, it's an adventure. And I just LOVE adventures. Especially when my brother's there. Because although we fight, an adventure is never complete without my little brother.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Blog Term3 Day80/81

Can't wait for tomorrow. Actually, I can. I mean, there's nothing majorly special, only it won't be the usual Saturday. Love long weekends. Kinda sad that I have so much homework though. You have not idea! Science, English, French and SOCIALS.

Science- chapter 4 stuff
English- 2 journals, read
French- worksheets, quiz
Socials- omgosh! essay!

Well, good thing is- I have no math homework. Reason being, we had a quiz last class before the weekend. And then after the quiz, we got our old test back and after reviewing it, there was only 5 minutes left. So glad theres no math homework. That makes the load of homework lots lighter. I mean, it's only math homework. But little things add on.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Blog Term3 Day79

Singin in the Rain. That's what I did earlier. As I was leaving school. Just love that song. One of the bestest. From one of the bestest musicals known to mankind. Or just me. But if you've ever seen Singin in the Rain, then you'd know what I'm talking bout. Also love My Fair Lady amongst others. heart heart heart!

Today was pretty bland. Science- only had to take a couple of notes, got a quiz back. 3/10. not pretty. But we also handed in the chapter 3 package, so that felt good to get rid of.

English- we're now starting the last book of the year I am the Cheese. Pretty cool book. but UGGGGGG! we have to do all this journal stuff. in fact, we have 2 journals due by fri. oh yeah, and did i mention that we also have 2 diagrams for science due on friday too. it seems as if friday is HAND IN ALL YOUR HOMEWORK or something like that day.

PE- did pretty good badminton. only had to do 2 laps. still, was soooo NOT in the mood to do physical education. especially since i slept really late last night finishing science.

Drama- planning the skit, half rehearsed. then went in. dismissed.

you know what i've noticed, most teachers are now counting the days of class left. apparently, it's somewhere between 6-8 classes left per class. that only means one thing. final exams!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Blog Term3 Day78

I have SO MUCH SCIENCE HOMEWORK TO DO TONIGHT! You have no idea. In fact, I pretty much have the whole of chapter 3 to complete. Notes, CYUs, review questions, flashcards... the works. So I've really gotta get going. Blah! You know, I used to really love science. But now, it seems like I have to do science just for the completion and marks. A lot of the info isn't even sticking as well as it should or normally would. But then again, that's the system we have to deal with.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Blog Term3 Day77

Today was a blah day. Good to be back home. Only thing is- I have lotsa homework to do. Homework is pissing me off lately. Especially science. Anyways, I hope it rains lots tomorrow. Feeling rainy. No point in this gross, grey and stuffy weather. Minus well get the rain over with. At least it'll be cool again. Finished a book today. Only took me 2 days to finish. Confessions of a Shopaholic. Pretty typical. Not bad. Now I'm sitting on a chair watching the news. Their talking about bird poop on cars. Actually, their talking about cleaning the poop off the car, but whats the dif?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Blog Term3 Day75/76

Hmm, thought I blogged yesterday. Guess I didn't. Today has been pretty neutral. Haven't done any homework over the weekend. And the weekend is ending pretty soon. Plus I'm going out for dinner tonight which means even less time to do homework. Oh well. Went to Michaels to buy paper and stuff to decorate paper for the cards. I love Michaels because it has practically anything artsy. If you need art supplies, go to Michaels. Anyways, bought cardstock for the card base, scrapbook paper for design and ribbon for decoration. Pretty cool stuff. Anyways, gotta go.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Blog Term3 Day74

Today was such a beautiful day. The weather has been perfect all week, so I've been wearing my summery clothes. I just love this kinda weather. It's not HOT like it is in the summer time. But it's still cloudless blue with a nice sun and slight breeze. My favourite season is winter, but only if it's snowing like mad. Thats why I'm totally in love with the weather we've been having for the past week. Love it! Especially the late sunsets. Late sunsets are my favourite part about summer.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Blog Term3 Day73

Today, our group finally performed the scene from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. And not to be braggy or anything, but personally, I think our group was the best. We did it the traditional way. We didn't add any modern twists and something that I noticed- we always faced the front. We performed on the second day, so we had time to analyze the groups from the first day. Anyways, in theatre, one of the number one things besides projecting your voice and making your actions obvious is you always have to face the audience. There is no greater way to ruin a good scene than to have your back facing the audience so nobody can see your face. We also made a beautiful backdrop that I absolutely adore. Another thing we did was we talked at a good pace and didn't rush. I noticed some people rushed their lines because they were nervous. But we didn't do that. And that makes me super duper proud. Okay, enough about our group, now onto the other groups.

I LOVED all the other groups. They were all amazing. Lots of the groups had fabulous props and costumes. I kinda wished we could have done the huge production the grade 9s did last year. As a Synergy class, it would have been awesome since we're all so tight with each other. LOVELOVELOVE theatre and acting! <3

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Blog Term3 Day72

Tonight, I'm determined to sleep really early. I'm sad we lost against the Blackhawks. Again. But I guess we just have to accept that they are the better team. I only watched first period, but even then we had a lot of close ones. Plus we were pretty sloppy. By the end of first, the score was 0-0. But by the end of the game, 5-1 Blackhawks. Better luck next time.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Blog Term3 Day71

So tired. Last night, I stayed up real late working to finish my science chapter 2 package. Procrastination. A horrible thing. I do it again and again but I never ever seem to learn. I tell myself, "Next time, don't wait till the last moment." I do anyways.

I have this French skit I have to perform tomorrow. This is bad because I almost always mess up if we have to memorize it. I'm not too sure if it's because I don't know it well enough. Or if I'm just nervous. Because you see, the weird thing is, I can go up and do a presentation without being nervous. In fact, I'm not afraid of going on stage and performing a skit in drama class or any other time. Or take the play we're gonna do in English. It's Shakespeare, but I'm not nervous. But when it comes to these French skits, I always screw up. And I still don't know why! I always try to memorize it until I know it 100%. But for whatever reason, when I get up there to perform, it's just... messed up. Could it be because it's French?

