Thursday, May 13, 2010

Blog Term3 Day73

Today, our group finally performed the scene from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. And not to be braggy or anything, but personally, I think our group was the best. We did it the traditional way. We didn't add any modern twists and something that I noticed- we always faced the front. We performed on the second day, so we had time to analyze the groups from the first day. Anyways, in theatre, one of the number one things besides projecting your voice and making your actions obvious is you always have to face the audience. There is no greater way to ruin a good scene than to have your back facing the audience so nobody can see your face. We also made a beautiful backdrop that I absolutely adore. Another thing we did was we talked at a good pace and didn't rush. I noticed some people rushed their lines because they were nervous. But we didn't do that. And that makes me super duper proud. Okay, enough about our group, now onto the other groups.

I LOVED all the other groups. They were all amazing. Lots of the groups had fabulous props and costumes. I kinda wished we could have done the huge production the grade 9s did last year. As a Synergy class, it would have been awesome since we're all so tight with each other. LOVELOVELOVE theatre and acting! <3

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