Sunday, May 30, 2010

Blog Term3 Day90 Version I

I've been wanting to go to Pacific Centre for a while now. And guess what? Today I went! Not. Yeah, you're probably like, "Huh?" And that's good. Actually no, it really isn't. Being confused means your brain doesn't have the capacity to understand. No, I'm just kidding. Confused is okay. Hahahaha, now I'm just rambling on and on. And now, I bet you're like, "What the heck, what kinda blog is this." And I'll be like,"Uh... duh, my blog, only I would do something as pointless as this." And then you'd be like,"WTF" (if you were that kinda person. I'm not. But other people that aren't me are...)

So anyways, what did you learn today? You learned that I could blog about nothing in particular. You also learned that I wanted to go to Pacific Centre. If you thought of those 2 things, then I believe you get an A for this course. Congrats.... and (wait for it) a Round of Applause for You!

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