Monday, January 25, 2010

Blog Term2 Day58

Gymnastics was AWESOME today!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, it's always fun, but today I did a lotta stuff. Practicing really helps too because now, I can do most of the things. It's amazing, when I first started, I was scared of the rings. But then, when I actually tried doing the different moves, I did some. And I was so proud of myself. Most of the time, it's just the notation of doing that first move, or overcoming your fears on that first bit. After that, it's easier because you know you did it before, and it was successful and not as hard as it seemed. That's exactly what happened between me and the rings. When I first saw the rings, I was freaked out. But now, it's my favourite apparatus. I just love the rings. I love the parallel bars, uneven bars and balance beam too, but the rings are more of an adventure. Besides the uneven bars. I love the uneven bars! :)

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