Monday, March 15, 2010

Blog Term3 Day15

Je suis tres fatigue. En anglais: I am very tired. And I'm blaming that on the time change. Because that means I got an hour less sleep. Which is pretty bad since I only got around 7 hours in the first place. So tonight, I'm planning on sleeping at latest 11. Today, I was so tired. Especially the morning since I'm so used to sleeping in. Ugggg, this always happens after spring break, winter break and summer break. And any other break. Long weekends too... However right now, I just want to sleep. Oh, and read Lord of the Rings numero uno. Actually, I gotta finish up some math I was doing before dinner. Don't you just hate it when you're working on something before dinner. And you're on a roll and everything. But then you have to stop because it's dinner. And after dinner, you just don't want to work on it anymore... Well, thats kinda whats happening now. But I really want to get back to Lord of the Rings so thats my motivator for finishing up my math. Then I can read! No... wait... I have English homework to complete. ARG!

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