Sunday, July 26, 2009

Blog Summer12

Okay, so last night there was really weird weather. But it seems as if today is totally normal again! It's currently 26 degrees, which to me is already pretty hot, but compared to next week, this should be nothing! On the news forecast, it said that next week is gonna be smoking hot! That's unfortunate because I prefer freezing cold temperatures over super hot ones. Personally, I think I'm a winter person. Enough about the weather!

Today, I woke up at around 6:45am so that I could with my parents to wash my mom's car. I know it sounds totally weird, but I love washing cars. In fact, some day my fantasy job would be opening a car wash place with my brother. Well, kinda. So anyways, we had to wake up super duper early to wash my mom's car. And after that, we had breakfast/lunch. (It was only around 9:00am) but it felt like lunch to me! I had scrambled eggs with toast and ham. Yum! I love those breakfasts. They are always so yummy and they always fill me up.

After that, we came home and I took a nap for about an hour because I can't stand sleeping for so little especially during the summer. And then my mom, brother and I went out to Richmond for some late lunch at around 2:00pm and then we did a little grocery shopping and came home. That was when we all watched Gran Torino. In the beginning, I was somewhat skeptical, but after watching it, I must admit I was soooo wrong! Not only was that movie really good, but it was touching and the whole thing was amazing. The story behind it was really clear and although one might say the lesson is sappy and stupid, this movie played it out nicely and very realistically.

My random thought/statement of the day: Dang it, I was supposed to have played a lot of piano today, but I haven't even started yet! Better get a move on!


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