Monday, May 10, 2010

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Blog Term3 Day69


Guess what? I didn't stop to walk at all! I am sooo proud of myself. I mean, I'm sure quite a few people don't walk, but I'm glad that amongst all those people, I was one of those non-walkers. Actually, whether I run my warm up laps or 6 laps or Langara, I never stop so this isn't so major. I mean, yeah it's 10k, but if you think about it, not stopping is just... not stopping. And it's something to be proud of. Cuz I'm not the fastest runner, but at least I have good stamina. At least that's what my friend said. And the only real reason I'm so happy is becuase last year, I didn't do so great. In fact, last year I walked most of it. Or at least it seemed that I walked most of it.

Anyways, I had loads fun. I started out running with my friends, but after about 3km, I went ahead. And then near the end with less than a km to go, I met up with my other friend and we finished together. It was pretty fun.

This time, there was no yogurt so I couldn't dip my bagels into the yogurt like I did last year. But there was chocolate milk which went great with the wheatabix. There was also juice, bananas and oranges, power bars, bagels and Red Bull. They also gave out these bags at the info tent so I got a bag for my jacket and the food. All in all, it was another great experience. The weather was fab, and although after about 5k my right achillies tendon felt weird, I had a fun time and I'm really proud of myself for not walking.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Blog Term3 Day68

Got my 9 hours of sleep, but I still feel tired. Which means I still need more sleep. Which isn't good because that means I haven't been sleeping enough lately.

Anyways, today is such a beautiful day. Blue cloudless skies with a light breeze of cool, refreshing wind. A perfect picnic/bike riding/rollerblading along the sea wall/ sitting on the patio with an iced tea and good book kinda day. Feels like summer!

I had cereal for breakfast today. My favourite cereal is Honey Bunches of Oats avec des almonds. It is the BEST! Not too sweet. Not bland at all. Good texture. All in all, YUM TO MAX! hahahaha, random!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Blog Term3 Day67

Today was unique. Fun. And when I look back at it, today was pretty darn close to awesome.

Science was normal, we took a heck of a lot of notes though. And I've got a ton of homework. But friends can keep any class fun.

English, we didn't learn anything. Which was good for me because my brain never fully turned on. I think. Instead, we got the whole period for practicing. Which I'm pretty sure all groups needed. You see, next class we're performing a scene from A Midsummer Night's Dream. And we got the whole class to practice. Which I appreciated loads.

P.E was the best. The grade 8s had their track meet, so for P.E we didn't even need to change. Instead, we signed in, then went out to watch the track meet. It was an amazing day. Beautiful blue sky with a few clouds, the perfect amount of sun. Nice cool wind. You get the picture, my kinda day.

Drama was... relaxing. We didn't do much. Well, we were supposed to be planning and rehearsing a scene. But everyone in my group started talking about... Justin Beiber. Who I happen to not like very much. Plus none of us really had any ideas. And we were allowed to go outside to plan. So I just went out for the perfect weather. And ended up not doing anything. But at least we got to go outside! :)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Blog Term3 Day65/66

I was going to blog last night, but when I finally got home from a friend's house, it was past 8. So I quickly had dinner while watching the game (which we miserably lost) and then showered. In other words, by the time I finally settled down to work, it was around 10.

And tonight, I have to do this cell analogy project for science. This is especially bad for me because I haven't started yet. And to make things worse, I haven't even thought of a topic/thing to compare a cell to. So I have quite a bit of stuff to do tonight.

And this weekend isn't going to be much less busy either. Lets see, my Saturdays are the usual busy won't-be-able-to-do-much-if-any-school-homework-at-all kinda days. And then Sunday, it's the Sun Run in the morning. Yay! Then I think I'm probably going to have to go over to a friend's to work on the English project since it's the last weekend before showing. (We're doing a scene from A Midsummer Night's Dream by Shakespeare.) Usually, I wouldn't be blah about that, but it's Mothers' Day. Plus I'm pretty sure by the end of the day, I wouldn't have much time to do homework. And next week is going to be a bomber. I have SO many things either due, or something I have to present (A French skit AND the English scene), plus I have a math test.

Next week is gonna be busy!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Blog Term3 Day64

Is it Tuesday or Wednesday? This week seems really jumbled up. Wait... it's only Tuesday, isn't it? Right now, my life is being over ruled thanks to science homework. You have no idea how much homework I have. It's not even interactive science homework either. It's copying stuff out of the textbook. Like I would actually remember stuff through copying stuff out of the textbook. No offence. I just don't find that school should be like that. We should be interacting, learning through doing, not copying. Science is about discovery, finding new stuff, learning through experience. (Well, what science should be like.) Unfortunately, science isn't really like that in school anymore. Oh well, what we're doing is the easiest and fastest way to give us info. So I don't blame anybody or anything. It's just the way life has to be.

Okay, now that I'm done my rant about science, I'm going to talk about the... Buskfest. Just something I noticed- a lot of Churchill people are not really... supportive. Well, maybe just for this. Because when I attended the Gimme da Beat performance, the crowd was THE BEST! But now, it seems that we can't even get an applause from anybody. I mean, if I was part of the audience, and I heard a group of people attempting to sing a song loud enough for others to hear despite the horrible acoustics, I would probably sing along to the best of my ability. Of course, only if I kinda knew the song. But most songs we were performing were pretty popular. I guess some people are really low on the energy level. I think part of the problem is that they can't really hear us. Hm... what other problems could there be that would affect a person's unenthusiasm?

Monday, May 3, 2010

Blog Term3 Day63

Feeling weird. First day of Buskerfesting. But not feeling weird because of the buskerfest.

Science was normal, kinda boring in my opinion.

Had this major Shakespeare test in English. It wasn't hard. A lot easier than the poetry test from last unit. I think I did pretty well.

During lunch (Buskerfesting time) our group got $0.25. So then my friend and I went up to third floor and got people from grade 9 to give us money for the buskerfest. I think we got a little more than $6? Not bad. I was pretty happy.

