Friday, November 27, 2009

Blog Term2 Day1?

Do you know what I've noticed? Because I type blogs every day, I've been getting very good at typing in general. Before, I was pretty slow, and I looked down at the keys a lot, but now I'm a lot better. Well, I can type a lot faster. I still make a lot of mistakes though. I find myself clicking the backspace button a lot. (At least once per sentence.) So I'm trying to lower that. But it's hard. If I really try to, I can type really fast, but those mistakes always slow me down. Oh well. Usually, I do my superblogs on either Friday or Saturday, but I think I'm gonna do my superblog tomorrow. Because right now, I've got to do science. And my appskills term 1 evaluation.

My random thought/statement of the day: Science!!!!!!!


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