Monday, September 21, 2009

Blog Term1 Day13

We had practice today and I had to leave early because I had a dentist appointment. That is my blog for tonight. Thank you very much, have a good night. Just kidding! I never blog so little cuz that wouldn't really be a blog (in my opinion). Okay, now on with the actual "meat" to the blog... or veggie if you prefer! ;) So yeah, we had practice today because tomorrow, we have a game at Livingston. But I had to leave early because I had a dentist appointment. And like most people, I'm not too fond of dentist appointments. So that was really sad. I was really really excited to try out my new stick, and I'm glad to say I really love my new stick. My friends also really liked my stick, so I am really happy. Not because I only care about other people's opinions, but often times, it's good to have other people's say about things like this. That way you know the investment is worth it. I also found that my stick is very powerful. It's really good for hits, and although it's not as strong as composite, it seems very strong and powerful, which is good when it comes to field hockey sticks. I just realized that the last few blogs have been about field hockey, but then again, that's the sport I'm doing right now, and it also happens to be one of my favourite sports and I am super duper grateful that we have a field hockey team.

My random thought/statement of the day: We got our jerseys today, and this time we didn't use the same ones we had last year. Instead, we got the seniors old ones because they got new ones! That's good for us because our shirts were not that great but the skirts were okay. A little plain, but still pretty good. The socks were still the same, and now I have my own stick and ball! Yay me!


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