PE was very different from usual. For one, we only did 1 warm up lap instead of the usual 3. Then when we came back in we did a written soccer test. After the soccer test, it was the earthquake drill. It was sunny outside. Unfortunately, the wind that blew by happened to be extremely cold. Okay, it might not have been THAT cold, but when you're wearing shorts and a way-too-big sun run shirt, yeah, it is pretty freezing. After we finally were allowed to go back in, we played dodge ball until we had to go in. I hit one person out. Proud of myself.

Drama was... kinda boring actually. We're doing slap-stick humour. Going to present next class.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Blog Term3 Day62

Right now, I'm on the verge of falling asleep. Seriously. Last night, slept at 1:30. Movie night ALWAYS ends late, average is around 12? So by the time I clean up my room (I dunno why, but I always like to clean my room after movie night...) and wash up, it's usually around 1:30. So in other words, I didn't do any homework yesterday.

Just came back from church. Well, technically, I went to church then had lunch and THEN came back. So now I'm blogging. I should probably do something like science which I happen to have LOTS OF! But instead, I'm being my usual lazy self and I'm just sitting on my bed typing away on my mom's laptop. After blogging, I'm probably gonna take a nap too... Then I'll wake up, study a bit for the English test before going over to a friend's to work on the English skit.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Blog Term3 Day61

Aw man, I was kinda hoping Luongo would get his 4th shutout this season. But noooo, the Blackhawks scored. Then again, they had 5 players against our 3. Actually, Im pretty happy with the results. I mean, a 5-1 win isnt bad. Although I have a bad feeling about the next game. I think after this rude awakening, the Blackhawks are gonna step up their game...

Movie night after Im done blogging. Ugh. Unfortunately, I still have LOADS of science homework to do.

Actually, today was a pretty awesome day. Im not feeling that great. I either have allergies or a cold. But anyways, I learned something today: Retail Therapy actually works.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Blog Term3 Day59/60

DARN IT!!!!!!!! I have a sore throat. Of all times... now? I'm kinda freaked out because my voice is very much needed since the buskerfest if just around the corner. Actually, this morning, it really hurt just when I woke up. Then it kinda got better. But after a whole applied skills class of singing the 3 main songs AND with my group my throat kinda died again. Then it got better. And now, it hurts like heck. I'm gonna go make myself some honey water. That always helps. Over this weekend, I am determined to not talk as much. It's zip from me. Which is gonna be extremely hard for me because I JUST LOVE TO TALK! LOL. But soooo true. I need to preserve my voice for next week.

You know, last year, I only performed once. But this year, I know I will perform... more than once. I was gonna go and find the number of times I'm gonna perform, but I'm just a lazy bum, so I'm not gonna. Even though all I gotta do is open another tab.

During applied skills class, our group rehearsed our song lots. Waving Flag. It sounded really REALLY great. Only thing was- when we rehearsed the song, we had the amazingly awesomely incredible student teachers playing the guitar and viola with us... So I'm not too sure what it would sound like without them... I know it won't sound nearly as great... I mean, with the piano, violin and percussion, it would sound amazing, but just not as great. I'm really happy with what we've got though. So proud of us!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Blog Term3 Day58

Just came back from the Gimme da Beat performance at school. Actually, I came back a while ago, but right after I came back I took a shower. So now, with my hair wet, I'm typing up this blog and listening to Michael Buble. Reason for listening to Michael Buble's number one hit Haven't met you get. I just LOVE THAT SONG!!!!!!!!!!!

And at gimme da beat, a band performed it so that reminded me of how much I love that song. And how contagious it is. I sang along when I knew the lyrics too. Which was pretty funny, since I only knew the most famous line, "Just haven't met you yet!".

Something I noticed about the energy- it was very very upbeat and supportive. Everyone was cheered on, and I'm glad too because all the performers did an amazing job. It was entertaining, fun and lively. Everyone was just soooooo supportive.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Blog Term3 Day56/57

Okay, I'm not trying to adveritse Telus, but I just HAVE to put this link on- it's the Telus commercial with the hippopotamus and rabbit. It's adorable, witty and the music is the BEST! I'm actually not too sure who sings it, but both my brother and I sing along whenever we hear it. And no, we aren't weirdos or anything, we just like it. Plus as you might have gotten from my username, I love hippos, so this is my number 1 fav commercial at the moment. Just because you don't see many commercials featuring hippopotamuses. Instead, theres usually cars, models chewing gum or dancing about mayonnaise. You get the point. But this commercial is actually smart.

They use catchy, old school music (when the singers and musicians were actually good), unique animals, humour and the message actually made sense and worked. Props to them.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Blog Term3 Day55

Last night was movie night. Pretty awesome.

If you ever go to metrotown, these are some things you HAVE to try (if you haven't already):
  • hot, fresh and gooey Cinnamon Buns (by the place close to Superstore)
  • and Pretzels! (the big doughy ones) oh yeah, and get the plain ones, cuz those are THE BEST!

Yeah, that's all my list consists of. But if you happen to pass by Starbucks, get an iced caramel macchiato too. Just because those are YUM! Yeah, I know, those are quite expensive, but sooooo good!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Blog Term3 Day54

I have a pretty busy weekend ahead of me. I'm pretty sure my whole Sunday is occupied, and I'm always busy on Saturdays. So in other words, I'm gonna have to finish all my school work today. Because on Sunday, after church Krishtha, Winnie, Benjamin and I have to work on Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream skit. The due date was a little closer than I'd expected, so we've got lots to do within a 2 week time frame. We have to:
  • memorize ALL our lines
  • get our costumes and other props
  • analyze each and every bit so we have the right feeling/attitude
  • rehearse it -full memorized- at LEAST 5 times so we can get everything right, and make changes where we see necessary

Although there are only 4 bullet points on my list, it's pretty intense. And I think we only have 2 weeks till we have to show. I'm really excited though because I love challenge, theatre and I'm determined to do a good job!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Blog Term3 Day51-53

