Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Blog Term3 Day8/9

I was gonna blog yesterday, but it was kinda a boring day so I'm just gonna blog for both days. Yesterday, I finished all my science homework (if the only homework were those 6 double sided worksheets). I don't think we had to do notes and cyu. Well, I hope not because each section is LOOOOONG. Anyways, I really dislike doing the notes and cyu, so I'm glad we only have worksheets. That made my Spring break that much better.

Unfortunately, I still have math homework to do. And English. And socials. But I can't really blame anything on socials since our socials teacher gave us the assignment a month ago. And it's not really a biggy either. Just some researching. Unfortunately, I'm not fond of doing research on the computer (plus it damages my eyes). I went to the library several times, but the only books on Emily Murphy (the person I'm gonna do my reseach on) are all at Central. So sometimes over Spring break, I'm gonna take a visit downtown to Central. Plus I really like Central branch. It's just so BIG and there are soooooooooo many books! It's amazing!

Eh, but now I have to do English. In other words, I have to find a poem, analyze it, send it to a friend, anaylze my friend's poem. And then do a write-up about my friend's analysis. Yep. Fun...

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