Friday, February 26, 2010

Blog Term2 Day90/91

Right now, I'm watching men's biathalon. You know what I can't believe? How fast time goes. It seems like last Friday was just a few minutes ago. Which is really weird. I find that my life is a continuous cycle. Ruled by the weekdays and weekend. Weekdays mean late night sleeps, talking and walking home with friends, while weekends mean catching up with homework, late night sleeps and church.

Actually, I really really wanted to sign up for Hawks this year. The Vancouver Hawks are an extracurricular field hockey league. Unfortunatley, the website is extremely vague about what time practices and games are, and with my already busy schedule, I don't know if I can fit it all in. But if I definetly knew the time, then I could probably work it out. Unfortunately, I have no idea. So thats just great. Just talking about this makes me sad/mad. I really wanted to join Hawks this year.

To be honest, I'm not very fond of Fridays. To me, Friday's are boring, messed up, sad and sleepy. Not a good combo.

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