Monday, November 3, 2008

Blog Term1 Day60

HA, day 60!!!!!!!!!!! That is crazy-cool! My new teddy bear is right beside me as I write this, so that is kinda nice. Tuffy (my bear's name) is sooooooooo warm! We had our Applied Skills test today, and you know what? It wasn't hard, in fact, it was fun, I just wish we had more time. Some of the drawings, I had to rush on, making it not as pretty as I wanted. But at least we don't have to colour or fineline them. If we had to do that, I would soooooo fail! That was one of the funest test I have ever had. (Is funest a word, and if it isn't, it should be!) Well, today, I don't have that much homework, but I still have to play piano and study for Chinese, so actually, I DO have a lot to complete. Poor me! Oh well, that is just too bad, if I work faster and don't lag, I think I might be able to complete all my school homework by 8, which leaves me an hour for piano and finally an hour for Chinese. Then, I can sleep at 10:30? (I still have to pack for school and wash up). Hmmmmmmmm... this could work...

My random thought/statement of the day: Since I don't have have field hockey anymore, after school tomorrow, I could go visit my old grade 7 teacher...


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