Went to the school play last night. The Birds. It was an interesting play. Personally, I love theatre so I enjoyed it. However, compared to Theatre Churchill standards, they could have done better. Theatre Churchill is really impressive, actually. They are a really hard working bunch and their standards are ridiculously high. For The Birds, I thought their costume work was just amazing! The birds were really beautiful, all the colours, the feathers, the wings. Very nice. It was a comedy too, and the audience got several good laughs. I attended last year's spring play A Midsummer Night's Dream and it was very very good, so it was hard not to compare the two. The main reason I attended the school play was because I love theatre. But I also want to support the school. Plus I know some people that are performing in the play, so it was really fun watching them perform. And of course, I went because I knew I would have a good time. I know everyone worked really hard on this play and I find the work they put into it admirable. If you haven't seen it, I recommend you go tonight since it's the last night.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Blog Term3 Day50 Eugene Edition 3

yesterday was the same as usual
nothing special
socials was socialsy
applied skills was fun
i learned a lot of people are doing the 4 people scene for english
we played badminton in pe again
it wasn't very fun
people kinda sucked...
i wanted to go out in the rain
but ms. b said (in her sweatpants/hoodie) does it look like we're going outside?
and i was like... YES
the track meet was boring
then worked on science test/package
did the bonus, so even if i mess up the test
i'll have extra marks to spare

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Blog Term3 Day47-49 Eugene Edition 2

over the weekend, i went camping!
camp wasn't too awesome
it was wet
and all we did was hike
with huge heavy camping bags
not cool
at night, we built shelters and the plastic sheet on top kept rolling down
so i kept worrying about water making me wet.
which makes me unhappy
thanks to the rain, everything was wet except the inside of my sleeping bag
which is good, otherwise i would have been even more miserable
i wanted to go to the top of the hill
and halfway, the noobs got sent back down
they couldn't "handle" it.
i've been in scouts for quite a lot of years now
anyways, we didn't even get to the top
becuase it was getting dark and the leaders said we had to go back and build a shelter
at least it was something to do
and my sleeping bag wasn't wet!!!!!!!!!!!!
yay! (well, the inside wasn't)

Friday, April 16, 2010

Blog Term3 Day46 Eugene Edition 1

assembly today- there was a raffle
people won water bottles which was pretty cool cuz i like water bottles
class was normal, we watched this video in appskills
it was about how school kills creativity
and i agree
school is EVIL!
after school i went to my old school
actually it was the school the program i used to go to moved into
(so knowledgeble right?)
class had ended by the time i got there, so i didn't get to talk w/ the little kids
instead, spent time with my old friends and teacher
we talked
i also have to pack for camp tomorrow
it's getting late, so i better get packing,
i'll fill you in about camping on sun
when i'm back
but it might be mon
the day after i'm back
yeah... you get the picture

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Blog Term3 Day45

P.E today was fun. My teamates were really nice, they passed to me even though I lost the ball most of the time. That made me really happy. It just shows how awesome some people are. It was super nice out on the oval field. Blue skies, shining sun, perfect breeze, my kinda day. Halfway through the game, I was craving a Tim Horton's iced cappacino. Those things are really good. Overly yet perfectly sweet, creamy yet icy, you get the picture. Yum!

Drama wasn't really dramatic. We just finished watching Shrek and then moved onto Indiana Jones, Raiders of the Lost Arc. Don't get me wrong, I love Indiana Jones, especially the first one, but Indiana Jones is just one of those movies I like watching with my brother during summer break when there's nothing to do. (Well, that's not fully true, we could be practicing piano, but I'm not the type of person to be so greatly patient and awesome like that.)

OOOOOHHH! And in English, we're gonna do a skit from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. I'm gonna play Lysander. Because he's hot. No, just kidding. But I am going to play Lysander. I LOVE theatre. So I'm really excited about this assignment.

Random thought/statement of the day (I haven't done one of these since forever!): You never win with fries and a bottle of ketchup.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Blog Term3 Day44

Socials today was fun. We learned the Union song. Mr. Martin took out his guitar and started singing. He's a good singer/guitar player. We were joking about singing that song for the Buskerfest. We also watched some ER. Which lead to the Union song. Almost done the Industrial Revolution.

AppSkills was fun. Sang lots. Feels good to sing since I love singing.


French was sleepy. The room was really warm, watched a video about la mode. It was boring? Plus the reflection of the sun was on the screen so somtimes it was hard to see what was playing on the screen. I was sitting at the back of the room.

Math- had a math test on polynomials. I think I did a good job. I got all the questions except 1. But I'm not too worried because when I asked around afterwards, nobody else got it. I'll just have to ask about it once we get our tests back. But the thing I love about math tests- afterwards, we don't get homework!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There was also this bonus question, got half of it.

Walking home was nice- really sunny.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Blog Term3 Day43

Today was a pretty blah day. Lots of quizzes in science. Watched a video about Shakespeare in English. Had an unfun time in P.E. And watched Shrek in drama. And the worst thing was, I only slept for 5 and a half hours because I was working on science the night before. Ugh! And it was a good thing I went on gmail chat before I slept because there I learned that science wasn't due today. Good thing too, otherwise I would have probably slept even later than 2.

Need to sign up for a book test this Friday. Pro-D Day on Mon. Darn, I just remembered I have a math test tomorrow. On polynomials. Fun.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Blog Term3 Day42

For some reason, I just can't process that it's already term 3. I mean, if you asked me what term it was, I would say, "3, duh, were've you been?" But just now I'm fully processing what term 3 means. It means that grade 9 is almost over. But it also means that I won't have Synergy classes next year. Something I know I'm really really really really really really really really really really gonna miss. Sure, there's Pre-IB, but it's just not the same as Synergy.

