Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Blog Term2 Day53

Half asleep. That is never good. I think tonight, I might just sacrifice my science homework completionness for a good night's sleep. The IB entry tests were today, and I've gotta say, it was brain draining. Okay, it wasn't that bad, but it was still 2 hours and a half, so that was no walk in the park either. The test consisted of 3 components: math, comprehension aka English and critical thinking. But I bet you have heard a lot about the IB test, so I guess there isn't much more to add. But I did like how they gave us a 15 minute break halfway-ish through the test. That was good, because I got a chance to stretch, talk to friends and get a drink of water.

Random: Throat hurts, time to get some peach yogurt.

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