Thursday, June 10, 2010

Blog Term3 Day100/101

Yeah, so these are the pictures of my toques before I went out to donate them on Wednesday. I made 5 toques in total, and I put my love into all of them. And they are all really nice. I would actually wear them.
In my care package that went inside my toques I put in:
  • a pack of Ritz crackers
  • juice! (which I later took out, so I guess it isn't really a member of this list. I really wanted to keep it in, but 6 juices is surpisingly heavy to carry around)
  • a pack of tissues
  • Champion socks (I got these with the homeless people in mind because I know that Vancouver = rainy and wet socks are not fun. Info courtesy of playing soccer in the rain in P.E.)

Originally, I was just gonna put everything in the toque and give them away. But then it looked like it was going to rain, so I put everything into bags. And then when we actually went, IT DIDN'T RAIN! Which is both good and bad. Good: Didn't get wet. Bad: All that prep for nothing!

Anyways, it was pretty fun. At first, Shania, Rachel and I were pretty freaked out because there were big mobs of homeless people hanging around chinatown/east hastings/downtown. We went with Rachel's aunt who was super duper awesome. Because without her, we all would have been even more freaked out. So a thousand hugs to her.

Some people were really nice, others were quite scary and mean. We found out that for some reason, the homeless people were usually the ones refusing. Well, I guess I can't really say that. Let's just put it this way, some homeless people like them and others didn't.

It was the Chinese grandmas that were the grateful ones. Pretty cool stuff. The first one that we came across was soooooo nice. And that's how it all started. Up till then, we were targeting the homeless people. But this old lady was really sweet.

So yeah, that was how our little adventure went. We went to Chinatown and walked around a bit. Rachel's aunt took the pics, and I don't know if someone's already posted them up on their blog, so I won't put them up on mine. Just in case there's repeats. But yeah, overall it was a fun and inspirational trip.

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