You know, this year, I think the Buskerfest is gonna be much better then last year. Last year was okay, but definitely needed more planning. And this year, with rehearsals a month before the actual fest, posters being put up, auditions etc. I think it's gonna be really awesome. Plus I'm really excited for performing.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Blog Term3 Day41

I just spent the last hour and a half doing flashcards for science. Actually, I worked on it before lunch too, so I probably spent about 2 hours working on it. Not to mention the 2 hours I spent yesterday too! These flashcards take forever. Especially since I have a lot to do. Just writing my name on every single card takes forver. Oh well, I'm done. And along with doing the flashcards, I also skimmed through the textbook. So that's my "reading" for this unit. I tried to read it all, but after a while, my concentration just breaks and I find myself reading the same sentence over and over. But after a while, my concentration just breaks and I find myself reading the same sentence over and over. So I just skim. Actually, theres this chapter on telescopes. Borrriinng! I couldn't even skim. It was just too long and boring. So I really hope we don't have a test on that part. Otherwise, I'm pretty much screwed cuz I'm not planning on a second attempt at reading that section again.

Now, the only major things I have to do for science are the chapter reviews, unit review and my cheat sheet. But I'm probably gonna do my cheat sheet tomorrow. Just because.

I was also supposed to take my venus flytrap out of dormancy. A month ago. So I better do it today. Yeah, thats about it. SCIENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Blog Term3 Day40

So much science homework. But thats my problem because I kept on procrastinating. I probably could've finished some science last night, but instead, I read Lord of the Rings and then watched Man vs. Wild on Discovery with my brother. It was pretty cool, but it was Urban something edition, so I didn't enjoy it as much. I'm fonder of him swinging on jungle vines and going into caves than going into old, rusty, long evacuated buildings. Just saying. I mean, the stuff he does is still the same, but I just like the jungle more. More suspense.

Anyways, I have so much science homework it's not even funny. I have to: do chapter 13/14/15 flashcards, read everything in the textbook, do all chapter's review and unit review, complete a bibliography for the multi-media poster, create a speech for the multi-media poster, make a double-sided cheat sheet (1 page) and I think that might be it. The only thing I've completed is: ALL the worksheets and chapter 12 flashcards.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Blog Term3 Day39

Listening/watching Stand by Me by Playing for Change on YouTube. I love that song, and since we are actually singing that song for the Churchill Buskerfest of 2010, I realize how talented these musicians are. Compared to us. I mean, we are really amazing, but it's just the idea of all those people singing/making music together that leaves me speechless. I mean, that must have taken a lot of planning and stuff. Around the whole world! Now that is just fesh. Listening to One Love now. I think that might be the funnest song to sing. All the songs are really nice, but this song is just funner, in my opinion.

I was listening to The Lion Sleeps Tonight earlier, I just LOVE that song. Actually, I really like a lot of songs. But it's still One Love at the moment. LOVELOVELOVE their harmony. It sounds totally amazing! If we had more people singing, I would suggest harmony like in choir, but we only have a couple singers, so it might be a challenge just to hear the singers.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Blog Term3 Day38

Really tired. Even though I slept at 11 last night and got to sleep in till 7:30 this morning. I actually don't know if 11 is considered early or late. But I did get 8 and a half hours of sleep which is pretty impressive for me. I can't believe that it's already Thursday. But I kinda wish that it was Friday. No actually, I don't. I have math homework, but I don't think that'll be hard. Same goes for French. No socials or appskills homework. For appskills we practiced the 3 buskerfest songs again. It was pretty fun. There are so many music players and only a handful of singers. Which pretty much drowns out our singing, but everyone's playing is so good. The majority of the class are musicians and really great ones too. So tired. I think I'm going to take a shower and then sleep.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Blog Term3 Day35-37

Had a debate today, along with a math quiz on adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing polynomials. I was also supposed to do a french quiz, but it just didn't happen. Oh well, the stuff we were to do wasn't that hard. It's just some vocab. Socials debate went kinda eh... I don't think our side won, but at least it was fun. Kinda. Except it seemed that every time I tried to talk near the end, I always got cut off. Pretty saddening.

In appskills, we sang again. Needed water. So next time, I'm bringing water. It's better for the throat anyways. Actually, I'm drinking water right now. We sang a lot better than last time. Practice makes perfect.

This morning, when I was sleeping, I had this nightmare and when I woke up, I was really tired. It seemed that the dream/nightmare took some of my energy so when I woke up, I was sleepy all over again. And the thing is, the dream was pretty vivid. And I still remember most of since I had the dream right before I got woken up. At first, the dream/nightmare was really sweet. But it slowly grew really bad.

Tomorrow is gonna be so busy! I don't even know if I'll have time to blog, so I'm gonna make this a blog for yesterday, today and tomorrow. Although if you think about it, tomorrow never will come because tomorrow is tomorrow. Pretty cool and weird how that works.

Oh yeah, so how tomorrow is gonna be busy: After school, at 4:30, I have this Pre- IB thing and then after that, I'm going over to Rachel's house to work on a science poster.

To Infinity and Beyond!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Blog Term3 Day34

Church this morning. Then went for lunch at this Vietnamese restaurant some place far far away. Then came home where I'm typing right now. Tomorrow, I'm going over to both Winnie AND Rachel's house. Going over to Winnie's to work on socials debate. And going over to Rachel's to work on a science project. Joy oh joy. Don't you just love homework and projects? Especially over a long weekend? When I was hoping to relax the whole time? And judging by the look of things, the whole Monday is going to be dedicated to homework and projects. Thats a whole day gone! And not for fun either. Actually, it's not that big a deal but I feel like complaining so thats what I'm gonna do.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Blog Term3 Day33

Last night, I couldn't fall asleep until 1. Or something like that. Well, heres the reason. From 9-10 last night, Man vs. Wild was on discovery, so my dad, brother and I watched that. Then afterwards, my brother and I fell asleep and when I finally woke up, it was 11... And as you know, after one takes a nap, one is usually pretty awake. So I spent the next hour after that cleaning my room and then washing up. Then, I read some Lord of the Rings and then turned out the lights. And I couldn't go to sleep. So I just lay there. Listening to the radio until finally, I turned it off and then I guess I drifted off to sleep. Now, I feel really weird. I feel like I want to sleep, go biking, do my homework but mostly sleep. Ew. I really hate this feeling.

