Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Alrighty- the plane ride wasn't awesome. But then again, what do you expect right? Everyone knows that plane rides are the most amazing forms of comfort. It wasn't awful though. I'm a pretty optimistic person when it comes to planes because I love airports and traveling, and that means long car rides, boats and planes. So naturally, I like the whole package. I love traveling. It's one of my favourite things in the world. It truly is- always fun. And I've been fortunate enough to travel a bit.

My family and I booked a flight on Japan Airlines, so we got to stop at Japan. Anyways, we went to the airport early-ish in the morning, got on the plane before noon and took off. Then, because of the different time zones, we ended up in Japan around afternoon. The airplane food tasted like... airplane food. Wonderful description huh? Then, we stayed at the airport for several hours before boarding another JAL flight to HK. By the time we got to HK, it was 11pm. And by the time I slept, it was 3am. You know what this means? Jet lag.

To be continued...

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