Friday, February 20, 2009

Blog Term2 Day91

I got my top braces today! They feel a little weird, but other than that, everything seems good! I already had my bottom braces on for about a month, so now, I finally got the top ones. The dentist says I have to wear it for a year. I would have had to wear for a longer period, but I had to wear a retainer for a year before, so I also don't have to pull out any teeth. Yay! I don't like going to the dentist office! I just don't. Even the cleaning is a bugger. I hate gurgling the fluoride. And I can't even rinse out the taste with water afterwards. So that makes the situation even worse. But other than that, I guess it's okay.

My random thought/statement of the day: Do you know that place called Booster Juice? I haven't actually tried any of their juices, but I get a discount on it because I have a SPC card. When I went on their web, and checked out their drinks, it looked pretty good. There is a location at Metropolis at Metrotown, so I might check it out.


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