Friday, April 2, 2010

blog term3 day32

8 x 4 = 32

thats the very first thing i think about when i see 32. and since today is day 32. then 32 it is. this weekend, my main focus is: sleeping, having fun, relaxing and sleeping. oh and i have homework to do. so that is a major BLAH! 2 projects: socials and science and homework from 2 subjects: math et francais. so yeah.... this morning i had piano lessons and i bumped into a friend from school! i didn't know she has the same piano teacher as me! that's pretty cool. then, we went back home for a bit to drop off our stuff. then went for lunch. after lunch, my family and i walked around a supermarket for a bit and then came back. so here i am, typing my blog. tonight, we're going out for dinner so yeah... i was thinking of doing my math and french homework right now, but then i realized something: i'm sleepy. so instead, i'm gonna sleep. because i want to. i guess homework will have to be prosponed till later.

wow, the wind is REALLY crazy today. it's so intense it's making the tree leaves and branches go wild. pretty neat. plus when we were outside, we could feel how crazy the wind was.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Blog Term3 Day31

OUCH! stupid mosquito bite. it's on my arm and i just squished it!!!!!!!!!! ARRGG! anyways, i'm really glad it's the long weekend. listening to Tied Together with a Smile by Taylor Swift. Some people think Taylor Swift stinks. But I love her. it's all about perspective. Plus this song is beautiful. the tune, her voice, the lyrics, the story! BEAUTIFUL! the song makes me really sad. time seems to slip by so fast, and before i know it, the grade 9 year will be over and i don't think i'll ever be in a class as great as the synergies. feel so sad... and the song's not helping either... so sad... today i had the best english class ever. for most of the time, we did this skit. and if you know me, you know i absolutely LOVE acting. thats one of things i take pride in. i may not be an amazing musician, but at least i still have theatre. speaking of drama, we've just started monologues. mine is pretty funny, actually. it's about COOKIES! hahahahahahahahaha! have an amazing long easter weekend

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Blog Term3 Day30

today's appskills class was interesting and FUN! we went to the band room and we learned our buskerfest songs. it was really fun, actually. in elementary, i was in choir and i haven't really sung in a group in a really really long time. so it was a fun reminder of my elementary years.

listening to had a bad day by daniel powter. love that song.

stupid mosquito bite!!!!!!!! those things are soooo annoying!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Blog Term3 Day29

I have a mosquito bite on my arm. and i still thought mosquitoes weren't out yet!!!!!!!!! you know what this makes me wanna do? Yep, thats right, make a list of the most annoying things ever! wait... actually, i'm not feeling too annoyed so the list is pretty short. but don't worry i'll work on this list.

  • mosquito bites (just cuz i have one right now)
  • bad service at a restaurant
  • WET SOCKS! (i'm pretty sure we've all been there)
  • annoying siblings (yeah, thats a pretty common one no kidding)
  • people cutting lines (ahhhhhh!)

Monday, March 29, 2010

Blog Term3 Day28

right now, i'm eating a crumpet with french onion soup. interesting combination. which technically, i shouldn't be doing. not the eating. but the eating and going on the computer. but tough beans because im in a rush. my goal for the night is to sleep at latest 10:45pm tonight. note i said 10:45 as LASTEST. thats because i'm planning on sleeping at 10:30. but you never know. thats why i have that extra 45 minutes. i'm also supposed to be showering right now, but instead as you can tell, i'm not. oh well. i guess that means i have to shower real quick in t-minus 5 minutes. that'll give me time to finish this blog, turn off the laptop and get into the shower. no more details.

oh yeah, heres a tip from me to you. superstore's original crumpets are better than safeway's buttermilk crumpets. it just might be the buttermilk, but i find that superstore's crumpets are lighter, fluffier and the taste is even yummier. but like i stated 8.95 seconds ago, it just might be the buttermilk. yeah. this blog is actually pretty rushed. if you know what i mean. because i'm in a rush. and i'm planning on not looking at the computer screen for the rest of the evening. unless i have a sudden project that requires the usage of the computer. trying to protect my eyes. this letter came in from the eye examination place, and i think my eyesight has gotten worse than before... which is pretty bad. becuase i love my eyes. and glasses are not my thing.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Blog Term3 Day27

I love The Fellowship of the Ring it's taking me foooorever to read because I can only read a little bit each day (thanks to homework) but I still loooove it. The story is amazing, the characters are all unique and even though it's kinda boring, it's definitely worth reading. Actually, I watched the movie last year before ever reading the book. So I have an idea of what happens. And if I remember correctly, the movie was really good. We watched it last year in some socials classes but mostly during lunch time. It was AWESOME! My favourite character is Aragorn and of course, Gandalf. And always Pippin. Just because he's so... Pippin-y. I'm still on the first book. But soon, I'll be hunting down the next one.

I always thought there were 4 books in the series... But apparently there are only 3? Not too sure... But it seems like it's a trilogy. Kinda like Star Wars. (I know, totally unrelated). But now I've got the Star Wars theme song in my head. We're watching Star Wars in drama. Pretty fun. Anyyyways, yeah... I <3 Lord of the Rings. (Not the real guy though... because he's the freaky bad guy, Sauron.)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Blog Term3 Day26

