Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Blog Term1 Day76

Today, was like a Friday day, it was so much fun! I was so glad to leave school 1 hour early! This week is actually kinda weird. Not only do we have a pro-d day, but we also have a shorter day! Yay! The only bad thing is, I can't get Onigiris on Friday... I love the school's Onigiris! They are so yummy! They are fairly big, so I think the maximum anyone could eat would be 2. I also really like the school's Onigiri poster, whoever drew it made it seem really cute! There are a lot of posters around the school, and I found out it is a really good way of advertising! They also had this poster about Gift Cards, and I think I might get 1 or 2. They truly are good gifts, and I am sure my mom and dad would like a Starbucks gift card. I mean, who wouldn't? Even if you didn't like coffee, they have frappachinos (drinks without caffeine, also the stuff I love to drink). I think I might also treat myself to a Garage gift card. Then, my Christmas shopping for my friends would be over! Wouldn't that be awesome? I think so!

My random thought/statement of the day: I love Science! It is my favourite subject ever, in elementary school, it wasn't as fun, but in high school, it's a blast! I want to become a semi-science geek...


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