Thursday, January 14, 2010

Blog Term2 Day47

Today was a bland day. Only thing different from normal, is after school I helped out with the new Synergy testing. The test was an hour long, and between that hour, we walked around, answering people's questions if they had any, making sure none of them cheated etc. What made it fun were having friends there too. Otherwise, it might have been quite bland. I find that I'm using the word bland a lot. That's never good. That means I need more spices. So all the classes were normal, nothing spectacular about any of them. Helping out with the test was actually quite fun. But now, I am really quite tired. And I still haven't finished my Pre- IB application essay. No good juices. I think it's because I've been on shortage of sleep. For the past week, I've only been getting 7 hours of sleep per night. That 2 hours shy of what I should be getting. Must sleep early, then maybe my good writing skills will come back. I blame everything on lack of sleep, might actually be the real culprit, so I guess it's not blame.

My random thinkings of the dayings: I love kettle korn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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