Wavin' Flag Lyrics

when i get older/i will be stronger/ they'll call me freedom/ just like a wavin flag/ when i get older/ i will bestronger they'll call me freedom just/like a waving flag/and then it goes back (3x)/ahhho ahhho ahhho/born to a throne/stronger than rome/but violent prone/poor people zone/but its my home/all i have known/where i got grown/streets we would roam/out of the darkness/i came the farthest/among the hardest survive/learn form these streets/it can be bleak/accept no defeat/surrender retreat/(so we struggling)/fighting to eat/(and we wondering)/when we will be free/so we patiently wait/for that faithful day/its not far away/but for now we say/when i get older i will be stronger/ they'll call me freedom just/like a waving flag/and then it goes back (3x)/ ahhho ahhho ahhho/ so many wars settling scores/bring us promises leaving us poor/i heard them say love is the way/love is the answer thats what they say/but look how they treat us/make us believers we fight their battes then they deceive us/try to control us they couldn't hold us/cause we just move forward/like buffalo soldiers/ (but we strugglin)/fighting to eat/ (and we wondering)/when we will be free/so we patiently wait/for that faithfully day/its not far away/but for now we say/when i get older i will be/stronger they'll call me freedom just/like a waving flag/and then it goes back (3x)/and then it goes when i get older i will be/stronger they'll call me freedom just/like a wavin flag/and then it goes back (3x)/ahhhooo ahhhoooo ahhhooo/and everybody will be singing it/and you and i will be singing it/and we all will be singing it/wo wah wo ah wo ah/when i get older i will be/stronger they'll call me freedom just like a wavin flag/and then it goes back (3x)/and then it goes when i get older i will be/stronger they'll call me freedom just/like a wavin flag/and then it goes back (3x)/a oh a oh a oh/when i get older/when i get older/i will be stronger just like a wavin flag (3x)/flag flag/just like a wavin flag


Friday, March 26, 2010

Blog Term3 Day25

LOve listening to music. Right now, it's Wavin Flag again. Just because I need to learn the lyrics and the tune. Once I've heard it enough, I can start singing it. And then, I'm gonna try some harmony. So when we perform it, it'll sound really good. I also have to look for the sheet music. Sheet music always helps with the singing part. I was just looking at the lyrics and I really LOVE the verses. They are so meaningful. And the chorus is really catchy. I've definitely heard this song before, but I'm not that well acquainted with it, so I'm learning it. And I bet this song will become another shower song. THats what I call all the songs I sing in the shower. Pretty catchy.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Blog Term3 Day24

Just came back from dinner. Went out. And on the car ride back, I was soooo sleepy. And I was also pretty sleepy 30 seconds ago. Then suddenly, I'm really awake. Weird... Tomorrow is going to be a fun day. P.E, I have really high expectations because firstly, I love P.E and also because both classes are combined into one. Drama- I hope we finish watching Star Wars. Just because I love Star Wars. Science and english will be sciencey and englishy. But honestly, what makes those classes fun are the fact they're synergy classes. And I love my synergy friends.

Listening to Wavin' Flag by K'naan because thats my Buskerfest song. Last year, I sang too. With my friend Krishtha. This year, I'm singing with Krishtha but also with Carmen. This is gonna be fun. Because we all love singing. And we're also hoping to get the music component down too. Maybe Rachel can play violin and Shania can play piano? We dunno the details yet, but we're working it out. I can't wait! Mostly because I love singing.

Plus something I'll always remember from last year was how nice and supportive the audience was.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Blog Term3 Day23

So proud of myself. Usually, before dinner, I waste all my time doing... I don't even know what I do. But I just seem to waste all my time. Wait... I also blog. But guess what I was doing right before blogging? I was doing French homework! Is that amazing or what? Actually, I'm planning on finishing english and math homework too. Well, math is an iffy because that usually takes a bit of time and dinner's at 7. But I'm definetly planning on finishing my English questions. Is that worth a pat on the back or what? My main reason for this is because I have 2 really major tests tomorrow. One for French. The other for math. And they're both chapter tests.

Francais: passe compose et les sports
Mathematics: solving linear equations and stuff (the whole darn chapter!!!!!!) although i think it should be fine because i understood everything in this chapter... i just hope i don't run out of time.

listening to music again. this time, it's the Veronicas.

good luck to me for those 2 tests!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Blog Term3 Day21/22

Listening to Tailor Made by Colbie Caillat. I just love this song. In fact, I love all the songs in her album Coco. All the songs soothe me. They're the kind of song I love to listen to when I'm feeling calm or want to feel calm. Plus her voice totally relaxes me. We were/are learning about music in appskills, and even though the video we watched was kinda boring at times, I still learned a lot. Now listening to Hello Brooklyn by All Time Low. Really upbeat, one of those "sing with me" songs. OMGosh, I just LOVE the ending of that song. Now listening to All Star by Smash Mouth. Love one of the lines in this song becuase it's so true. "Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb." Isn't that an awesome line? Becuase thats exactly whats happening to people these days. Now it's Singin in the Rain which is another song I adore. I love all those old musicals. They are totally precious! And the coolest thing is- all these songs are so different and each provoke a different emotion within me. AWESOME STUFF!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Blog Term3 Day20 Superblog24

As you can tell from the pics, for lunch, we had burgers! They were really good. I think one of the best I've ever eaten. First of all, when it's not fast food, the taste is totally different. And with all the fresh toppings, it's even yummier. Plus it's actually a lot cheaper even though it takes more time to prep. Toppings included: romane lettuce, tomates, sauteed onions, sauteed mushrooms and havarti cheese. Patties were from M&M's Meat Store and buns were from Superstore.

Hmm, since I think mom still has the reciepts, I'm gonna price-ify all the items. Except maybe the mushrooms because they came in one of those pre-packaged-packages. And we didn't use ALL off them cuz there were a lot... Oh yeah, and the 2 onions... we don't know how much those cost but mom estimates under $0.50. For 2.

Buns (pack of 8): $2.97
Romane Hearts (pack of 3): $2.98
Roma Tomatoes (4): $1.00
Onions (2): ~$0.50
Havarti Cheese (15 slices aka 500g): $6.00; on sale
Mushrooms (didn't count): ~$1.00
Ketchup (how much we used): ~$0.25
Mayonaise (how much we used): ~$0.25
Margarine (how much we used): ~$0.10
Patties (they're called Bear Paws, purchased from M&M's Meat Store as stated above; pack of 6): ~$10.00

Okay, thats how much it costed for the food. NOT INCLUDING the manpower.
NOTE: ~ that means that I don't know and I'm estimating, becuase I do NOT know the exact amount of ketchup and mayonaise we used.... along with anything else that has a ~ in front of the price.

