Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Blog Term3 Day16

Guess what!? The weather is really cool right now! It's cloudy above, but still sunny. The sun comes from a really slanted angle. It's almost sunset. So the sun's rays are shooting sideways and the tress and houses are luminated. But from above, it's not sunny... It's cloudy. The wind seems to be blowing pretty hard too... All the cherry blossom petals are falling from the trees. It's a really beautiful sight. Actually, if I had the ability, I would freeze time right now. It's really bizarre weather... Because of the time change, the sun seems to set a lot later... Which makes me a happy person because if there is anything I like about the seasons, it's the sun still up during the night time. My favourite part about summer (besides no school) is the fact the sun is always up way after dinner. And that leaves lots of time for my brother and me to play badminton, bike etc. I can't wait until summer!

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