Saturday, September 12, 2009

Blog Term1 Day4

So as you can see, my first superblog is about my trip to the Vancouver Aquarium. Ever since I was very young, I started to go the Vancouver Aquarium. I think the very first time I went, my mom, dad, brother and I all went as a family trip. I had so much fun then, that I asked my mom if we could go more often. The Vancouver Aquarium is not exactly close to where we live, so we weren't able to go as much as I liked, but still, it was super duper fun when we did get to go.
I also went to the Aquarium as a field trip in elementary school several times, whenever we studied marine biology, so that was totally awesome. The picture on the top there is a Sailfin Snapper. The Sailfin Snapper is such an interesting and exotic fish, and in once upon a time, I did a ppt about it. Come to think about it, the last time I went to the Aquarium was in grade 6, also the year I did my presentation on the Sailfin Snapper. So as you can imagine, quite a long time ago. The Aquarium seemed more magical and amazing as a child, so although I still love it, it's just not the same as going as a child. On this one particular trip, we were able to go inside the Aquarium, but also outside, where the beach was. And that's what made this trip so special. It was the very first time I went to the Vancouver Aquarium's beach. And it sure was a lovely day! It was low tide then, so we got to see all sorts of life under the rocks, on top of the rocks and just everywhere around it. I really had a lot of fun that time, and I hope to go there again sometime soon.
My random thought/statement of the day: I love grapefruit juice, it's one of my favourite flavours!

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