Of course, we didn't use ALL the buns, romane lettuce or harvati cheese slices, so when I do the grand total, I will minus out the foods we didn't use to prepare this meal.

Buns (actual price with the actual amount we consumed, 5): $1.86
Romane Hearts (1): $0.99
Havarti Cheese Slices (5): $2.00
And now, THE FINAL COST OF PREPARING 5 BURGERS: (drumroll please)


That's not bad, not bad at all. Approx $17.95 for 5 people is really good. It's a lot healthier than eating at a restaurant becuase one actually controls what goes into the burger, and all the toppings are guaranteed fresh (since we prepared them ourselves), it's a pretty fun activity, and in the end, everyone's happy. Oh yeah. And no tips necessary. Unless it's for me... then thats a different story. Just kidding.

Nice calculating! Blog soon!
(Actually, I was planning on saying something like, "This is probably the last blog you'll ever see from me with MATH in it." But then I decided against it, and typed it out like this. That way, you'll still see what I was originally gonna say, but it'll be written ((typed)) in a way that looks like I'm not saying it at all, even though I am.)

Friday, March 19, 2010

Blog Term3 Day19

You know what? Today was a perfect biking day. It was sunny but not hot, windy by not chilling and the skies were totally cloudless. But guess what. I didn't go. Reason: all my friends either had lessons or something else. So annoying and BLAH! I haven't been biking in the longest time. Long enough that when I finally ride that bike, my legs and bum would be sore afterwards. For like... a day. I miss being active. Riding my bike, playing field hockey, playing badminton, jogging around Langara. Those are a few of my favourite things to do. And it's been a while since I've done any of that stuff. Main reason: Either I'm not allowed to do that by myself or I can't really do it at all. I mean, it's pretty impossible to play badminton or field hockey by oneself...

So instead, I am forced to become a couch potato. Which it's fully bad since I watched Up in the Air which in my opinion was pretty good. Not like "OMG amazing" like Avatar was really close to being. But more like "Nice" both in the acting and then story line. I would give it a rating of 3.5 out of 5.

Well, besides the whole bummer with the biking, today was a pretty awesome day. The fact that it was a short friday and it was such an amazingly SUNNY day helped too. Plus walking home was FUN.

Have a beautiful weekend!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Blog Term3 Day18

brain seems to be switched off... guess no creative juices are... juicing? (is that a verb?)

SQUIRREL! (hahah just like in UP)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Blog Term3 Day17

It is such a beautiful spring day.
Nothing can make me happier than the beautiful weather.
Days like these really lift my spirits.
I feel so carefree and happy!
(Well- more carefree if I didn't have math homework...)
But still, it's absolutely beautiful!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Blog Term3 Day16

Guess what!? The weather is really cool right now! It's cloudy above, but still sunny. The sun comes from a really slanted angle. It's almost sunset. So the sun's rays are shooting sideways and the tress and houses are luminated. But from above, it's not sunny... It's cloudy. The wind seems to be blowing pretty hard too... All the cherry blossom petals are falling from the trees. It's a really beautiful sight. Actually, if I had the ability, I would freeze time right now. It's really bizarre weather... Because of the time change, the sun seems to set a lot later... Which makes me a happy person because if there is anything I like about the seasons, it's the sun still up during the night time. My favourite part about summer (besides no school) is the fact the sun is always up way after dinner. And that leaves lots of time for my brother and me to play badminton, bike etc. I can't wait until summer!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Blog Term3 Day15

Je suis tres fatigue. En anglais: I am very tired. And I'm blaming that on the time change. Because that means I got an hour less sleep. Which is pretty bad since I only got around 7 hours in the first place. So tonight, I'm planning on sleeping at latest 11. Today, I was so tired. Especially the morning since I'm so used to sleeping in. Ugggg, this always happens after spring break, winter break and summer break. And any other break. Long weekends too... However right now, I just want to sleep. Oh, and read Lord of the Rings numero uno. Actually, I gotta finish up some math I was doing before dinner. Don't you just hate it when you're working on something before dinner. And you're on a roll and everything. But then you have to stop because it's dinner. And after dinner, you just don't want to work on it anymore... Well, thats kinda whats happening now. But I really want to get back to Lord of the Rings so thats my motivator for finishing up my math. Then I can read! No... wait... I have English homework to complete. ARG!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Blog Term3 Day14 Superblog23

Guess where I went today? My mom, brother and I woke up early (kinda) to go and line up to see the Royal Canadian Mint exhibit. It was pretty intense. The day before, we went and from where we lined up, it was going to take about 4 hours, so we left the line. And this morning, we went to check it out. We got there at around 9:45am. And thought the library was gonna open at 10am. But becuase it's a Sunday, it opened at 12. In other words, the exhibit wasn't going to open it's doors until 12 too. So we lined up. Outside at first, and then they let us into that area inside. You know, the one with the glass roof (we're talking about Central here). And then from there, we waited... and waited. My brother brought his DS and my mum and I brought books to read. But in the end, I didn't get to read much. Mostly because I was super duper tired. Anyways, I won't bore you with details, and skip right to the meat of the story.

So finally, after about a 2 and a half hour wait, we got in. That wasn't too bad considering the fact most people waited longer to get in. We heard from the workers there some people actually waited 5 hours to get in. And when we did finally get in, all the people were like, "Thanks for waiting." and all that. It was pretty cool. So of course, we got to touch the medals, see the making process etc. But not without these white gloves that we got to keep. (Actually, I took some really good pics on my phone. The pics taken with the camera don't show the rest of the exhibit, only the medals... But oh well.)

Blog Term3 Day11 Part II

Here are the pictures as promised! (Part II to my Term3 Day11 blog as stated in the title). Most of these pics were taken at the Northern House, but some- like the first two were taken from inside the streetcar that ran from the Olympic Village to Granville Island. I really like the streetcar, its really nice both inside and out. The last few pics were just ones of downtown. Location: Central branch library. Anyways, enjoy!