Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Blog Term1 Day70

I am so glad that I have already finished all my science. Unfortunately, I still have to write and practice my oratorical speech. My topic is, Why field hockey should be more publicized. I love field hockey, and I've realized that I've never actually seen or heard about field hockey on T.V. In fact, if it wasn't for a friend I knew who played field hockey, and the fact the school has a field hockey team, I probably wouldn't have known it existed. I mean, how many people can look at a field hockey stick and actually know what it is? People might look at a basketball and know at once- that's a basketball, but I'm pretty sure not that many people would recognize a field hockey stick when they saw one.

My random thought/statement of the day: At this moment, I'm really really tired. I didn't get enough sleep last night, resulting in a very sleepy me.


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