Saturday, December 27, 2008

Blog Term2 Day36

Okay... so I didn't get to go shopping because of the snow... but I think we might be able to go today! I completed lots of homework yesterday, so at least I know that I'm not too behind. But it was agony to watch the news and every few minutes or so, the news reporters would say something about boxing day. The news also showed people lining up for hours just to buy something. So in other words, I spent yesterday doing homework when a whole bunch of people got first dibs on everything! How terribly sad! :( Some of my favourite stories had up to 70% off! But I highly doubt there would be much of anything left after boxing day. Even though my shopping experience was terrible so far, at least (and I am proud to say) I finished some of my homework. But even though I completed lots, I still have lots to go. I still need to study my Chinese, finish off my Power Point, and type out a couple things but it should be fine. I still have another week. I just wish that we could have more time! That would make life so much better! I also wish that Friday was a weekend day. So we only have to go to school for 4 days a week instead of 5. Now that would be the life! :) But then again, I don't think the school board people would allow that, so there is no use in dreaming.

My random thought/statement of the day: Did you get to go Boxing Day shopping?


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