Sunday, February 14, 2010

Blog Term2 Day77 TRIUMF

I was looking back at the blogs I did within the week, and I realized I didn't even blog about going to TRIUMF! I would post pictures of TRIUMF on this blog, but I left the camera at home that morning. So darn. I was out in such a rush I left the camera on top of the dryer! But it's cool because I took some pics on my phone. It was really really fun at UBC. We took public transit which is always fun. And we were there about an hour early, so we got to walk around the UBC farm. It was actually really cool. I got to see brussel sprouts growing!!!!! And they look so cool. They kinda grow off a stick. I took a picture of the brussel sprouts and showed my brother. His reaction was just like mine, "Cool!" We got to see the chicken coop. But no chickens.... :(

At around 1:50, we make our way back to TRIUMF. Some people were kinda late, so we had to wait. When we got in, we got a brief lecture about TRIUMF in the lecture hall. Then, the tour started. IT WAS SO COOL! It looked exactly the way I expected. High-tech. HUGE containers of liquid nitrogen, lotsa wires everywhere, switchboards with lights on, more wires, large metal contrations, and in general, very sciency. After a brief tour, we went back to the lecture hall and then took the bus back to Heather street. All in all, it was a fun experience. Plus I got to take the Canada Line back home! Fun! And lemme say there were A LOT of people. Then again, it was rush hour. But seriously, A LOT of people.

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